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Last active March 20, 2018 07:09
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[如何判断某个对象是否继承自某类? How to determine an object's class (in Java)?] #tags: java
* Method #0:操作符(或者说关键字)instanceof
* object 是 C 的实例吗?
if (object instanceof C)
* Method #1: isInstance(Object object)
* Tests whether the given object can be cast to the class represented by this Class.
* This is the runtime version of the instanceof operator.
* @return true if object can be cast to the type represented by this Class;
* false if object is null or cannot be cast.
* 方法 isInstance() 和操作符 instanceof 作用一致。
* object 是 C 的实例吗?阅读顺序是反的,应该是为了方便定义 API 吧。
* 而 instanceof 更符合阅读的顺序。
if (C.class.isInstance(object))
* 向上转型(Upcasting):从导出类转型为基类。
* 向上转型总是安全的,因为导出类是基类的一个超集。《Thinking in Java》7.7.1
// Method #2
* getClass(): Returns the unique instance of Class that represents this object's class.
* may throw NullPointerException
if (obj.getClass().equals(C.class))
// Method #3
* isAssignableFrom(Class<?> c): Can c be assigned to this class? For example,
* String can be assigned to Object (by an upcast), however,
* an Object cannot be assigned to a String as a potentially
* exception throwing downcast would be necessary. Similarly for interfaces,
* a class that implements (or an interface that extends) another
* can be assigned to its parent, but not vice-versa(反之亦然).
* All Classes may assign to themselves.
* Classes for primitive types may not assign to each other.
if (C.class.isAssignableFrom(obj.getClass()))
/** null is not an instance of any type, but it can be cast to any type. */
// Method #4
try {
C c = (C) obj;
// No exception: obj is of type C or IT MIGHT BE NULL!
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
// Method #5
try {
C c = C.class.cast(obj);
// No exception: obj is of type C or IT MIGHT BE NULL!
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
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