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Created April 13, 2012 11:24
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Slick2D Tile-Based Lighting System
import org.newdawn.slick.Color;
import org.newdawn.slick.geom.Circle;
import org.newdawn.slick.geom.Vector2f;
* A single light in the example. It's capable of determining how much effect
* it will have in any given point on the tile map. Note that all coordinates
* are given in tile coordinates rather than pixel coordinates.
* @author kevin
public class CircleLight extends Circle {
private Color col;
public boolean colouredLights = true;
public CircleLight(Color col, float centerPointX, float centerPointY, float radius) {
super(centerPointX, centerPointY, radius * 32);
this.col = col;
public float[] getEffectAtCorner(Vector2f corner, boolean colouredLights) {
float dx = (corner.x - getCenterX());
float dy = (corner.y - getCenterY());
float distance2 = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);
float r = radius;
float effect = 1f - (distance2 / (r * r));
if (effect < 0) {
effect = 0;
if (colouredLights) {
return new float[]{col.r * effect * col.a, col.g * effect * col.a, col.b * effect * col.a};
} else {
return new float[]{effect * col.a, effect * col.a, effect * col.a};
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.newdawn.slick.Graphics;
import org.newdawn.slick.Image;
public abstract interface ILightingSystem {
/** List of all the current lights */
ArrayList<CircleLight> lights = new ArrayList<CircleLight>();
boolean colouredLights = true;
public abstract void update();
public abstract void render(Graphics g);
public abstract Image light(int x,int y,Image i);
import java.util.ArrayList;
import lessur.engine.LessurMap;
import org.newdawn.slick.Graphics;
import org.newdawn.slick.Image;
import org.newdawn.slick.geom.Line;
import org.newdawn.slick.geom.Rectangle;
import org.newdawn.slick.geom.Vector2f;
import org.newdawn.slick.tiled.Tile;
import org.newdawn.slick.tiled.TileSet;
public class LightingSystem implements ILightingSystem {
* The values calculated for each vertex of the tile map,
* The 3 dimension is for each corner (topleft, topright, bottomleft, bottomright)
* The 4 dimension is for colour components (red, green, blue) used for colored lighting
* Possible optimizations
* So currently we are updating every tile on the map
* Instead we could divide the map into smalled chunks called sectors, of say 4x4 tiles
* When looping through all the sectors we check if it is 'dirty'. Dirty in this context means for the sector having changed
* We ONLY update the dirty sectors
private float[][][][] lightValue;
LessurMap map = null;
int mapTileHeight;
int mapTileWidth;
ArrayList<Tile> mapTiles = new ArrayList<Tile>();
ArrayList<TileSet> mapTilesets = new ArrayList<TileSet>();
ArrayList<Rectangle> obstructions = new ArrayList<Rectangle>();
/** Default value to use if no light present */
float ambientLight = 0.5f;
public LightingSystem(LessurMap map,float ambientLight){ = map;
this.mapTileWidth = map.getWidth();
this.mapTileHeight = map.getHeight();
//this.ambientLight = ambientLight;
lightValue = new float[mapTileWidth + 1][mapTileHeight + 1][4][3];
public void loadTilesets(){
for(int tilesetI = 0;tilesetI<;tilesetI++){
TileSet t = map.getTileSet(tilesetI);
public ArrayList<Rectangle> getObstructions(){
return this.obstructions;
public ArrayList<CircleLight> getLights(){
return this.lights;
public void update() {
for (int y = 0; y < mapTileHeight ; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < mapTileWidth; x++) {
// first reset the lighting value for each corner and component (red, green, blue)
// ambient light here so we can see if we want even if no light
for (int component = 0; component < 3; component++) {
lightValue[x][y][0][component] = ambientLight; // Top Left
lightValue[x][y][1][component] = ambientLight; // Top Right
lightValue[x][y][2][component] = ambientLight; // Bottom Left
lightValue[x][y][3][component] = ambientLight; // Bottom Right
for (int y = 0; y < mapTileHeight ; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < mapTileWidth ; x++) {
// Value you want to check Line of Sight towards (center of target tile)
// Could possibly expand and make checks to each corner?
Vector2f loscheck = new Vector2f(x * 32 + 16, y * 32 + 16);
// next cycle through all the lights. Ask each light how much effect
// it'll have on the current vertex.
for (CircleLight light : lights) {
// Position of current light
Vector2f lightPos = new Vector2f(light.getCenterX(), light.getCenterY());
// if point to check is further away from light then it's radius, just skip check
if (lightPos.distance(loscheck) >= light.getWidth()) {
// Line of sight, from light poisition to target tile center
Line losC = new Line(lightPos, loscheck);
boolean centerLos = true;
// Check objects, could use optimization, should not need to check them all?
for (Rectangle r : obstructions) {
// If line is broken by an object, flag that this light should not effect tile
if (losC.intersects(r)) {
centerLos = false;
// No line of sigh, skip
if (!centerLos) {
float[] effect;
for (int component = 0; component < 3; component++) {
// check effect on each corner
// top left
effect = light.getEffectAtCorner(new Vector2f(x*32, y*32), colouredLights);
lightValue[x][y][0][component] += effect[component];
// top right
effect = light.getEffectAtCorner(new Vector2f(x*32+32, y*32), colouredLights);
lightValue[x][y][1][component] += effect[component];
// bottom left
effect = light.getEffectAtCorner(new Vector2f(x*32, y*32+32), colouredLights);
lightValue[x][y][2][component] += effect[component];
// bottom right
effect = light.getEffectAtCorner(new Vector2f(x*32+32, y*32+32), colouredLights);
lightValue[x][y][3][component] += effect[component];
public void render(Graphics g) {
for (int y = 0; y < mapTileHeight ; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < mapTileWidth; x++) {
// get the appropriate image to draw for the current tile
Image image = null;
for(int l = map.getLayerCount()-1;l > -1;l--){
if(image == null){
image = map.getTileImage(x, y, l);
// if lighting is on apply the lighting values we've
// calculated for each vertex to the image. We can apply
// colour components here as well as just a single value.
image = light(x, y, image);
// draw the image with it's newly declared vertex colours
// to the display
image.draw(x * 32, y * 32, 32, 32);
// Draw an image on each object, easy here since we only use one imagefile
for (Rectangle r : obstructions) {
boolean canRenderObject = true;
Image object = map.getTileImage((int)r.getX()/32, (int)r.getY()/32, 1);
if(object == null){
canRenderObject = false;
System.out.println("Cant render object at "+r.getX()/32+","+r.getY()/32);
g.drawString("/:/", r.getX(), r.getY());
// Divide position by tilesize since blend() checks per maptile X,Y cord
object = light((int) r.getX() / 32, (int) r.getY() / 32, object);
// finally draw it
object.draw(r.getX(), r.getY(), 32, 32);
public Image light(int x, int y, Image i) {
float[][] val = lightValue[x][y];
boolean skipTopLeft = false, skipTopRight = false, skipBottomLeft = false, skipBottomRight = false;
if(y == 0){
i.setColor(Image.TOP_LEFT, ambientLight, ambientLight, ambientLight, 1);
i.setColor(Image.TOP_RIGHT, ambientLight, ambientLight, ambientLight, 1);
skipTopLeft = true;
skipTopRight = true;
if(x == 0){
i.setColor(Image.TOP_LEFT, ambientLight, ambientLight, ambientLight, 1);
i.setColor(Image.BOTTOM_LEFT, ambientLight, ambientLight, ambientLight, 1);
skipTopLeft = true;
skipBottomLeft = true;
if(x == (map.getWidth()-1)){
i.setColor(Image.BOTTOM_RIGHT, ambientLight, ambientLight, ambientLight, 1);
i.setColor(Image.TOP_RIGHT, ambientLight, ambientLight, ambientLight, 1);
skipBottomRight = true;
skipTopRight = true;
if(y == (map.getHeight()-1)){
i.setColor(Image.BOTTOM_LEFT, ambientLight, ambientLight, ambientLight, 1);
i.setColor(Image.BOTTOM_RIGHT, ambientLight, ambientLight, ambientLight, 1);
skipBottomLeft = true;
skipBottomRight = true;
float topLeftRed = (lightValue[x - 1][y - 1][3][0]
+ lightValue[x][y - 1][2][0]
+ lightValue[x - 1][y][1][0]
+ lightValue[x - 1][y][3][0]
+ lightValue[x][y - 1][3][0]
+ val[0][0] + val[1][0] + val[2][0] + val[3][0]) / 9;
float topLeftGreen = (lightValue[x - 1][y - 1][3][1]
+ lightValue[x][y - 1][2][1]
+ lightValue[x - 1][y][1][1]
+ lightValue[x - 1][y][3][1]
+ lightValue[x][y - 1][3][1]
+ val[0][1] + val[1][1] + val[2][1] + val[3][1]) / 9;
float topLeftBlue = (lightValue[x - 1][y - 1][3][2]
+ lightValue[x][y - 1][2][2]
+ lightValue[x - 1][y][1][2]
+ lightValue[x - 1][y][3][2]
+ lightValue[x][y - 1][3][2]
+ val[0][2] + val[1][2] + val[2][2] + val[3][2]) / 9;
i.setColor(Image.TOP_LEFT, topLeftRed * 0.8f, topLeftGreen * 0.8f, topLeftBlue * 0.8f, 1);
// -------------------
float topRightRed = (lightValue[x][y - 1][2][0]
+ lightValue[x][y - 1][3][0]
+ lightValue[x + 1][y - 1][2][0]
+ lightValue[x + 1][y][0][0]
+ lightValue[x + 1][y][2][0]
+ val[0][0] + val[1][0] + val[2][0] + val[3][0]) / 9;
float topRightGreen = (lightValue[x][y - 1][2][1]
+ lightValue[x][y - 1][3][1]
+ lightValue[x + 1][y - 1][2][1]
+ lightValue[x + 1][y][0][1]
+ lightValue[x + 1][y][2][1]
+ val[0][1] + val[1][1] + val[2][1] + val[3][1]) / 9;
float topRightBlue = (lightValue[x][y - 1][2][2]
+ lightValue[x][y - 1][3][2]
+ lightValue[x + 1][y - 1][2][2]
+ lightValue[x + 1][y][0][2]
+ lightValue[x + 1][y][2][2]
+ val[0][2] + val[1][2] + val[2][2] + val[3][2]) / 9;
i.setColor(Image.TOP_RIGHT, topRightRed * 0.8f, topRightGreen * 0.8f, topRightBlue * 0.8f, 1);
// -------------------
float bottomLeftRed = (lightValue[x - 1][y][3][0]
+ lightValue[x - 1][y][1][0]
+ lightValue[x - 1][y + 1][1][0]
+ lightValue[x][y + 1][0][0]
+ lightValue[x][y + 1][1][0]
+ val[0][0] + val[1][0] + val[2][0] + val[3][0]) / 9;
float bottomLeftGreen = (lightValue[x - 1][y][3][1]
+ lightValue[x - 1][y][1][1]
+ lightValue[x - 1][y + 1][1][1]
+ lightValue[x][y + 1][0][1]
+ lightValue[x][y + 1][1][1]
+ val[0][1] + val[1][1] + val[2][1] + val[3][1]) / 9;
float bottomLeftBlue = (lightValue[x - 1][y][3][2]
+ lightValue[x - 1][y][1][2]
+ lightValue[x - 1][y + 1][1][2]
+ lightValue[x][y + 1][0][2]
+ lightValue[x][y + 1][1][2]
+ val[0][2] + val[1][2] + val[2][2] + val[3][2]) / 9;
i.setColor(Image.BOTTOM_LEFT, bottomLeftRed * 0.8f, bottomLeftGreen * 0.8f, bottomLeftBlue * 0.8f, 1);
// -------------------
float bottomRightRed = (lightValue[x][y + 1][0][0]
+ lightValue[x][y + 1][1][0]
+ lightValue[x + 1][y][0][0]
+ lightValue[x + 1][y][2][0]
+ lightValue[x + 1][y + 1][0][0]
+ val[0][0] + val[1][0] + val[2][0] + val[3][0]) / 9;
float bottomRightGreen = (lightValue[x][y + 1][0][1]
+ lightValue[x][y + 1][1][1]
+ lightValue[x + 1][y][0][1]
+ lightValue[x + 1][y][2][1]
+ lightValue[x + 1][y + 1][0][1]
+ val[0][1] + val[1][1] + val[2][1] + val[3][1]) / 9;
float bottomRightBlue = (lightValue[x][y + 1][0][2]
+ lightValue[x][y + 1][1][2]
+ lightValue[x + 1][y][0][2]
+ lightValue[x + 1][y][2][2]
+ lightValue[x + 1][y + 1][0][2]
+ val[0][2] + val[1][2] + val[2][2] + val[3][2]) / 9;
i.setColor(Image.BOTTOM_RIGHT, bottomRightRed * 0.8f, bottomRightGreen * 0.8f, bottomRightBlue * 0.8f, 1);
return i;
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