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Last active December 14, 2020 13:37
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#ifdef cl_clang_storage_class_specifiers
#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_clang_storage_class_specifiers : enable
#if defined(cl_amd_media_ops)
* MESA define cl_amd_media_ops but no amd_bitalign() defined.
uint2 amd_bitalign(uint2 src0, uint2 src1, uint2 src2)
uint2 dst;
__asm("v_alignbit_b32 %0, %2, %3, %4\n"
"v_alignbit_b32 %1, %5, %6, %7"
: "=v" (dst.x), "=v" (dst.y)
: "v" (src0.x), "v" (src1.x), "v" (src2.x),
"v" (src0.y), "v" (src1.y), "v" (src2.y));
return dst;
#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_amd_media_ops : enable
#elif defined(cl_nv_pragma_unroll)
uint amd_bitalign(uint src0, uint src1, uint src2)
uint dest;
asm("shf.r.wrap.b32 %0, %2, %1, %3;" : "=r"(dest) : "r"(src0), "r"(src1), "r"(src2));
return dest;
#define amd_bitalign(src0, src1, src2) ((uint) (((((ulong)(src0)) << 32) | (ulong)(src1)) >> ((src2) & 31)))
#if WORKSIZE % 4 != 0
#error "WORKSIZE has to be a multiple of 4"
#define FNV_PRIME 0x01000193U
static __constant uint2 const Keccak_f1600_RC[24] = {
(uint2)(0x00000001, 0x00000000),
(uint2)(0x00008082, 0x00000000),
(uint2)(0x0000808a, 0x80000000),
(uint2)(0x80008000, 0x80000000),
(uint2)(0x0000808b, 0x00000000),
(uint2)(0x80000001, 0x00000000),
(uint2)(0x80008081, 0x80000000),
(uint2)(0x00008009, 0x80000000),
(uint2)(0x0000008a, 0x00000000),
(uint2)(0x00000088, 0x00000000),
(uint2)(0x80008009, 0x00000000),
(uint2)(0x8000000a, 0x00000000),
(uint2)(0x8000808b, 0x00000000),
(uint2)(0x0000008b, 0x80000000),
(uint2)(0x00008089, 0x80000000),
(uint2)(0x00008003, 0x80000000),
(uint2)(0x00008002, 0x80000000),
(uint2)(0x00000080, 0x80000000),
(uint2)(0x0000800a, 0x00000000),
(uint2)(0x8000000a, 0x80000000),
(uint2)(0x80008081, 0x80000000),
(uint2)(0x00008080, 0x80000000),
(uint2)(0x80000001, 0x00000000),
(uint2)(0x80008008, 0x80000000),
#ifdef cl_amd_media_ops
#define ROTL64_1(x, y) amd_bitalign((x), (x).s10, 32 - (y))
#define ROTL64_2(x, y) amd_bitalign((x).s10, (x), 32 - (y))
#define ROTL64_1(x, y) as_uint2(rotate(as_ulong(x), (ulong)(y)))
#define ROTL64_2(x, y) ROTL64_1(x, (y) + 32)
#define KECCAKF_1600_RND(a, i, outsz) do { \
const uint2 m0 = a[0] ^ a[5] ^ a[10] ^ a[15] ^ a[20] ^ ROTL64_1(a[2] ^ a[7] ^ a[12] ^ a[17] ^ a[22], 1);\
const uint2 m1 = a[1] ^ a[6] ^ a[11] ^ a[16] ^ a[21] ^ ROTL64_1(a[3] ^ a[8] ^ a[13] ^ a[18] ^ a[23], 1);\
const uint2 m2 = a[2] ^ a[7] ^ a[12] ^ a[17] ^ a[22] ^ ROTL64_1(a[4] ^ a[9] ^ a[14] ^ a[19] ^ a[24], 1);\
const uint2 m3 = a[3] ^ a[8] ^ a[13] ^ a[18] ^ a[23] ^ ROTL64_1(a[0] ^ a[5] ^ a[10] ^ a[15] ^ a[20], 1);\
const uint2 m4 = a[4] ^ a[9] ^ a[14] ^ a[19] ^ a[24] ^ ROTL64_1(a[1] ^ a[6] ^ a[11] ^ a[16] ^ a[21], 1);\
const uint2 tmp = a[1]^m0;\
a[0] ^= m4;\
a[5] ^= m4; \
a[10] ^= m4; \
a[15] ^= m4; \
a[20] ^= m4; \
a[6] ^= m0; \
a[11] ^= m0; \
a[16] ^= m0; \
a[21] ^= m0; \
a[2] ^= m1; \
a[7] ^= m1; \
a[12] ^= m1; \
a[17] ^= m1; \
a[22] ^= m1; \
a[3] ^= m2; \
a[8] ^= m2; \
a[13] ^= m2; \
a[18] ^= m2; \
a[23] ^= m2; \
a[4] ^= m3; \
a[9] ^= m3; \
a[14] ^= m3; \
a[19] ^= m3; \
a[24] ^= m3; \
a[1] = ROTL64_2(a[6], 12);\
a[6] = ROTL64_1(a[9], 20);\
a[9] = ROTL64_2(a[22], 29);\
a[22] = ROTL64_2(a[14], 7);\
a[14] = ROTL64_1(a[20], 18);\
a[20] = ROTL64_2(a[2], 30);\
a[2] = ROTL64_2(a[12], 11);\
a[12] = ROTL64_1(a[13], 25);\
a[13] = ROTL64_1(a[19], 8);\
a[19] = ROTL64_2(a[23], 24);\
a[23] = ROTL64_2(a[15], 9);\
a[15] = ROTL64_1(a[4], 27);\
a[4] = ROTL64_1(a[24], 14);\
a[24] = ROTL64_1(a[21], 2);\
a[21] = ROTL64_2(a[8], 23);\
a[8] = ROTL64_2(a[16], 13);\
a[16] = ROTL64_2(a[5], 4);\
a[5] = ROTL64_1(a[3], 28);\
a[3] = ROTL64_1(a[18], 21);\
a[18] = ROTL64_1(a[17], 15);\
a[17] = ROTL64_1(a[11], 10);\
a[11] = ROTL64_1(a[7], 6);\
a[7] = ROTL64_1(a[10], 3);\
a[10] = ROTL64_1(tmp, 1);\
uint2 m5 = a[0]; uint2 m6 = a[1]; a[0] = bitselect(a[0]^a[2],a[0],a[1]); \
a[0] ^= as_uint2(Keccak_f1600_RC[i]); \
if (outsz > 1) { \
a[1] = bitselect(a[1]^a[3],a[1],a[2]); a[2] = bitselect(a[2]^a[4],a[2],a[3]); a[3] = bitselect(a[3]^m5,a[3],a[4]); a[4] = bitselect(a[4]^m6,a[4],m5);\
if (outsz > 4) { \
m5 = a[5]; m6 = a[6]; a[5] = bitselect(a[5]^a[7],a[5],a[6]); a[6] = bitselect(a[6]^a[8],a[6],a[7]); a[7] = bitselect(a[7]^a[9],a[7],a[8]); a[8] = bitselect(a[8]^m5,a[8],a[9]); a[9] = bitselect(a[9]^m6,a[9],m5);\
if (outsz > 8) { \
m5 = a[10]; m6 = a[11]; a[10] = bitselect(a[10]^a[12],a[10],a[11]); a[11] = bitselect(a[11]^a[13],a[11],a[12]); a[12] = bitselect(a[12]^a[14],a[12],a[13]); a[13] = bitselect(a[13]^m5,a[13],a[14]); a[14] = bitselect(a[14]^m6,a[14],m5);\
m5 = a[15]; m6 = a[16]; a[15] = bitselect(a[15]^a[17],a[15],a[16]); a[16] = bitselect(a[16]^a[18],a[16],a[17]); a[17] = bitselect(a[17]^a[19],a[17],a[18]); a[18] = bitselect(a[18]^m5,a[18],a[19]); a[19] = bitselect(a[19]^m6,a[19],m5);\
m5 = a[20]; m6 = a[21]; a[20] = bitselect(a[20]^a[22],a[20],a[21]); a[21] = bitselect(a[21]^a[23],a[21],a[22]); a[22] = bitselect(a[22]^a[24],a[22],a[23]); a[23] = bitselect(a[23]^m5,a[23],a[24]); a[24] = bitselect(a[24]^m6,a[24],m5);\
} \
} \
} \
} while(0)
#define KECCAK_PROCESS(st, in_size, out_size) do { \
for (int r = 0; r < 24; ++r) { \
int os = (r < 23 ? 25 : (out_size));\
KECCAKF_1600_RND(st, r, os); \
} \
} while(0)
#define fnv(x, y) ((x) * FNV_PRIME ^ (y))
#define fnv_reduce(v) fnv(fnv(fnv(v.x, v.y), v.z), v.w)
typedef union {
uint uints[128 / sizeof(uint)];
ulong ulongs[128 / sizeof(ulong)];
uint2 uint2s[128 / sizeof(uint2)];
uint4 uint4s[128 / sizeof(uint4)];
uint8 uint8s[128 / sizeof(uint8)];
uint16 uint16s[128 / sizeof(uint16)];
ulong8 ulong8s[128 / sizeof(ulong8)];
} hash128_t;
typedef union {
ulong8 ulong8s[1];
ulong4 ulong4s[2];
uint2 uint2s[8];
uint4 uint4s[4];
uint8 uint8s[2];
uint16 uint16s[1];
ulong ulongs[8];
uint uints[16];
} compute_hash_share;
#define MIX(x) \
do { \
if (get_local_id(0) == lane_idx) { \
buffer[hash_id] = fnv(init0 ^ (a + x), ((uint *)&mix)[x]) % dag_size; \
} \
uint idx = buffer[hash_id]; \
mix = fnv(mix, g_dag[idx >> 1].uint8s[thread_id]); \
} while(0)
struct SearchResults {
struct {
uint gid;
uint mix[8];
uint pad[7]; // pad to 16 words for easy indexing
} rslt[MAX_OUTPUTS];
uint count;
uint hashCount;
uint abort;
__attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(WORKSIZE, 1, 1)))
__kernel void search(
__global struct SearchResults* restrict g_output,
__constant uint2 const* g_header,
__global ulong8 const* g_dag,
uint dag_size,
ulong start_nonce,
ulong target
#ifdef FAST_EXIT
if (g_output->abort)
const uint thread_id = get_local_id(0) % 4;
const uint hash_id = get_local_id(0) / 4;
const uint gid = get_global_id(0);
__local compute_hash_share sharebuf[WORKSIZE / 4];
__local uint buffer[WORKSIZE];
__local compute_hash_share * const share = sharebuf + hash_id;
// sha3_512(header .. nonce)
uint2 state[25];
state[0] = g_header[0];
state[1] = g_header[1];
state[2] = g_header[2];
state[3] = g_header[3];
state[4] = as_uint2(start_nonce + gid);
state[5] = as_uint2(0x0000000000000001UL);
state[6] = (uint2)(0);
state[7] = (uint2)(0);
state[8] = as_uint2(0x8000000000000000UL);
state[9] = (uint2)(0);
state[10] = (uint2)(0);
state[11] = (uint2)(0);
state[12] = (uint2)(0);
state[13] = (uint2)(0);
state[14] = (uint2)(0);
state[15] = (uint2)(0);
state[16] = (uint2)(0);
state[17] = (uint2)(0);
state[18] = (uint2)(0);
state[19] = (uint2)(0);
state[20] = (uint2)(0);
state[21] = (uint2)(0);
state[22] = (uint2)(0);
state[23] = (uint2)(0);
state[24] = (uint2)(0);
uint2 mixhash[4];
for (int pass = 0; pass < 2; ++pass) {
KECCAK_PROCESS(state, select(5, 12, pass != 0), select(8, 1, pass != 0));
if (pass > 0)
uint init0;
uint8 mix;
#pragma unroll 1
for (uint tid = 0; tid < 4; tid++) {
if (tid == thread_id) {
share->uint2s[0] = state[0];
share->uint2s[1] = state[1];
share->uint2s[2] = state[2];
share->uint2s[3] = state[3];
share->uint2s[4] = state[4];
share->uint2s[5] = state[5];
share->uint2s[6] = state[6];
share->uint2s[7] = state[7];
mix = share->uint8s[thread_id & 1];
init0 = share->uints[0];
#pragma unroll 1
for (uint a = 0; a < ACCESSES; a += 8) {
const uint lane_idx = 4 * hash_id + a / 8 % 4;
for (uint x = 0; x < 8; ++x)
share->uint2s[thread_id] = (uint2)(fnv_reduce(mix.lo), fnv_reduce(mix.hi));
if (tid == thread_id) {
state[8] = share->uint2s[0];
state[9] = share->uint2s[1];
state[10] = share->uint2s[2];
state[11] = share->uint2s[3];
mixhash[0] = state[8];
mixhash[1] = state[9];
mixhash[2] = state[10];
mixhash[3] = state[11];
state[12] = as_uint2(0x0000000000000001UL);
state[13] = (uint2)(0);
state[14] = (uint2)(0);
state[15] = (uint2)(0);
state[16] = as_uint2(0x8000000000000000UL);
state[17] = (uint2)(0);
state[18] = (uint2)(0);
state[19] = (uint2)(0);
state[20] = (uint2)(0);
state[21] = (uint2)(0);
state[22] = (uint2)(0);
state[23] = (uint2)(0);
state[24] = (uint2)(0);
#ifdef FAST_EXIT
if (get_local_id(0) == 0)
if (as_ulong(as_uchar8(state[0]).s76543210) <= target) {
#ifdef FAST_EXIT
uint slot = min(MAX_OUTPUTS - 1u, atomic_inc(&g_output->count));
g_output->rslt[slot].gid = gid;
g_output->rslt[slot].mix[0] = mixhash[0].s0;
g_output->rslt[slot].mix[1] = mixhash[0].s1;
g_output->rslt[slot].mix[2] = mixhash[1].s0;
g_output->rslt[slot].mix[3] = mixhash[1].s1;
g_output->rslt[slot].mix[4] = mixhash[2].s0;
g_output->rslt[slot].mix[5] = mixhash[2].s1;
g_output->rslt[slot].mix[6] = mixhash[3].s0;
g_output->rslt[slot].mix[7] = mixhash[3].s1;
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liaohuqiu commented Dec 14, 2020

The pseudo-code of search:

Input : g_header, start_nonce, g_dag, dag_size
Output: mix

s ← sha3_512(g_header + start_nonce); // 8 bytes

mix = s
for a ← 0 to 64 do
    for x ← 0 to 8 do
        index ← fnv((a + x) ∧ s[0], mix[x]) % dag_size
        mix ← fnv(mix, g_dag[index]);

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