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Created July 25, 2012 12:55
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Arbitrary DFAs with a total delta function
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, DataKinds, KindSignatures, FlexibleInstances, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen
import Control.Applicative
import Data.List
-- Peano naturals (used on value and type level)
data Nat = Zero | Suc Nat
natFromInt :: Int -> Nat
natFromInt 0 = Zero
natFromInt n = Suc (natFromInt $ n - 1)
intFromNat :: Nat -> Int
intFromNat (Zero) = 0
intFromNat (Suc n) = 1 + intFromNat n
-- Type of finite sets of a certain number of elements
data Fin :: Nat -> * where
FZero :: Fin a
FSuc :: Fin a -> Fin (Suc a)
natFromFin :: Fin n -> Nat
natFromFin (FZero) = Zero
natFromFin (FSuc n) = Suc $ natFromFin n
-- DFAs, parameterised by the number of states
data DFA n = DFA { delta :: Fin n -> Fin n }
-- Allow us to pull down a natural from type level to value level to inspect it, we can get a singleton of a type-level nat just by calling val.
data Singleton :: Nat -> * where
SZero :: Singleton Zero
SSuc :: Singleton n -> Singleton (Suc n)
class Reify (n :: Nat) where
val :: Singleton n
instance Reify Zero where
val = SZero
instance Reify n => Reify (Suc n) where
val = SSuc (val)
-- Generates a list of all inhabitants of a given type Fin n, used for arbitrary instances. Always invoked as "fin val", which gives us a singleton value
-- to reflect the type.
fins :: Singleton n -> [Fin n]
fins (SZero) = [FZero]
fins (SSuc n) = FZero : map FSuc (fins n)
-- Arbitrary natural numbers is straightforward.
instance Arbitrary Nat where
arbitrary = (arbitrary :: Gen (NonNegative Int)) >>= \(NonNegative x) -> return (natFromInt x)
shrink (Suc n) = [n]
shrink Zero = []
-- Using our fins list, arbitrary numbers in a finite set of a given n is straightforward too:
instance (Reify n) => Arbitrary (Fin n) where
arbitrary = elements $ fins val
-- Coarbitrary instance of Fin n required for delta function generation:
instance (Reify n) => CoArbitrary (Fin n) where
coarbitrary = variant . intFromNat . natFromFin
-- We can generate arbitrary DFAs *given* a state space size easily:
instance (Reify n) => Arbitrary (DFA n) where
arbitrary = DFA <$> arbitrary
-- Then, we just need to randomly choose a state space size, so we use an existential quantifier to signify that it is unknown at compile-time:
data Exists :: (Nat -> *) -> * where
ExI :: (Reify x) => c x -> Exists c
-- To convert a nat to a singleton type, we must use exists - Singleton n obviously doesn't work because we don't know what that n will be from
-- compile time checking.
singletonFromNat :: Nat -> Exists Singleton
singletonFromNat = singletonFromNat' (ExI SZero)
where singletonFromNat' :: Exists Singleton -> Nat -> Exists Singleton
singletonFromNat' acc Zero = acc
singletonFromNat' (ExI m) (Suc n) = singletonFromNat' (ExI (SSuc m)) n
natFromSingleton :: Singleton n -> Nat
natFromSingleton (SZero) = Zero
natFromSingleton (SSuc n) = Suc $ natFromSingleton n
-- Come up with some arbitrary type-level natural
instance Arbitrary (Exists Singleton) where
arbitrary = singletonFromNat <$> (arbitrary :: Gen Nat)
-- ... which turns out to be our state space size for generating a totally arbitrary DFA
instance Arbitrary (Exists DFA) where
arbitrary = (arbitrary :: Gen (Exists Singleton))
>>= \(ExI (_ :: Singleton n)) -> ExI <$> (arbitrary :: Gen (DFA n))
instance Show Nat where
show x = "n" ++ show (intFromNat x)
instance Show (Fin n) where
show x = "f" ++ show (intFromNat $ natFromFin x)
instance Show (Singleton n) where
show n = "s" ++ show (intFromNat (natFromSingleton n))
instance Reify n => Show (DFA n) where
show (DFA d) = "let delta x = case x of {" ++ deltaCases d ++ "} in DFA {- " ++ show (val :: Singleton n) ++ " -} delta"
where deltaCases (d :: Fin n -> Fin n) = let fs = fins (val :: Singleton n)
in concat . intersperse "; " $ map (\(a,b) -> show a ++ " -> " ++ show b) $ zip fs $ map d fs
instance Show (Exists DFA) where
show (ExI n) = "ExI (" ++ show n ++ ")"
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