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Created December 13, 2019 01:47
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# review: bitcoin
- "blockchain"
- byzantine fault-tolerant consensus in an unpermissioned setting
- before, only had BFT in permissioned setting
- bitcoin: applied to digital currency, with limited "smart contract"
- simplest version of this:
- state machine for currency
- replicated log (ledger) -> replicated state machine
- hash chain
- batching (blocks) as an optimization
- gossip protocol
- what can go wrong?
- double spending attack
- proof of work -> resolving forks
- in bitcoin: sha256
- mining incentives (+ way to bootstrap currency)
- using POW for fork resolution is bitcoin's key innovation
- when is tx committed?
- some other interesting pieces
- adaptive POW / 10 minute block target
- merkle tree
- simplified payment verification (SPV)
# ethereum
- ethereum: what if we had bitcoin, but the replicated state machine was a
turing-complete programmable computer?
- globally shared computation platform; shared blockchain, anyone can deploy
their own RSM (smart contract); RSMs can talk to each other
- contracts (instantiations of programs) deployed to blockchain, live at
address, have a particular interface + implementation, can store (public)
state, store a value (of ether)
- what other state outside of contracts can be accessed?
- can talk to other contracts
- can get blockchain-related info, e.g. prev block hash
- oracles
- messages are RPCs (function calls with arguments, can carry value too) to
- transactions: performed by externally-owned accounts, kick off contract
- language: EVM (HLLs compile down to EVM)
- turing-complete, but with "gas"
- each EVM instruction costs a certain amount of gas (pay for compute +
- pay for gas with ether
- transactions include max gas, eth/gas
- if you run out, state change is reverted (but you lose your gas fee)
- parent executions do not need to revert, only state changes
resulting from the message execution that ran out of gas
- example applications
- token currencies
- decentralized exchange
- financial derivatives
- hedging contract (requires oracle)
- identity and reputation systems
- similar to blockstack's naming system
- decentralized file storage
- merkle tree, SPV-like mechanism to claim ether
- micropayment channel for retrieving data
- keep replacing transaction with same nonce
- decentralized autonomous organizations
- how do you use ethereum
- what is the architecture in voting dapp tutorial
- wallet software
- transactions
- contracts: contract interface via JSON
- web3
- metamask
- some other interesting pieces
- 17 second block target, rewarding uncle blocks
- scalability
- blockchain size: 667 GB
- bitcoin blockchain size: 216 GB
# questions
- when is a transaction durable?
- recommended: 100 confirmations (30 minutes), similar to bitcoin's 6
confirmations in wall clock time
- where do contracts execute?
- how do you choose gas price (eth/gas)?
- how do you choose gas?
- what about private state?
# example
- casino smart contract
- bugs:
- what if contract runs out of money?
- what if contract is self-destructed?
- recursive call bug
- randomness is hard - miner-controlled
- how would we securely generate random numbers?
# discussion
- ethereum design limitations
- compare ethereum and blockstack
- what kinds of applications make sense on one platform but not the other
- DAO incident, hard fork / ETH classic, parity wallet incident, and "code is
- are smart contracts useful? what kinds of applications do they enable? is
there anything interesting beyond financial tools / speculation?
- how can we have less bugs in smart contracts / how can we make smart
contracts easier to program?
- what is necessary for the average person to be able to use this technology?
- what do we think about proof of work?
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