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Last active April 12, 2019 01:16
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Trigger de stopLoss y takeProfit
* Crea (alertas de) stopLoss y takeProfit.
* Este código es un ejercicio. No me responsabilizo de que
* no funcione. Sos el único responsable si lo usas y pones
* tu dinero en juego.
* Este script solo funciona en la consola del navegador
* en
cryptoapi = (()=>{
function init() {
function update() {
for(const coin of config.coins) {
function createLimitsViewer() {
// haciendo uso de la variable global base_name, muestro el stop loss
<div id="header-limits" class="content-text text-center" style="margin-top: 10px;">
<div style="top: 0px;" class="header_price_container">
<div class="price_container container_bid animation">
<div class="margin-top-neg-4">stop loss</div>
<div class="margin-top-neg"><b id="stop-loss-viewer">-</b></div>
<div class="price_container margin-left-10 container_ask animation">
<div class="margin-top-neg-4">take profit</div>
<div class="margin-top-neg"><b id="take-profit-viewer">-</b></div>
$('<li><span class="divider_nav">&nbsp;</span></li>').insertBefore('#alerts_dropdown');
function updateView() {
// actualizar valores limit
const {stopLoss, takeProfit} = config.limits[base_name] || {};
$('#stop-loss-viewer').text( stopLoss ? '$'+stopLoss : '-');
$('#take-profit-viewer').text( takeProfit ? '$'+takeProfit : '-');
/** config */
const config = {
base: 'ARS',
coins: ['ETH', 'XLM'],
interval: 2, // segundos
limits: {},
/** helpers */
const helpers = {
getTicker: (coin = 'ETH') => {
const ticker = window.board[coin+config.base]
return {
bid: parseFloat(ticker.BID),
ask: parseFloat(ticker.ASK),
spread: parseFloat((ticker.ASK - ticker.BID).toFixed(2))
getBalance: (currency = 'ARS') => {
return window.balances.find(x=>x.currency_name === currency)
getAvailableBalance: (currency = 'ARS') => {
return parseFloat(helpers.getBalance(currency).disponible).toFixed(2);
createOrder(pair_name, order_type, price, amount) {
$.post("/platform/market/" + pair_name + "/open_order", {
csrfmiddlewaretoken: $("[name='csrfmiddlewaretoken']").val(),
order_type: order_type,
price: price,
amount: amount
}).done(function(e) {
if ("success" == e.status) {
toastr.success(trans.order_ha_sido_abierta, trans.order_abierta);
try {
"buy" == order_type ? dataLayer.push({
event: "ordenCompra"
}) : dataLayer.push({
event: "ordenVenta"
} catch (t) {}
} else toastr.error(e.message, trans.ha_ocurrido_error)
}).fail(function() {
toastr.error(trans.lo_lamentamos, trans.ha_ocurrido_error)
}).always(function() {
* type: stopLoss|takeProfit
setLimit(type, coin, price) {
if(typeof config.limits[coin] === 'undefined') {
config.limits[coin] = {}
config.limits[coin][type] = price
getLimits() {
return config.limits
setStopLoss(coin, price) {
helpers.setLimit('stopLoss', coin, price)
setTakeProfit(coin, price) {
helpers.setLimit('takeProfit', coin, price)
checkLimits(coin) {
// skip si no hay limites definidos para la moneda
if(typeof config.limits[coin] === 'undefined') {
return false
const {stopLoss, takeProfit} = config.limits[coin];
const ticker = helpers.getTicker(coin);
// skip si el tick no toca los limites establecidos
if( (!stopLoss || parseFloat(ticker.ask) > parseFloat(stopLoss))
&& (!takeProfit || parseFloat( < parseFloat(takeProfit)) ) {
return false
// skip si no hay balance de esa moneda
const available = helpers.getAvailableBalance(coin)
if(available < window.min_sell ) {
return false
const pair_name = coin + config.base;
let price;
// vender
if(parseFloat(ticker.ask) <= parseFloat(stopLoss)) {
price = ticker.ask
} else if(parseFloat( >= parseFloat(takeProfit)){
price =
console.log('CREA TU ORDEN!', pair_name, 'sell', price, available);
toastr.success(`Vende ${available} ${coin} a ${price}`, 'CREA TU ORDEN!'); // mensaje en pantalla
// helpers.createOrder(pair_name, 'sell', price, available) // descomentar para darle funcionalidad
setInterval(update, config.interval * 1000)
return {
getAvailableBalance: helpers.getAvailableBalance,
getTicker: helpers.getTicker,
createOrder: helpers.createOrder,
setStopLoss: helpers.setStopLoss,
setTakeProfit: helpers.setTakeProfit,
getLimits: helpers.getLimits,
// Ejemplo:
// cryptoapi.setStopLoss('XLM', 9.56);
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