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Forked from bruth/gist:2865951
Created December 6, 2012 23:48
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Backbone Sync Queue
# Override `Backbone.ajax` to queue all requests.
# Cache Backbone ajax function, by default, just $.ajax
_ajax = Backbone.ajax
# Override Backbone.ajax to queue all requests to prevent
# lost updates.
Backbone.ajax = (options) ->
@ajax.queue options
Backbone.ajax.pending = false
Backbone.ajax.requests = []
Backbone.ajax.requestNext = ->
if (args = @requests.shift())
[options, promise] = args
@request options, promise
@pending = false
Backbone.ajax.request = (_options, promise, trigger=true) ->
options = _.extend {}, _options
# Reference existing handlers
success = options.success
error = options.error
complete = options.complete
params =
complete: (xhr, status) =>
if status is 'timeout'
# If this does not pass, this is considered a failed request
return _ajax params
else if 200 <= xhr.status < 300
# In cases there was a `complete` handler defined
if complete then complete.apply @, arguments
if trigger then @requestNext()
# Last resort, ensure this is turned off
@pending = false
success: ->
if success then success.apply @, arguments
promise.resolveWith @, arguments
error: (xhr, status, err) ->
if status is 'timeout' and ATTEMPTS < MAX_ATTEMPTS
if error then error.apply @, arguments
promise.rejectWith @, arguments
params = _.extend options, params
# Add custom complete for handling retries for this particular
# request. This ensures the queue won't be handled out of order
_ajax params
# Each new request from the queue will reset the number of attempts
# that have been made.
Backbone.ajax.queue = (options) ->
type = (options.type or 'get').toLowerCase()
# Since requests are being queued, the `xhr` is not being created
# immediately and thus no way of adding deferred callbacks. This
# `promise` acts as a proxy for the request's `xhr` object.
promise = $.Deferred()
# For GET requests, the order is not terribly important.
# The `pending` flag is not since it does not deal with
# saving changes to the server.
if type is 'get'
@request options, promise, false
else if @pending
@requests.push [options, promise]
@pending = true
@request options, promise
return promise
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