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Created January 30, 2016 18:52
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module bugreport where
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Bool hiding (_≟_)
open import Relation.Nullary
⸤_⸥ : {A : Set} → Dec A → Bool
⸤ yes _ ⸥ = true
⸤ no _ ⸥ = false
record State : Set where
field var₁ : Bool
field var₂ : ℕ
open State ⦃ ... ⦄
postulate Program : Set → Set
postulate guard : ∀{S : Set} → (S → Bool) → Program S
test₃ : Program State
test₃ = guard (λ σ → var₁) -- works
test₂ : Program State
test₂ = guard {State} (λ σ → ⸤ var₂ ≟ 0 ⸥) -- works
test₁ : Program State
test₁ = guard (λ σ → ⸤ var₂ ≟ 0 ⸥) -- doesn't work, used to work in agda 2.4
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