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Last active March 9, 2023 08:46
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The grammar of Go is ugly. The semantics of Go is obscure. The implementation of Go is totally Utopian and paranoid.

Go is contaminating our world like fundamentalist terrorism such that if I had a nuclear missile that could be thrown onto Plan 9 dog's heads to stop them from barking FOR GOOD I would not ever hesitate to press the launch button immediately.

Chinese (Mandarin)

Go 的语法是丑陋的。Go 的语义是阴阳怪气的。整个 Go 的实现都充满了乌托邦式的被害妄想。

Go 正在像原教旨恐怖主义一样毒害我们的世界。假如我有一颗核弹能丢到 Plan 9 老傻逼们的狗头上让他们永远停止狂吠的话,我会毫无慈悲地按下发射按钮。

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