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Last active November 30, 2020 13:33
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check ssl labs with python output junit
import sys
import time
import re
from ssllabsscanner import resultsFromCache,newScan
from junit_xml import TestSuite,TestCase
def passing_grade(grade):
if re.match("A", grade):
return True
return False
def scan_host(host):
start_time = time.clock()
grade = newScan(host)['endpoints'][0]['grade']
stop_time = time.clock()
return grade,(stop_time - start_time)*1000
def check_hosts_ssl(hosts):
test_cases = []
exit_code = 0
for host in hosts:
grade, time = scan_host(host)
tc = TestCase('Check A Plus', 'ssllabs.grade.' + host, time)
if not passing_grade(grade):
exit_code += 1
tc.add_failure_info('Got {} expected A+'.format(grade))
ts = TestSuite("SSLLabs Grade Hosts", test_cases)
def main():
hosts = sys.argv[1:]
#!/usr/bin/env python
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This file is from
import requests
import time
API = ""
def requestAPI(path, payload={}):
"""This is a helper method that takes the path to the relevant
API call and the user-defined payload and requests the
data/server test from Qualys SSL Labs.
Returns JSON formatted data"""
url = API + path
response = requests.get(url, params=payload)
except requests.exception.RequestException as e:
data = response.json()
return data
def resultsFromCache(host, publish = "off", startNew = "off", fromCache = "on", all = "done"):
path = "analyze"
payload = {'host': host, 'publish': publish, 'startNew': startNew, 'fromCache': fromCache, 'all': all}
data = requestAPI(path, payload)
return data
def newScan(host, publish = "off", startNew = "on", all = "done", ignoreMismatch = "on"):
path = "analyze"
payload = {'host': host, 'publish': publish, 'startNew': startNew, 'all': all, 'ignoreMismatch': ignoreMismatch}
results = requestAPI(path, payload)
while results['status'] != 'READY' and results['status'] != 'ERROR':
#print("Scan in progress, please wait for the results.")
results = requestAPI(path, payload)
return results
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