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Last active December 16, 2021 13:02
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Save lh3/9d6dcfc3436a735ef197 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Scripts and command lines to create universal mask for hs37d5
# generate 01compositional.bed.gz
# low-complexity by mDUST
mdust hs37d5.fa -c -w7 -v28 \
| hs37d5.mdust-w7-v28.txt \
| cut -f1,3,4 \
| gawk -vOFS="\t" '{--$2;print}' \
| bgzip > 01compositional/hs37d5.mdust-w7-v28.bed.gz
# long homopolymer runs
seqtk hrun hs37d5.fa \
| bgzip > 01compositional/hs37d5.hrun.bed.gz
# satellite sequences reported by RepeatMasker. rmsk.txt.gz is downloaded from UCSC.
zcat rmsk.txt.gz \
| grep Satellite \
| cut -f6,7,8 \
| sed s,^chr,, \
| perl -pe 's/^[^\s_]+_([^\s_]+)_random/$1.1/' \
| tr "gl" "GL" \
| sort-alt -k1,1N -k2,2n \
| bgzip > 01compositional/hs37d5.satellite.bed.gz
# Low-complexity regions identified by RepeatMasker
zcat rmsk.txt.gz \
| grep Low_complexity \
| cut -f6,7,8 \
| sed s,^chr,, \
| perl -pe 's/^[^\s_]+_([^\s_]+)_random/$1.1/' \
| tr "gl" "GL" \
| sort-alt -k1,1N -k2,2n \
| bgzip > 01compositional/hs37d5.rmsk-lc.bed.gz
# merge the four filters above with 10bp flanking sequences. bedmerge can be replaced by bedtools
zcat hs37d5.hrun.bed.gz hs37d5.rmsk-lc.bed.gz hs37d5.satellite.bed.gz hs37d5.mdust-w7-v28.bed.gz \
| sort-alt -k1,1N -k2,2n \
| gawk -v OFS="\t" '{$2=$2<10?0:$2-10;$3+=10;print}' \
| bioutils.lua bedmerge \
| bgzip > 01compositional.bed.gz
# generate 02structural.bed.gz
bcftools view -D hs37d5.fasta.fai -GeS unflt.vcf.gz \
| ./ \
| awk '$6<0&&($7>=100||($7>=50&&((/^[0-9]/&&$4>=22000)||(/^X/&&$4>=19000))))' \
| k8 clustreg.js \
| gawk -v OFS="\t" '{$2=$2<150?0:$2-150;$3+=150;print}' \
| bioutils.lua bedmerge \
| bgzip > 02structural.bed.gz
# Mappability filter is generated with instructions here:
# Merge compositional, structural and mappability filters
zcat 01compositional/01compositional.bed.gz 02structural/02structural.bed.gz 03mappable/hs37d5.mask75_50.bed.gz \
| sort-alt -k1,1N -k2,2n \
| bioutils.lua bedmerge \
| k8 merge-close.js \
| bgzip > um75-hs37d5.bed.gz
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
while (<>) {
next if /^#/;
next if /INDEL/;
my @t = split("\t");
my ($hwe, $f) = (1, 0);
my @g3;
my $af = ($t[7] =~ /AF1=([^;]+)/)? $1 : 0;
if ($t[7] =~ /G3=([^;,]+),([^;,]+),([^;,]+).*HWE=([^;,]+)/) {
$hwe = $4 == 0? 1e-300 : $4;
my $p = $1 + .5 * $2;
$f = ($p > 0 && $p < 1)? 1 - $2 / (2 * $p * (1-$p)) : 0;
$hwe = -4.343 * log($hwe);
@g3 = ($1, $2, $3);
} else {
$hwe = 0;
$t[7] =~ /DP=(\d+)/;
my $dp = $1;
print join("\t", $t[0], $t[1], $t[5], $dp, sprintf("%.4g\t%.4g\t%.4f", $af, $f, $hwe), @g3), "\n";
var getopt = function(args, ostr) {
var oli; // option letter list index
if (typeof( == 'undefined')
getopt.ind = 0, getopt.arg = null, = -1;
if ( == -1) { // update scanning pointer
if (getopt.ind >= args.length || args[getopt.ind].charAt( = 0) != '-') { = -1;
return null;
if ( + 1 < args[getopt.ind].length && args[getopt.ind].charAt( == '-') { // found "--"
++getopt.ind; = -1;
return null;
var optopt = args[getopt.ind].charAt(; // character checked for validity
if (optopt == ':' || (oli = ostr.indexOf(optopt)) < 0) {
if (optopt == '-') return null; // if the user didn't specify '-' as an option, assume it means null.
if ( < 0) ++getopt.ind;
return '?';
if (oli+1 >= ostr.length || ostr.charAt(++oli) != ':') { // don't need argument
getopt.arg = null;
if ( < 0 || >= args[getopt.ind].length) ++getopt.ind, = -1;
} else { // need an argument
if ( >= 0 && < args[getopt.ind].length)
getopt.arg = args[getopt.ind].substr(;
else if (args.length <= ++getopt.ind) { // no arg = -1;
if (ostr.length > 0 && ostr.charAt(0) == ':') return ':';
return '?';
} else getopt.arg = args[getopt.ind]; // white space = -1;
return optopt;
// parse command-line options
var c, w1 = 1000, w2 = 10000, min_n = 2;
while ((c = getopt(arguments, "w:W:n:")) != null) {
if (c == 'w') w1 = parseInt(getopt.arg);
else if (c == 'W') w2 = parseInt(getopt.arg);
else if (c == 'n') min_n = parseInt(getopt.arg);
// read data
var file = getopt.ind < arguments.length? new File(arguments[getopt.ind]) : new File();
var buf = new Bytes();
var seqs = {};
while (file.readline(buf) >= 0) {
var t = buf.toString().split("\t");
if (seqs[t[0]] == null) seqs[t[0]] = [];
// cluster
function cluster(a, w1, w2)
a.sort(function(b,c){return b-c});
var x = [], y = [];
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i)
x.push([i, a[i] - 1, a[i], 1]);
for (var i = 0; i < a.length - 1; ++i)
y.push([a[i+1] - a[i], i]);
y.sort(function(b,c){return b[0]!=c[0]?b[0]-c[0]:b[1]-c[1]});
for (var j = 0; j < y.length && y[j][0] <= w2; ++j) {
var l = y[j][1] + 1;
if (x[l][0] != l)
throw Error("Bug!!!");
// find the parent of y[j][1]
var k = y[j][1], tmp = [];
while (x[k][0] != k)
tmp.push((k = x[k][0]));
for (var i = 0; i < tmp.length; ++i) x[tmp[i]][0] = k;
// test merge
if ((x[l][2] - x[k][1]) / (x[l][3] + x[k][3]) > w1) continue;
// merge l into k
x[k][2] = x[l][2]; x[k][3] += x[l][3];
x[l][0] = k;
y.length = 0;
return x;
for (var seq in seqs) {
var x = cluster(seqs[seq], w1, w2);
for (var i = 0; i < x.length; ++i)
if (x[i][0] == i && x[i][3] >= min_n)
print(seq, x[i][1], x[i][2], x[i][3]);
var s = 10;
var f = new File();
var b = new Bytes();
var last_chr = null, start = 0, end = 0;
while (f.readline(b) >= 0) {
var t = b.toString().split("\t");
t[1] = parseInt(t[1]);
t[2] = parseInt(t[2]);
if (t[0] != last_chr) {
if (last_chr) print(last_chr, start, end);
last_chr = t[0], start = t[1], end = t[2];
} else if (t[1] - end > s) {
print(last_chr, start, end);
start = t[1], end = t[2];
} else {
end = end > t[2]? end : t[2];
if (last_chr) print(last_chr, start, end);
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From the file, line 47
bcftools view -D hs37d5.fasta.fai -GeS unflt.vcf.gz \

  1. -D is an unknown option for bcftools
  2. where can I get unflt.vcf.gz ?
  3. what is the file 02structural.bed.gz supposed to represent?

Thank you

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