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Last active November 12, 2020 17:06
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Get all songs from Google Play Music as CSV string.

Edit: You should be able to just use Google Takout to export your song data:

With the recent moves towards YouTube Music which is pretty terrible, I figured it was time to embrace Spotify, so I wrote a script to get all of my Google Play Music songs as a CSV so I can add them to Spotify.

  1. Paste in the function below (getAllSongs) into the console when you are in and scrolled all the way to the top
  2. Type await getAllSongs() and wait for the script to scroll all the way down
  3. Confirm that your LENGTH: output matches the total songs on the top of the page
  4. Copy the output string, it's valid CSV for importing into Google Sheets, Excel, etc.
async function getAllSongs() {
const songs = {};
const m = document.getElementById('mainContainer');
let prevScrollTop = -1;
while (true) {
if (prevScrollTop === m.scrollTop) {
await new Promise(r => {
setTimeout(() => r(), 25);
prevScrollTop = m.scrollTop;
m.scrollTop += 400;
const rows = document.querySelectorAll('.song-row');
rows.forEach(r => {
const title = r.querySelector('[data-col="title"] .column-content').textContent;
const artist = r.querySelector('[data-col="artist"] .text').textContent;
const album = r.querySelector('[data-col="album"] .text').textContent;
const liked = r.querySelector('[data-col="rating"]').getAttribute('data-rating') === '5';
const key = title + artist + album;
songs[key] = { title, artist, album, liked: liked ? "true" : "false" };
console.log("LENGTH: ", Object.values(songs).length);
return Object.values(songs)
.map(song => Object.values(song).map(songPart => `"${songPart}"`).join(', '))
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