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Created October 12, 2010 17:24
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Lazy implementation of the sieve of Eratosthenes
(defn vector-comparator [a b]
"Orders vectors by the first element which differs"
(loop [v1 a v2 b]
(let [comparison (compare (first v1) (first v2))]
(cond (and (empty? v1) (empty? v2)) 0
(empty? v1) -1
(empty? v2) 1
(not= 0 comparison) comparison
:else (recur (rest v1) (rest v2))))))
(defn replace-sorted-set [orig-set replacement-map]
"Replaces items in a given set according to the replacement map by using conj and disj
instead of 'replace' so that sort order is maintained"
(loop [result-set orig-set my-keys (keys replacement-map)]
(if (empty? my-keys) result-set
(recur (conj (disj result-set (first my-keys)) (get replacement-map (first my-keys)))
(rest my-keys)))))
(defn lazy-sieve
"Returns a lazy sequence of primes using the sieve of Eratosthenes."
; Rather than precomputing the "crossed-out" multiples of each new
; prime found up to a predetermined upper limit, we simply carry forward
; a priority queue of the next crossed-out composites to ignore and the prime
; from which each is generated. The composites are incremented as the candidate
; number passes them.
(cons 2 (lazy-sieve 3 (sorted-set-by vector-comparator [4 2]))))
([candidate composites] ; sorted set of [next-composite prime]
(let [next-composite (ffirst composites)
stale-composites (fn [n coll] (take-while #(<= (first %) n) coll))
; Takes a vector of [composite prime] and increments the composite by prime
gen-update (fn [v] (hash-map v (vector (reduce + v) (second v))))
; Takes the current composite and our set of known composites and returns a
; map of current composites to their updated value
replacement-map (fn [n coll]
(reduce merge (map gen-update (stale-composites n coll))))
; n is a composite, so increment our collection of known composites past it
inc-composites (fn [n coll]
(replace-sorted-set coll (replacement-map n coll)))]
(if (< candidate next-composite)
(cons candidate (lazy-sieve (inc candidate) (conj composites [(+ candidate candidate) candidate]))))
(lazy-sieve (inc candidate) (inc-composites candidate composites))))))
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