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Created July 7, 2013 12:39
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Save liamcmitchell/5943350 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Card model from my Rails/Backbone project -
# Card model
App.Models.Card = Backbone.Model.extend(
urlRoot: "/cards"
defaults: ->
revisions: 0
initialize: ->
@kanji = @get("kanji")
@on "change", ->
if App.user.isSignedIn()
completedTest: (type) ->
# Reduce test count
@tests[] -= 1
# If card has been correctly tested enough
if @remainingTests().length <= 0
# Increment revisions by one
@set "revisions", @get("revisions") + 1
# Populate the required test counts
resetTests: ->
@tests = {}
_.each App.testTypes, (type) =>
@tests[] = type.times
# Return array of tests not yet completed
remainingTests: ->
App.testTypes.filter (type) =>
@canTest(type) and @tests[] > 0
# Checks if test can be applied to card
canTest: (test) ->
@hasAttr(test.question) and @hasAttr(test.answer)
# Checks if kanji has property
hasAttr: (attr) ->
if attr is "reading"
return (@hasAttr("onyomi") or @hasAttr("kunyomi"))
@kanji.hasOwnProperty(attr) and @kanji[attr]
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