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Created October 10, 2012 17:01
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Pipeline jsonp
// if you have yeoman installed, you should be able to do yeoman server, might have to do yeoman build first though
//excerpt from app.js
pipeline.add( {
name: "wowPipe",
settings: {
baseURL: "",
endpoint: "achievement/2144", //this should be in the read method, need datamanager for that?
jsonp: true,
callback: "myCallback" //possibly a jsonp settings:{ } instead?
} );
//in AeroGear.Pipeline.adapters.Rest
//Updated the ajaxSettings
ajaxSettings = {
// use the pipeName as the default rest endpoint
url: settings.baseURL ? settings.baseURL + endpoint : endpoint,
jsonp :settings.jsonp ? "jsonp" : null,
dataType: settings.jsonp ? "jsonp" : "json",
jsonpCallback: ( settings.jsonp && settings.callback ) ? settings.callback : null
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