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Created November 15, 2023 05:36
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The architecture of an open-source AI TV show: part 004.
import re
# Given TV script
tv_script = """
[The scene opens in Rick's Garage. Rick is tinkering with a complex-looking gadget while Morty leans against a table, eyeing Rick curiously.]
Rick: Morty, hand me the interdimensional portalizer, will ya?
[Morty rummages through a pile of gadgets and tools, finally handing the portalizer to Rick.]
Morty: Here you go, Rick. What are you up to this time?
[Rick attaches a few wires and fiddles with the device, creating a portal shimmering with blue and green hues.]
# Regular expression pattern to find text within square brackets
pattern = r'\[(.*?)\]'
# Find all matches of text within square brackets
matches = re.findall(pattern, tv_script)
# Assuming the first match represents the stage/setting
if matches:
stage_setting = matches[0]
print("Stage/Setting:", stage_setting)
print("No stage/setting found in the script.")
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