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Created October 31, 2012 12:28
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This is a guess number game Bagels from
import random
def getSecretNum(numDigits):
# Returns a string that is numDigits long, made up of unique random digits.
numbers = list(range(10))
secretNum = ''
for i in range(numDigits):
secretNum += str(numbers[i])
return secretNum
def getClues(guess, secretNum):
# Returns a string with the pico, fermi, bagels clues to the user.
if guess == secretNum:
return 'You got it!'
clue = []
for i in range(len(guess)):
if guess[i] == secretNum[i]:
elif guess[i] in secretNum:
if len(clue) == 0:
return 'Bagels'
return ' '.join(clue)
def isOnlyDigits(num):
# Returns True if num is a string made up only of digits. Otherwise returns False.
if num == '':
return False
for i in num:
if i not in '0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9'.split():
return False
return True
def playAgain():
# This function returns True if the player wants to play again, otherwise it returns False.
print('Do you want to play again? (yes or no)')
return raw_input().lower().startswith('y')
print('I am thinking of a %s-digit number. Try to guess what it is.' % (NUMDIGITS))
print('Here are some clues:')
print('When I say: That means:')
print(' Pico One digit is correct but in the wrong position.')
print(' Fermi One digit is correct and in the right position.')
print(' Bagels No digit is correct.')
while True:
secretNum = getSecretNum(NUMDIGITS)
print('I have thought up a number. You have %s guesses to get it.' % (MAXGUESS))
numGuesses = 1
while numGuesses <= MAXGUESS:
guess = ''
while len(guess) != NUMDIGITS or not isOnlyDigits(guess):
print('Guess #%s: ' % (numGuesses))
guess = raw_input()
clue = getClues(guess, secretNum)
numGuesses += 1
if guess == secretNum:
if numGuesses > MAXGUESS:
print('You ran out of guesses. The answer was %s.' % (secretNum))
if not playAgain():
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