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Last active December 30, 2017 22:22
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Downloading gzip'd fastq
Source Dst. file type Protocol Time (s) Command Line
NCBI .sra ftp 296 wget
NCBI .fastq.gz sra toolkit ~23000 fastq-dump -Z --gzip --split-spot
local file sra=>fastq.gz sra toolkit ~15000 fastq-dump --gzip --split-spot --split-3
EBI .fastq.gz aspera 513+492 aspera -QT -l 300m
EBI .fastq.gz ftp 1876+1946 wget


  • Destination: a super computer at Broad Institute (yes, the connection is that fast – 22GB in 5 minutes via ftp).

  • 513+492 means downloading read1 took 513 wall-clock seconds and read2 492 seconds. The two files were downloaded in parallel.

  • Time on downloading and file conversion with SRA toolkit is estimated based on partially downloaded/converted file sizes. Inaccurate.

  • SRA toolkit may be spending significant time on gzip compression. It is probably faster to convert to plain FASTQs first and then run gzip afterwards.


# SRA ftp, SRA format
# ENA ftp, gzip'd FASTQ format
# ENA aspera, gzip'd FASTQ format
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rchikhi commented Apr 9, 2016

There are significant differences in the performance of fastq-dump, whether you ask for gzip output (3-4x slower), write to a file with --split-3 instead of stdout (1.5x slower).

Gzip To stdout Command line wall-clock time
x fastq-dump -Z --split-spot 228s
x x fastq-dump --split-spot --split-3 352s
fastq-dump -Z --gzip --split-spot 1060s
x fastq-dump --gzip --split-spot --split-3 1155s

Tested on a local file, SRR1028232.sra (1 GB), with sratoolkit version 2.5.7 centos binaries. On a server in Pennsylvania. Time to download the SRA file using prefetch: 90 seconds.

In the post above, local .sra=>.fastq.gz is 50x slower than downloading the .sra. In this experiment here, it is 13x slower. Still, I think fastq-dump would need to be faster.

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lh3 commented May 1, 2016

Thanks a lot, @rchikhi. Just saw your comment. I was using --gzip because most of time we would not want to keep plain fastq. On an additional note, in my table, running fastq-dump on remote SRA accessions seems much slower than wget download + local fastq-dump. Have you observed this? If this is true, probably NCBI should not hide the FTP download links to SRA files.

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