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Forked from matthutchinson/launch_instance.rb
Created January 4, 2017 19:46
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Launching EC2 instance with aws-sdk gem
# gem install aws-sdk
# add this to bashrc
# export HT_DEV_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=????
# put your pem file in ~/.ssh and chmod 0400
# for more info see;
require 'rubygems'
require 'aws-sdk'
AWS.config(:access_key_id => ENV['HT_DEV_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'],
:secret_access_key => ENV['HT_DEV_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'])
ec2 =['eu-west-1'] # choose region here
ami_name = '*ubuntu-lucid-10.04-amd64-server-20110719' # which AMI to search for and use
key_pair_name = 'matt-housetrip-aws' # key pair name
private_key_file = "#{ENV['HOME']}/.ssh/matt-housetrip-aws.pem" # path to your private key
security_group_name = 'housetrip-basic' # security group name
instance_type = 't1.micro' # machine instance type (must be approriate for chosen AMI)
ssh_username = 'ubuntu' # default user name for ssh'ing
# find the AMI based on name (memoize so only 1 api call made for image)
image = AWS.memoize do
ec2.images.filter("root-device-type", "ebs").filter('name', ami_name).first
if image
puts "Using AMI: #{}"
raise "No image found matching #{ami_name}"
# find or create a key pair
key_pair = ec2.key_pairs[key_pair_name]
puts "Using keypair #{}, fingerprint: #{key_pair.fingerprint}"
# find security group
security_group = ec2.security_groups.find{|sg| == security_group_name }
puts "Using security group: #{}"
# create the instance (and launch it)
instance = ec2.instances.create(:image_id =>,
:instance_type => instance_type,
:count => 1,
:security_groups => security_group,
:key_pair => key_pair)
puts "Launching machine ..."
# wait until battle station is fully operational
sleep 1 until instance.status != :pending
puts "Launched instance #{}, status: #{instance.status}, public dns: #{instance.dns_name}, public ip: #{instance.ip_address}"
exit 1 unless instance.status == :running
# machine is ready, ssh to it and run a commmand
puts "Launched: You can SSH to it with;"
puts "ssh -i #{private_key_file} #{ssh_username}@#{instance.ip_address}"
puts "Remember to terminate after your'e done!"
# clean up with the following (terminates the machine)
# instance.delete
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