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Last active February 25, 2022 09:16
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  • Save lgk-bsw/c229ce3f4fa4ca3dcf55132fc9f3f8c2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save lgk-bsw/c229ce3f4fa4ca3dcf55132fc9f3f8c2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Use this together with this browser extension (Chrome/Edge) and enable it for GitHub:
// The following code checks if your branch you want to merge, contains "lts-"
// and offers to set the correct base branch.
if (location.pathname.includes("/bruegmann/florence/compare/")) {
let params = location.pathname.split("/")
let compareBranchs = params[params.length - 1].split("...")
if ((compareBranchs.length === 1 && compareBranchs[0].startsWith("lts-")) || (compareBranchs[1].startsWith("lts-") && !compareBranchs[0].startsWith("lts-"))) {
// lts-* branch should not merged to master
console.log("Should redirect")
const secondBranch = compareBranchs.length === 1 ? compareBranchs[0] : compareBranchs[1]
const parts = secondBranch.split("-")
const baseBranch = `${parts[0]}-${parts[1]}`
compareBranchs = [baseBranch, secondBranch]
params[params.length - 1] = compareBranchs.join("...")
if (confirm(`Merge changes to ${baseBranch}?`)) {
location.pathname = params.join("/")
// The following code presents a button on the commit page of PRs to show you
// the commands for `git cherry-pick`
if (location.pathname.includes("/pull/") && location.pathname.includes("/commits")) {
const tabnav = document.querySelector(".tabnav")
if (tabnav) {
let div = document.createElement("div")
div.innerHTML = `<button class="btn mb-3" id="bsw-show-cherry-pick">Show cherry-pick commands</button>`
tabnav.parentNode.insertBefore(div, tabnav.nextSibling)
const btn = document.getElementById("bsw-show-cherry-pick")
btn.addEventListener("click", () => {
let queries = []
const rows = document.querySelectorAll(".TimelineItem-body .Box-row")
for (const r of rows) {
const label = r.querySelector(".Details .Link--primary")
const link = r.querySelector("a.BtnGroup-item")
const splitted = link.href.split("/")
queries.push(`${label.innerText}<br><code>git cherry-pick ${splitted[splitted.length - 1]}</code>`)
const start = '<label class="d-block px-3 py-2"><input type="checkbox" class="mr-1">'
document.querySelector(".pull-request-tab-content").innerHTML = start + queries.join('</label>' + start)
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