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Last active November 11, 2016 13:12
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sentiment time-series mouseover with top 3 topics
license: mit
time sentiment topics
0.050000000000000003 0.0058870557494586301 [1 2 3]
0.10000000000000001 -0.33347108477513487 [0 1 2]
0.14999999999999999 0.025406126841266623 [0 2 3]
0.20000000000000001 -0.12639670738183756 [0 1 3]
0.25 0.14591616122089601 [1 2 3]
0.29999999999999999 0.026446739525393344 [3 4 5]
0.34999999999999998 -0.036770970176370446 [2 3 4]
0.39999999999999997 -0.11253872200416092 [2 3 4]
0.44999999999999996 -0.07347167873214655 [0 1 2]
0.49999999999999994 -0.038324295869786154 [1 2 3]
0.54999999999999993 -0.062063532437040728 [0 1 2]
0.59999999999999998 -0.10914888183622309 [1 2 3]
0.65000000000000002 -0.10704310730357505 [3 4 6]
0.69999999999999996 -0.082435578508754159 [1 2 3]
0.75 -0.059812798725438279 [3 4 5]
0.79999999999999993 -0.05477781815132643 [0 1 2]
0.84999999999999998 -0.067515067291835651 [0 1 2]
0.90000000000000002 -0.06892188376035227 [0 1 2]
0.94999999999999996 -0.069458101573636855 [0 1 2]
1.0 -0.064073213752440336 [0 1 3]
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var margin = {top: 20, right: 50, bottom: 30, left: 50},
width = 960 - margin.left - margin.right,
height = 500 - - margin.bottom;
var bisecttime = d3.bisector(function(d) { return d.time; }).left,
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if (error) throw error;
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d.time = +d.time;
d.sentiment = +d.sentiment;
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return a.time - b.time;
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function mousemove() {
var x0 = x.invert(d3.mouse(this)[0]),
i = bisecttime(data, x0, 1),
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d = x0 - d0.time > d1.time - x0 ? d1 : d0;
focus.attr("transform", "translate(" + x(d.time) + "," + y(d.sentiment) + ")");"text").text("Sentiment Value: "
+ displayValue(d.sentiment)
+ "\n Topics: "
+ d.topics
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