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Created November 18, 2014 20:17
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Functions for the Bioconductor seqc package to generate ExpressionSets from the data provided
##' Creates an ExpressionSet of counts for a given subset of the samples
##' provided by the seqc data package.
##' Currently this only works for \code{feature == 'gene'}.
##' @param feature The type of features you want to build an ExpressionSet
##' out of (gene, junction, taqman
##' @param annotation If \code{feature == 'gene'}, then this determines which
##' set of gene features you want (refseq, aceview)
##' @param platform Subset the data based on the platform it was sequenced on?
##' (ILM, ROC, LIF)
##' @param center Subset the data based on the center that sequenced the
##' libraries?
##' @return An ExpressionSet with the counts from the samples that satisfy the
##' critera set by the function parameters.
seqc.eSet <- function(feature=c('gene', 'junction', 'taqman'),
annotation=c('refseq', 'aceview'),
center=NULL) {
feature <- match.arg(feature)
annotation <- match.arg(annotation)
if (feature == 'taqman') {
out <- .create.SEQC.taqman.eSet()
} else if (feature == 'gene') {
out <- .create.SEQC.gene.eSet(annotation, platform, center)
} else {
stop("Not dealing with junctions for now")
out <- .create.SEQC.junction.eSet(platform, center)
##' Returns a character vector of the available SEQC samples
##' @param feature Limit samples to be of "gene" or "junction"
##' @param annotation Limit samples to a particular annotation source (refseq or
##' aceview)
##' @param platform Limit samples to be of a particular platform (ILM, LIF, ROC)
##' @param center Limit samples to only include those of a particulr center
##' @return a character vector of the sample names/objects in the package:seqc
##' namespace
seqc.samples <- function(feature=NULL, annotation=NULL, platform=NULL,
center=NULL) {
ls.idx <- which(search() == 'package:seqc')
fns.all <- ls(ls.idx)
fns <- fns.all
any.taqman <- c(feature == 'taqman', annotation == 'taqman',
platform == 'taqman', center == 'taqman')
if (any(any.taqman)) {
if (is.character(feature)) {
features <- unique(.parse.feature(fns.all))
feature <- match.arg(feature, features)
fns <- fns[.parse.feature(fns) == feature]
if (is.character(annotation)) {
annotation <- match.arg(annotation, c('refseq', 'aceview'))
## annotation plays no role in the junction files
annotation <- c(annotation, 'junction')
annotations <- .parse.annotation(fns)
fns <- fns[annotations %in% annotation]
if (is.character(platform)) {
platforms <- .parse.platform(fns.all)
platform <- match.arg(platform, platforms, several.ok=TRUE)
fns <- fns[.parse.platform(fns) %in% platform]
if (is.character(center)) {
centers <- setdiff(, 'taqman')
center <- match.arg(center, centers, several.ok=TRUE)
fns <- fns[ %in% center]
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## eSet generation helper functions
##' Create eSet for all samples from given platform and site
.create.SEQC.gene.eSet <- function(annotation, platform, center) {
## Ensure that all rows are the same across every data.frame in x
seqc.idx <- which(search() == 'package:seqc')
fns <- seqc.samples(feature='gene', annotation=annotation, platform=platform,
if (length(fns) == 0) {
stop("No samples fit the selection criteria to build a gene eSet")
## Check that the meta data for each dataset is the same
meta.cols <- c('EntrezID', 'Symbol', 'GeneLength', 'IsERCC')
meta <- lapply(fns, function(xx) get(xx, seqc.idx)[, meta.cols])
kosher <- sapply(meta, function(m) all.equal(m, meta[[1]]))
if (!all(kosher)) {
stop("Features across each data gene-level data file are not the same")
## Build the counts matrix
platform <- c()
counts <-, lapply(fns, function(xx) {
cnts <- get(xx, seqc.idx)
out <- as.matrix(cnts[, setdiff(names(cnts), meta.cols)])
colnames(out) <- paste(colnames(out),, sep='_')
platform <<- c(platform, rep(.parse.platform(xx), ncol(out)))
## Parse the names of the columns in this matrix to something useful <- strsplit(colnames(counts), '_')
pd <- data.frame(
sample=factor(sapply(, '[[', 1L)),
replicate=factor(sapply(, '[[', 2L)),
lane=factor(sapply(, '[[', 3L)), ## or region for 454
flowcell=factor(sapply(, function(x) {
if (length(x) == 5) x[4L] else '454'
center=factor(sapply(, tail, 1L)))
out <- ExpressionSet(counts)
pData(out) <- pd
fData(out) <- meta[[1]]
.create.SEQC.junction.eSet <- function(x) {
stop("Junction stuff not yet implemented")
.create.SEQC.taqman.eSet <- function(x) {
stop("Taqman generation not yet implemented")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Utility functions to parse information out of the objects loaded up by the
## seqc package
.parse.platform <- function(x) {
sapply(strsplit(x, '_'), '[[', 1L)
## either aceview, refseq, junction, or taqman
.parse.annotation <- function(x) {
x <- sapply(strsplit(x, '_'), '[', 2L)
ifelse(, 'taqman', x)
## either gene or junction
.parse.feature <- function(x) {
out <- .parse.annotation(x)
ifelse(out == 'taqman', 'gene', ifelse(out == 'junction', out, 'gene'))
} <- function(x) {
pieces <- strsplit(x, '_')
anno <- .parse.annotation(x)
ifelse(anno == 'junction', sapply(pieces, '[', 3), sapply(pieces, tail, 1))
.parse.sample <- function(x) {
stop("This is only for junction stuff, which we ignore for now")
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