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Created December 19, 2022 22:28
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import Foundation
import XCTest
extension XCTestCase {
/// Waits for an escaping closure to be invoked with a result value for the specified timeout duration and returns the value.
/// When using this method, you must trigger work inside the `performWork` closure that invokes the `completion` closure exactly once.
/// Failure to do so within the specified `timeout` will result in an error being thrown.
/// ```swift
/// func testSomething() throws {
/// // Given a service
/// let service = makeService()
/// // When the service performs an asynchronous request
/// let result = try wait(timeout: 0.1) { fulfill in
/// service.fetchValueAsynchronously { fulfill($0) }
/// }
/// // Then the result will match the expected outcome
/// XCTAssertEqual(result, .success(.fake(id: 1))) // `result` is the value returned by `fetchValueAsynchronously(_:)`'s closure
/// }
/// ```
/// - Parameters:
/// - timeout: The timeout duration (in seconds) of the test expectation that waits for the result.
/// - description: A description used for the underlying text expectation. Defaults to the caller `#function` name.
/// - performWork: A non-escaping closure used to trigger the asynchronous work that is being awaited.
/// Provides one parameter which is a fulfilment closure to be called once the underlying work has finished and a result has been returned.
/// - Returns: The value passed into the completion closure of the `performWork` closure.
/// - Throws: If `performWork`'s completion closure was not invoked before the specified timeout.
public func wait<T>(
timeout: TimeInterval,
description: String = #function,
for performWork: (@escaping (T) -> Void) -> Void
) throws -> T {
let expectation = expectation(description: description)
var result: T?
performWork {
result = $0
// Actually wait for the expectation to finish and attempt to return the result
wait(for: [expectation], timeout: timeout)
return try XCTUnwrap(result, "completion was not called within the \(timeout)s timeout duration")
/// Waits for an escaping closure to be invoked for the specified timeout duration.
/// - Parameters:
/// - timeout: The timeout duration (in seconds) of the test expectation that waits for the result.
/// - description: A description used for the underlying text expectation. Defaults to the caller `#function` name.
/// - performWork: A non-escaping closure used to trigger the asynchronous work that is being awaited.
/// Provides one parameter which is a fulfilment closure to be called once the underlying work has finished.
/// - Throws: If `performWork`'s completion closure was not invoked before the specified timeout.
public func wait(
timeout: TimeInterval,
description: String = #function,
for performWork: (@escaping () -> Void) -> Void
) throws {
try wait(timeout: timeout, description: description) { fulfill in
performWork { fulfill(()) }
/// Waits for a queue to fulfill an expectation asynchronously or times out.
/// When the provided `queue` is serial, any async work previously scheduled will have to complete allowing the expectation to wait for that work to complete before fulfilling.
/// Use this method with serial queues such as `DispatchQueue.main` in order to allow other pending work items to be performed to essentially flush a queue before making further assertions. For example:
/// ```swift
/// var isFinished: Bool = false
/// DispatchQueue.main.async {
/// isFinished = true
/// }
/// XCTAssertFalse(isFinished) // ✅
/// wait(for: .main, timeout: 0.1)
/// XCTAssertTrue(isFinished) // ✅
/// ```
/// - Parameters:
/// - queue: The queue wait on
/// - timeout: The timeout duration in seconds to wait until a failure is triggered
public func wait(for queue: DispatchQueue, timeout: TimeInterval) {
// Create an expectation that will be used to wait for the queue to perform an async closure
let expectation = self.expectation(description: "DispatchQueue async expectation")
// Schedule the expectation on the queue
queue.async {
// Wait for the `XCTestExpectation` to fulfill or timeout
wait(for: [expectation], timeout: timeout)
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