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Last active October 15, 2015 05:14
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useful command note
./command -yes -no /home/username
$# = 3
$* = -yes -no /home/username
$@ = array: {"-yes", "-no", "/home/username"}
$0 = ./command, $1 = -yes etc.
chkconfig --list #列出所有的系统服务
chkconfig --add httpd #增加httpd服务
chkconfig --del httpd #删除httpd服务
chkconfig --level httpd 2345 on #设置httpd在运行级别为2、3、4、5的情况下都是on(开启)的状态
chkconfig --list #列出系统所有的服务启动情况
chkconfig --list mysqld #列出mysqld服务设置情况
chkconfig --level 35 mysqld on #设定mysqld在等级3和5为开机运行服务,--level 35表示操作只在等级3和5执行,on表示启动,off表示关闭
chkconfig mysqld on #设定mysqld在各等级为on,“各等级”包括2、3、4、5等级
set names utf8 #mysql命令行中输入,解决中文乱码问题
mvn clean install -pl [module] -am -DskipTests
mongo-connector -m localhost:27117 -t http://localhost:8983/solr/[solr.core] -d solr_doc_manager -a [] -p [mongo.user.password] -n sns.[collection]
nohup wget --no-cookies --no-check-certificate --header "Cookie:; oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" "" &
nohup wget --no-cookies --no-check-certificate --header "Cookie:; oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" "" &
# delete keys matching a pattern
redis-cli -n 5 keys "prefix:*" | xargs redis -n 5 del
EVAL "return'del', unpack('keys', ARGV[1])))" 0 prefix:*
EVAL "return'del', unpack('keys', ARGV[1])))" 0 prefix:*
for _,k in ipairs('keys', ARGV[1])) do'del', k)
netstat -nat | grep 3306 -c
ps -eLF | grep java -c
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