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Created March 10, 2019 15:11
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com3d2 all dlc install script
Import-Module -Name ($PSScriptRoot + "\Get-CRC32.ps1")
$targetCom3d2Dir = "E:\Games\Galgame\KISS\COM3D2"
$exists = Test-Path -LiteralPath "$targetCom3d2Dir\update.lst"
if (-not $exists) {
Write-Output "not com3d2 path"
$targetFileVers = New-Object 'system.collections.generic.dictionary[string,string]'
$content = [IO.File]::ReadLines("$targetCom3d2Dir\update.lst")
$content | ForEach-Object {
if (-not $_) {
$r = $_.Split(",")
$path = $r[0]
$ver = $r[1]
$targetFileVers[$path] = $ver
$canInstall = @()
Get-ChildItem -Directory | ForEach-Object {
$itemPath = "$PSScriptRoot\$_"
$updateLstDir = $itemPath
$updateLstPath = "$updateLstDir\update.lst"
if (!(Test-Path -LiteralPath $updateLstPath)) {
# find com3d2 dir
Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $itemPath -Directory | ForEach-Object {
$dirName = $_.ToString()
$r = $dirName | Select-String -Pattern "^com3d2plg_(?!oh_).*$"
if ($r) {
$updateLstDir = $r.ToString().Trim()
$updateLstDir = "$itemPath\$updateLstDir"
$updateLstPath = "$updateLstDir\update.lst"
$s = $_.ToString()
if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $updateLstPath) {
$content = [IO.File]::ReadLines($updateLstPath)
$content | ForEach-Object {
$r = $_.Split(",")
$type = $r[0]
$fromPath = $r[1]
$toPath = $r[2]
$size = $r[3]
$crc32 = $r[4]
$ver = $r[5]
if ($fromPath -eq 0) {
$fromPath = "data\$toPath"
# version check
$versionCheckPass = 0
$oldver = "0"
if ($targetFileVers[$toPath]) {
$oldver = $targetFileVers[$toPath]
if ($ver -gt $targetFileVers[$toPath]) {
$versionCheckPass = 1
} else {
$versionCheckPass = 0
} else {
$oldver = "0"
$versionCheckPass = 1
if ($versionCheckPass -eq 0) {
# format path
$_fromPath = "$updateLstDir\$fromPath"
$_toPath = "$targetCom3d2Dir\$toPath"
$fileSize = (Get-Item -LiteralPath $_fromPath).length
# size check
$sizeCheckPass = 0
if ($size -ne $fileSize) {
Write-Warning ("[SIZE NOT_MATCH][{0}] $_ " -f $fileSize)
} else {
$sizeCheckPass = 1
if ($sizeCheckPass -eq 0) {
# # crc32 check
# $file = [IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($_fromPath)
# $crc32CheckPass = 0
# $hash = Get-CRC32 -Buffer $file
# $hash = "{0:x8}" -f $hash
# if ($crc32 -ne $hash) {
# Write-Warning "[CRC32 NOT_MATCH][$hash] $_ "
# } else {
# $crc32CheckPass = 1
# }
# if ($crc32CheckPass -eq 0) {
# return
# }
$crc32CheckPass = 1
if ($versionCheckPass -and $sizeCheckPass -and $crc32CheckPass) {
$canInstall += @{id=$toPath;s=$s;from=$_fromPath;to=$_toPath;fromver=$oldver;tover=$ver}
} else {
Write-Output $updateLstPath
$readyToInstall = New-Object 'system.collections.generic.dictionary[string,Hashtable]'
$canInstall | ForEach-Object {
if ($readyToInstall[$]) {
# check upper version
# Write-Warning ("[{0}:{1}] [{2}:{3}]" -f $readyToInstall[$].s, $readyToInstall[$].tover, $_.s, $_.tover)
if ($_.tover -gt $readyToInstall[$].tover) {
$readyToInstall[$] = $_
} else {
$readyToInstall[$] = $_
$readyToInstall.Values | ForEach-Object {
Write-Output ("{0} {1} {2} -> {3}" -f $_.s,$,$_.fromver,$_.tover)
$ready = Read-Host -Prompt 'Ready?(y/N)'
if ($ready -ne 'y' -or $ready -ne 'Y') {
# start install
$i = 0
$total = $readyToInstall.Values.Count
$readyToInstall.Values | ForEach-Object {
Write-Output ("[$i/$total] {0} {1} {2} -> {3}" -f $_.s,$,$_.fromver,$_.tover)
New-Item -ItemType File -Path $ -Force | Out-Null
Copy-Item -LiteralPath $_.from -Destination $ -Force
$targetFileVers[$] = $_.tover
$updateListContent = ""
$targetFileVers.Keys | ForEach-Object {
$updateListContent += ("{0},{1}" -f $_, $targetFileVers[$_])
$updateListContent += [System.Environment]::NewLine
$updateListContent | Out-File -LiteralPath "$targetCom3d2Dir\update.lst" -Force -Encoding "utf8"
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