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Last active July 12, 2024 10:11
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WSL2使用clash for windows代理
# WSL通过Win访问网络,所以WSL的网关指向的是Windows,DNS服务器指向的也是Windows,设置WSL的proxy为win的代理ip+端口即可
# WSL中的DNS server在/etc/resolv.conf中查看,该文件是由/etc/wsl.conf自动生成的。
# 如果关闭了wsl.conf中自动生成resolve.conf并自行修改了resolve.conf,DNS nameserver并不是本机win ip
# 需要开启wsl.conf的自动生成,再运行以下命令
# 添加到环境变量设置中,例如~/.zshrc
export hostip=$(cat /etc/resolv.conf |grep -oP '(?<=nameserver\ ).*')
export https_proxy="http://${hostip}:7890"
export http_proxy="http://${hostip}:7890"
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我的问题比较奇怪,不知道有没有人有遇到过,直接用wsl2和clash的话,是可以访问外网的,但是使用apt-get update的时候,会一直卡在0%的进度,但是能ping通源的域名,单独关闭设置里的代理也不行,必须要把clash也关掉才能update成功。

If you are using the http_proxy variable, you need to check whether the http_proxy variable continues to be used after running sudo. Generally, sudo will clear the environment variables of the common user by default. Previously, I encountered this issue where sudo curl could not use the proxy due to this reason. I eventually solved the issue by modifying the /etc/sudoers file using sudo visudo and adding Defaults env_keep += "http_proxy https_proxy ftp_proxy no_proxy", which allowed sudo to use the proxy correctly.

works for me also, but it's weird for I changed nothing recently

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