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Created July 17, 2019 01:19
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const MyERC20 = require('Embark/contracts/MyERC20');
const { toWei } = web3.utils
let accounts;
// For documentation please see
//deployment: {
// accounts: [
// // you can configure custom accounts with a custom balance
// // see
// ]
contracts: {
"MyERC20": {
args: []
}, (_err, web3_accounts) => {
accounts = web3_accounts
contract("MyERC20", function () {
const TOKEN_COUNT = '1000000';
describe('Given that I have a Token Contract', () => {
it('it should have the correct name', async () => {
const name = await;
assert.equal(name, "Hello ERC20 Coin");
it('it should have the correct symbol', async () => {
const symbol = await MyERC20.symbol();
assert.equal(symbol, "HE2");
it('it should have the correct decimal level', async () => {
const decimals = await MyERC20.decimals();
assert.equal(decimals, '18');
describe('Given that I have a fixed supply of tokens', () => {
it('it should return the total supply of tokens for the Contract', async () => {
const supply = await MyERC20.totalSupply();
assert.equal(supply, toWei(TOKEN_COUNT));
it('the owner should have all the tokens when the Contract is created', async () => {
let owner = accounts[0];
const balance = await MyERC20.methods.balanceOf(owner).call();
assert.equal(balance, toWei(TOKEN_COUNT));
it('any account should have the tokens transfered to it', async () => {
let owner = accounts[0];
let holder = accounts[1];
const amount = toWei('10');
await MyERC20.methods.transfer(holder, amount).send({ from: owner });
const balance = await MyERC20.methods.balanceOf(holder).call();
assert.equal(balance, amount);
it('an address that has no tokens should return a balance of zero', async () => {
const balance = await MyERC20.methods.balanceOf("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000").call();
assert.equal(balance, '0');
describe('Given that I want to be able to transfer tokens', () => {
it('it should not let me transfer tokens to myself', async () => {
var hasError = true;
try {
const amount = toWei(10);
await MyERC20.transfer(owner, amount).send({ from: owner })
hasError = false; // Should be unreachable
} catch (err) { }
assert.equal(true, hasError, "Function not throwing exception on transfer to self");
it('it should not let someone transfer tokens they do not have', async () => {
let owner = accounts[0];
let holder = accounts[1];
var hasError = true;
try {
await MyERC20.transfer(holder, toWei(10)).send({ from: owner })
await MyERC20.transfer(receiver, toWei(20)).send({ from: holder })
hasError = false;
} catch (err) { }
assert.equal(true, hasError, "Insufficient funds");
it('it should emit a Transfer Event', async () => {
let owner = accounts[0];
let holder = accounts[1];
const amount = toWei('10');
const { events } = await MyERC20.methods.transfer(holder, amount).send({ from: owner });
assert.ok(events.Transfer, 'No Transfer Event emitted');
assert.equal(Object.keys(events)[0], 'Transfer');
// assert.equal(events.Transfer.returnvalues.from, owner);
// assert.equal(, holder);
// assert.equal(events.Transfer.returnvalues.Result.tokens, amount);
describe('Given that I want to allow the transfer of tokens by a third party', () => {
it('allowance should return the amount I allow them to transfer', async () => {
let owner = accounts[0];
let holder = accounts[1];
const amount = toWei('99');
await MyERC20.approve(holder, amount, { from: owner });
const remaining = await MyERC20.methods.allowance(owner, holder).call();
assert.equal(remaining, amount);
it('allowance should return the amount another allows a third account to transfer', async () => {
let owner = accounts[0];
let holder = accounts[1];
let receiver = accounts[2];
const amount = toWei('98');
await MyERC20.methods.transfer(holder, toWei('100'))
await MyERC20.methods.approve(receiver, amount).send({ from: holder });
const remaining = await MyERC20.methods.allowance(holder, receiver).call();
assert.equal(remaining, amount);
it('allowance should return zero if none have been approved for the account', async () => {
let owner = accounts[0];
const remaining = await MyERC20.methods.allowance(owner, "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000").call();
assert.equal(remaining, '0');
it('it should emit an Approval event when the approve method is successfully called', async () => {
let owner = accounts[0];
let holder = accounts[1];
const amount = toWei('97');
const { events } = await MyERC20.methods.approve(holder, amount).send({ from: owner });
assert.ok(events.Approval, 'No Approval Event emitted');
assert.equal(Object.keys(events)[0], 'Approval');
it('transferFrom should transfer tokens when triggered by an approved third party', async () => {
let owner = accounts[0];
let holder = accounts[1];
let receiver = accounts[2];
const tokenAmount = '96';
const amount = toWei(tokenAmount);
await MyERC20.methods.approve(holder, amount).send({ from: owner });
await MyERC20.methods.transferFrom(owner, receiver, amount).send({ from: holder });
const balance = await MyERC20.methods.balanceOf(receiver).call({ from: receiver });
assert.equal(balance, toWei(tokenAmount));
it('the account funds are being transferred from should have sufficient funds', async () => {
let owner = accounts[0];
let receiver = accounts[2];
var hasError = true;
try {
const balance99 = toWei('99');
await MyERC20.transfer(accountWith99, balance99, { from: owner })
const balance = await MyERC20.methods.balanceOf(accountWith99).call();
assert.equal(balance, toWei(balance99));
const amount = toWei('100');
await MyERC20.methods.approve(receiver, amount).send({ from: accountWith99 });
await MyERC20.methods.transferFrom(accountWith99, nilAddress, amount).send({ from: receiver });
asError = false;
} catch (err) { }
assert.equal(true, hasError, "Function not throwing exception for insufficient funds");
it('should throw exception when attempting to transferFrom unauthorized account', async () => {
let owner = accounts[0];
let holder = accounts[1];
var hasError = true;
try {
const remaining = await MyERC20.methods.allowance(owner, nilAddress).call();'0'));
var holderBalance = await MyERC20.methods.balanceOf(holder).call();
assert.equal(holderBalance, toWei('0'));
const amount = toWei('101');
await MyERC20.methods.transferFrom(owner, holder, amount).send({ from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" });
asError = false;
} catch (err) { }
assert.equal(true, hasError, "Unauthorized account should not be allowed transfer funds.");
it('An authorized accounts allowance should go down when transferFrom is called', async () => {
let owner = accounts[0];
let holder = accounts[1];
let receiver = accounts[2];
const amount = toWei('15');
await MyERC20.methods.approve(holder, amount).send({ from: owner });
var allowance = await MyERC20.methods.allowance(owner, holder).call();
assert.equal(allowance, amount);
await MyERC20.methods.transferFrom(owner, receiver, toWei('7')).send({ from: holder });
allowance = await MyERC20.methods.allowance(owner, holder).call();
assert.equal(allowance, toWei('8'));
it('it should emit a Transfer event when transferFrom is called', async () => {
let owner = accounts[0];
let holder = accounts[1];
let receiver = accounts[2];
const amount = toWei('17');
await MyERC20.methods.approve(holder, amount.toString()).send({ from: owner });
const { events } = await MyERC20.methods.transferFrom(owner, receiver, amount.toString()).send({ from: holder });
assert.ok(events.Transfer, 'No Transfer Event emitted');
assert.equal(Object.keys(events)[0], 'Transfer');
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