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Forked from faisalman/
Created March 3, 2016 13:12
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Konversi Angka ke format Rupiah & vice versa (C#, PHP, JavaScript, ActionScript 3.0)
* JavaScript Code Snippet
* Convert Number to Rupiah & vice versa
* Copyright 2011-2012, Faisalman
* Licensed under The MIT License
function convertToRupiah(angka)
var rupiah = '';
var angkarev = angka.toString().split('').reverse().join('');
for(var i = 0; i < angkarev.length; i++) if(i%3 == 0) rupiah += angkarev.substr(i,3)+'.';
return 'Rp. '+rupiah.split('',rupiah.length-1).reverse().join('');
* Usage example:
* alert(convertToRupiah(10000000)); -> "Rp. 10.000.000"
function convertToAngka(rupiah)
return parseInt(rupiah.replace(/,.*|[^0-9]/g, ''), 10);
* Usage example:
* alert(convertToAngka("Rp 10.000.123")); -> 10000123
* PHP Code Snippet
* Convert Number to Rupiah & vice versa
* Copyright 2011-2012, Faisalman
* Licensed under The MIT License
* @param integer $angka number
* @return string
* Usage example:
* echo convert_to_rupiah(10000000); -> "Rp. 10.000.000"
function convert_to_rupiah($angka)
return 'Rp. '.strrev(implode('.',str_split(strrev(strval($angka)),3)));
* @param string $rupiah
* @return integer
* Usage example:
* echo convert_to_number("Rp. 10.000.123,00"); -> 10000123
function convert_to_number($rupiah)
return intval(preg_replace(/,.*|[^0-9]/, '', $rupiah));
* ActionScript 3.0 Code Snippet
* Convert Number to Rupiah & vice versa
* Copyright 2011-2012, Faisalman
* Licensed under The MIT License
public class Rupiah
public static function convertToRupiah(angka:Number):String
var angkaRev:String = new String();
var angkaRev2:String = new String();
var i:Number = new Number();
angkaRev = angka.toString().split('').reverse().join('');
for(i = 0; i < angkaRev.length; i++) if(i%3 == 0) angkaRev2 += angkaRev.substr(i,3)+'.';
return 'Rp. '+angkaRev2.split('',angkaRev2.length-1).reverse().join('');
* // Usage example: //
* var rp:Rupiah = new Rupiah();
* trace(rp.convertToRupiah(10000000)); -> "Rp. 10.000.000"
public static function convertToAngka(rupiah:String):Number
return parseInt(rupiah.replace(/,.*|[^0-9]/g,''), 10);
* // Usage example: //
* var rp:Rupiah = new Rupiah();
* trace(rp.convertToAngka("Rp 10.000.123,00")); -> 10000123
* C#.NET Code Snippet
* Convert Number to Rupiah & vice versa
* Copyright 2012, Faisalman
* Licensed under The MIT License
using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
public static class Rupiah
public static string ToRupiah(this int angka)
return String.Format(CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("id-id"), "Rp. {0:N}", angka);
* // Usage example: //
* int angka = 10000000;
* System.Console.WriteLine(angka.ToRupiah()); // -> Rp. 10.000.000
public static int ToAngka(this string rupiah)
return int.Parse(Regex.Replace(rupiah, @",.*|\D", ""));
* // Usage example: //
* string rupiah = "Rp 10.000.123,00";
* System.Console.WriteLine(rupiah.ToAngka()); // -> 10000123
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