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Created July 26, 2017 08:46
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python <num_nodes>
you probably want to adjust `min_peer_options` and `klasses`
in the `main` function (end of file)
implementing strategies:
inherit form CNodeBase and implement .setup_targets()
add your class to `klasses` in the `main` function.
import time
import operator
import devp2p.kademlia
from test_kademlia_protocol import test_many, get_wired_protocol
from collections import OrderedDict
import random
import statistics
class CNodeBase(object):
to implement your conenction strategy override
.select_targets (must)
k_max_node_id = devp2p.kademlia.k_max_node_id
def __init__(self, proto, network, min_peers=5, max_peers=10):
self.proto = proto = network
self.min_peers = min_peers
self.max_peers = max_peers
self.connections = [] =
# list of dict(address=long, tolerance=long, connected=(None or Node))
# address is the id : long
self.targets = list()
def prepare_dht(cls, num_nodes):
return test_many(num_nodes)
def distance(self, other):
return ^
def outbound(self):
"peers this node connected to"
return [n['connected'] for n in self.targets if n['connected']]
def inbound(self):
"peers that connected this node"
ob = self.outbound()
return [n for n in self.connections if n not in ob]
def receive_connect(self, other):
if len(self.connections) >= self.max_peers:
return False
assert other not in self.connections
assert len(self.connections) <= self.max_peers
return True
def receive_disconnect(self, other):
assert other in self.connections
for t in self.targets:
if t['connected'] == other:
t['connected'] = None
def _find_targets(self):
"call find node to fill buckets with addresses close to the target"
for t in self.targets:
def find_targets(self):
"call find node to fill buckets with addresses close to the target"
all = [n.proto for n in]
for t in self.targets:
def connect_peers(self, max_connects=0, random_within_distance=False, candidates=[]):
random_within_distance: collect random node within distance form local buckets
candidates: directly specify a list of candidates
override to deal with situations where
- you enter the method and have not enough slots to conenct your targets
- your targets don't want to connect you
- targets are not within the tolerace
assert self.targets
num_connected = 0
# connect closest node to target id
for t in (t for t in self.targets if not t['connected']):
if len(self.connections) >= self.max_peers:
if candidates:
assert not random_within_distance
elif random_within_distance:
candidates = self.proto.routing.neighbours_within_distance(
t['address'], t['tolerance'])
candidates = self.proto.routing.neighbours(t['address'])
for knode in candidates:
assert isinstance(knode, devp2p.kademlia.Node)
assert len(self.connections) < self.max_peers
# assure within tolerance
if knode.id_distance(t['address']) < t['tolerance']:
# make sure we are not connected yet
remote =[]
if remote not in self.connections and remote != self:
if remote.receive_connect(self):
assert len(self.connections) < self.max_peers
t['connected'] = remote
assert len(self.connections) <= self.max_peers
num_connected += 1
if max_connects and num_connected == max_connects:
return num_connected
return num_connected
def setup_targets(self):
calculate select target distances, addresses and tolerances
for i in range(self.min_peers):
self.targets.append(dict(address=0, tolerance=0, connected=None))
class CNodeRandom(CNodeBase):
def setup_targets(self):
connects random nodes
for i in range(self.min_peers):
distance = random.randint(0, self.k_max_node_id)
address = ( + distance) % (self.k_max_node_id + 1)
tolerance = self.k_max_node_id / self.max_peers
self.targets.append(dict(address=address, tolerance=tolerance, connected=None))
class CNodeRandomFast(CNodeRandom):
def prepare_dht(cls, num_nodes):
return [get_wired_protocol() for i in range(num_nodes)]
def find_targets(self):
self.candidates = []
assert len(
tolerance = devp2p.kademlia.k_max_node_id / len( * 100
for t in self.targets:
nodes = [n for n in if n.id_distance(t['address']) < tolerance]
assert nodes
c = sorted(nodes, key=operator.methodcaller('id_distance', t['address']))[:4]
def connect_peers(self, max_connects, random_within_distance=False, candidates=[]):
return CNodeBase.connect_peers(self, max_connects, random_within_distance, self.candidates)
class CNodeFelixNoLimits(CNodeBase):
no id selection limits on incomming connections
def connect_peers(self, max_connects=0):
return CNodeBase.connect_peers(self, max_connects=max_connects, random_within_distance=True)
def setup_targets(self):
The 512 bit (256 bit) space is divided into N ranges.
The dialer maintains N slots, one for each range.
In order to find peers, it performs a node lookup with a random target
in reach range corresponding to an empty slot.
The results of the lookup are then dialed.
If dialing does not succeed for any node, another random lookup is
performed in that range.
slot_width = self.k_max_node_id / self.min_peers
for i in range(self.min_peers):
distance = int((i + 0.5) * slot_width)
tolerance = slot_width / 2
address = ( + distance) % (self.k_max_node_id + 1)
assert isinstance(address, long), address
self.targets.append(dict(address=address, tolerance=tolerance, connected=None))
class CNodeRandomSelfLookup(CNodeBase):
As proposed by Alex:
node joining the network
doing a self lookup
selects random peers from the returned peers
note: all repsonding nodes probably know the complete network,
but this is sensible, assuming they are way longer in the network
limits: if a node does not accept the connection, there is no backup (rarely)
def setup_targets(self):
bootstrap_node = random.choice(list(self.proto.routing))
# reset routing table
self.proto.routing = devp2p.kademlia.RoutingTable(self.proto.this_node)
selected = set()
for i in range(self.min_peers):
while True:
target = random.choice(list(self.proto.routing))
if target not in selected:
self.targets.append(dict(, tolerance=1, connected=None))
class CNodeSelfOtherSide(CNodeBase):
Thus, the self-lookup finds (enough) nodes that are closer to self than the bootstrap node,
while the "other side" lookup makes sure that it has neighbors that are sufficiently far.
These two lookups are both necessary and sufficient to make sure that the node becomes
"well connected", i.e. connected to enough nodes at every distance level.
Nodes must have enough neighbors both near and far in order to have short (i.e. O(log N)
length) path to every node in the network with a centrality roughly equaling that of
all other nodes.
def setup_targets(self):
bootstrap_node = random.choice(list(self.proto.routing))
# reset routing table
self.proto.routing = devp2p.kademlia.RoutingTable(self.proto.this_node)
# lookup self
# lookup not self
other_side_id = ^ 0
selected = set()
for i in range(self.min_peers):
while True:
target = random.choice(list(self.proto.routing))
if target not in selected:
self.targets.append(dict(, tolerance=1, connected=None))
class CNodeKademlia(CNodeBase):
def setup_targets(self):
connects nodes according to a dht routing
distance = self.k_max_node_id
for i in range(self.min_peers):
distance /= 2
address = ( + distance) % (self.k_max_node_id + 1)
tolerance = distance / 2
self.targets.append(dict(address=address, tolerance=tolerance, connected=None))
class CNodeKademliaRandom(CNodeKademlia):
def connect_peers(self, max_connects=0):
return CNodeBase.connect_peers(self, max_connects=max_connects, random_within_distance=True)
def analyze(network):
import networkx as nx
G = nx.Graph()
def weight(a, b):
Weight of edge. In dot,
the heavier the weight, the shorter, straighter and more vertical the edge is.
For other layouts, a larger weight encourages the layout to make the edge length
closer to that specified by the len attribute.
# same node is weight == 1
return (1 - a.distance(b) / devp2p.kademlia.k_max_node_id) * 10
for node in network.values():
for r in node.connections:
G.add_edge(node, r, weight=weight(node, r))
num_peers = [len(n.connections) for n in network.values()]
metrics = OrderedDict(num_nodes=len(network))
metrics['max_peers'] = max(num_peers)
metrics['min_peers'] = min(num_peers)
metrics['avg_peers'] = statistics.mean(num_peers)
metrics['rsd_peers'] = statistics.stdev(num_peers) / statistics.mean(num_peers)
# calc shortests paths
# lower is better
if nx.is_connected(G):
print 'calculating avg_shortest_path'
avg_shortest_paths = []
for node in G:
path_length = nx.single_source_shortest_path_length(G, node)
metrics['avg_shortest_path'] = statistics.mean(avg_shortest_paths)
metrics['rsd_shortest_path'] = statistics.stdev(
avg_shortest_paths) / metrics['avg_shortest_path']
# Closeness centrality at a node is 1/average distance to all other nodes.
# higher is better
print 'calculating closeness centrality'
vs = nx.closeness_centrality(G).values()
metrics['min_closeness_centrality'] = min(vs)
metrics['avg_closeness_centrality'] = statistics.mean(vs)
metrics['rsd_closeness_centrality'] = statistics.stdev(
vs) / metrics['avg_closeness_centrality']
# The load centrality of a node is the fraction of all shortest paths that
# pass through that node
# Daniel:
# I recommend calculating (or estimating) the centrality of each node and making sure that
# there are no nodes with much higher centrality than the average.
# lower is better
print 'calculating load centrality'
vs = nx.load_centrality(G).values()
metrics['max_load_centrality'] = max(vs)
metrics['avg_load_centrality'] = statistics.mean(vs)
metrics['rsd_load_centrality'] = statistics.stdev(vs) / metrics['avg_load_centrality']
print 'calculating node_connectivity'
# higher is better
metrics['node_connectivity'] = nx.node_connectivity(G)
print 'calculating diameter'
# lower is better
metrics['diameter '] = nx.diameter(G)
except nx.exception.NetworkXError as e:
metrics['ERROR'] = -1
return metrics
def draw(G, metrics=dict()):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
dot - "hierarchical" or layered drawings of directed graphs. This is the default tool to use if edges have directionality.
neato - "spring model'' layouts. This is the default tool to use if the graph is not too large (about 100 nodes) and you don't know anything else about it. Neato attempts to minimize a global energy function, which is equivalent to statistical multi-dimensional scaling.
fdp - "spring model'' layouts similar to those of neato, but does this by reducing forces rather than working with energy.
sfdp - multiscale version of fdp for the layout of large graphs.
twopi - radial layouts, after Graham Wills 97. Nodes are placed on concentric circles depending their distance from a given root node.
circo - circular layout, after Six and Tollis 99, Kauffman and Wiese 02. This is suitable for certain diagrams of multiple cyclic structures, such as certain telecommunications networks.
print 'layouting'
text = ''
for k, v in metrics.items():
text += '%s: %.4f\n' % (k.ljust(max(len(x) for x in metrics.keys())), v)
print text
#pos = nx.graphviz_layout(G, prog='dot', args='')
pos = nx.spring_layout(G)
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
nx.draw(G, pos, node_size=20, alpha=0.5, node_color="blue", with_labels=False)
plt.text(0.02, 0.02, text, transform=plt.gca().transAxes) # , font_family='monospace')
outfile = 'network_graph.png'
print 'saved visualization to', outfile
while True:
def simulate(node_class, set_num_nodes=20, set_min_peers=7, set_max_peers=14):
print 'running simulation', node_class.__name__, \
dict(num_nodes=set_num_nodes, min_peers=set_min_peers, max_peers=set_max_peers)
print 'bootstrapping discovery protocols'
kademlia_protocols = node_class.prepare_dht(set_num_nodes)
# create ConnectableNode instances
print 'executing connection strategy'
network = OrderedDict() # -> Node
# .process executes all messages on the network
network.process = lambda: kademlia_protocols[0].wire.process(kademlia_protocols)
network.all_nodes = [p.this_node for p in kademlia_protocols]
# wrap protos in connectable nodes and map via network
for p in kademlia_protocols:
cn = node_class(p, network, min_peers=set_min_peers, max_peers=set_max_peers)
network[] = cn
print 'setup targets'
# setup targets
for cn in network.values():
print 'lookup targets'
# lookup targets
for cn in network.values():
print 'connect peers'
# connect peers (one client per round may connect)
while True:
n_connects = 0
for cn in network.values():
n_connects += cn.connect_peers(max_connects=1)
if n_connects == 0:
metrics = analyze(network)
return metrics
def print_results(results=[]):
labels = results[0].keys()
print '\t'.join(labels)
f = lambda x: str(x) if isinstance(x, (int, str)) else ('%.4f' % x) # .replace('.', ',')
for r in results:
print '\t'.join(f(r.get(k, 'n/a')) for k in labels)
def main(num_nodes):
# strategies to test
klasses = [CNodeRandom,
klasses = [CNodeRandomFast]
# min_peer settings to test
min_peer_options = (6,)
print 'running %d simulations' % (len(min_peer_options) * len(klasses))
results = []
for min_peers in min_peer_options:
max_peers = min_peers * 2
for node_class in klasses:
p = OrderedDict(node_class=node_class)
p.update(OrderedDict(set_num_nodes=num_nodes, set_min_peers=min_peers,
metrics = simulate(**p)
p['node_class'] = p['node_class'].__name__
print p
if __name__ == '__main__':
# import pyethereum.slogging
# pyethereum.slogging.configure(config_string=':debug')
import sys
if not len(sys.argv) == 2:
print 'usage:%s <num_nodes>' % sys.argv[0]
num_nodes = int(sys.argv[1])
colorize nodes being closest to 0, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 of the id space
validate graph (assert bidirectional connections, max_peers satisfactions)
support ananlytics about nodes added to an established network
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