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Last active April 22, 2024 04:42
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Source: from /u/xavion - was down this is a copy from the Google cache
# Python port of
class JavaRandom():
def __init__(self, seed):
self.seed = (seed ^ 0x5DEECE66D) & ((1<<48) - 1)
def NextInt(self):
return self.Next(32)
def NextDouble(self):
return ((self.Next(26) << 27) + self.Next(27))/(1<<53)
def Next(self, bits):
self.seed = (self.seed * 0x5DEECE66D + 0xB) & ((1<<48) - 1)
return self.seed >> (48 - bits)
PosX = 0
PosZ = 0
ChunkRadius = 10
SEED = 1
IncludePlatinum = False
VeinToFind = "Uranium"
VeinChance = {}
def getRandomMineral(x, z):
seed = 940610
RNG = JavaRandom(SEED + x * x * 4987142 + x * 5947611 + z * z * 4392871 + z * 389711 ^ seed)
dd = RNG.NextDouble()
if dd > 0.125:
return None
query = RNG.NextInt()
weight = abs(query % sum(VeinChance.values()))
for v in VeinChance:
weight -= VeinChance[v]
if weight < 0:
return v
return None
def getInt(prompt = ""):
num = input(prompt)
while not isinstance(num, int):
num = int(num)
except ValueError:
num = input("Please enter an integer")
return num
def getBool(prompt = ""):
ans = input(prompt + "Y/N")
while not isinstance(ans, bool):
if ans.lower() in ["n", "no"]:
ans = False
elif ans.lower() in ["y", "yes"]:
ans = True
ans = input("Please enter Yes/No")
return ans
def setup():
global SEED, IncludePlatinum, PosX, PosZ, ChunkRadius, VeinToFind
SEED = getInt("What is your seed? ")
IncludePlatinum = getBool("Does platinum spawn? (No in Infinity)")
PosX = getInt("What is your X position? ")
PosZ = getInt("What is your Z position? ")
ChunkRadius = getInt("How many chunks away do you want to search? Suggested values < 24 ")
veins = ["iron", "magnetite", "pyrite", "bauxite", "copper", "cassiterite", "gold", "nickel", "uranium", "quartzite", "galena", "lead", "silver", "lapis", "coal", "any", "all"]
VeinToFind = input("What vein are you looking for? ")
while not (VeinToFind.lower() in veins or (IncludePlatinum and VeinToFind.lower() == "platinum")):
VeinToFind = input("Please enter a valid vein (or any/all)")
def main():
VeinChance["Iron"] = 25
VeinChance["Magnetite"] = 25
VeinChance["Pyrite"] = 20
VeinChance["Bauxite"] = 20
VeinChance["Copper"] = 30
VeinChance["Cassiterite"] = 15
VeinChance["Gold"] = 20
VeinChance["Nickel"] = 20
if IncludePlatinum:
VeinChance["Platinum"] = 5
VeinChance["Uranium"] = 10
VeinChance["Quartzite"] = 5
VeinChance["Galena"] = 15
VeinChance["Lead"] = 10
VeinChance["Silver"] = 10
VeinChance["Lapis"] = 10
VeinChance["Coal"] = 25
chunkX = PosX >> 4
chunkZ = PosZ >> 4
for x in range(-ChunkRadius, ChunkRadius):
for z in range(-ChunkRadius, ChunkRadius):
mineral = getRandomMineral(chunkX + x, chunkZ + z)
if mineral != None and (VeinToFind.lower() in ["any", "all"] or mineral.lower() == VeinToFind.lower()):
print("Chunk {0}, {1} has {2}".format(((chunkX + x) << 4), ((chunkZ + z) << 4), mineral))
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