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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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  • Save libbkmz/bad287217b8fe352fe96 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save libbkmz/bad287217b8fe352fe96 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from trie import Trie
from itertools import chain
u"", u"", u"т", u"", u"ч",
u"", u"м", u"а", u"е", u"у",
u"м", u"о", u"л", u"о", u"т",
u"ш", u"", u"к", u"ь", u"х",
u"", u"е", u"у", u"", u"",
u"б", u"", u"", u"", u"",
u"а", u"г", u"я", u"п", u"",
u"т", u"е", u"р", u"а", u"и",
u"а", u"м", u"о", u"к", u"",
u"к", u"", u"й", u"", u"",
u"а", u"л", u"е", u"м", u"о",
u"к", u"о", u"к", u"ф", u"п",
u"э", u"ш", u"а", u"р", u"п",
u"с", u"т", u"а", u"м", u"п",
u"", u"а", u"н", u"ы", u"в",
STATE2 = [
u"", u"", u"", u"", u"и",
u"", u"", u"", u"и", u"ц",
u"п", u"р", u"а", u"т", u"а",
u"", u"и", u"в", u"и", u"з",
u"", u"", u"", u"", u"",
STATE2 = [
u"", u"д", u"а", u"", u"",
u"а", u"", u"", u"", u"",
u"б", u"", u"", u"", u"",
u"", u"", u"", u"", u"",
u"", u"", u"", u"", u"",
# alphabet = u"абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя"
alphabet = u"л"
utr = Trie()
tr = Trie()
tr_inv = Trie()
hl = open("dict", "r")
# tr.append(u"ломоть")
print "Building trees..."
for line in hl.readlines():
line = line.rstrip("\n\r").decode("utf-8")
for i in reversed(xrange(len(line))):
# print line[i::-1]
print (u"лаб" in tr_inv)
print (tr_inv.exist(u"ла"))
print "Tries builed, sir!"
def traverse(state, index, path, res, ipath):
global utr
if state[index] == u"":
# raise ValueError
state = copy(state)
ipath = copy(ipath)
out = state[index]
path = copy(path)
str_path = "".join(path)
# print state[index]
# print index
# GC
# del state[index]
state[index] = u""
# import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
# import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
# print "%s[%s]: %s" % (out, index, "".join(path))
if len(path) > 1 and (not str_path in utr) and str_path in tr:
res.append([str_path, ipath])
if index >= 1 and state[index-1] and (not index % STATE_SIZE == 0):
traverse(state, index-1, path, res, ipath)
if index < STATE_LEN-1 and state[index+1] and (not index+1 % STATE_SIZE == 0):
traverse(state, index+1, path, res, ipath)
if index >= STATE_SIZE and state[index-STATE_SIZE]:
traverse(state, index-STATE_SIZE, path, res, ipath)
if index < STATE_LEN-STATE_SIZE and state[index+STATE_SIZE]:
traverse(state, index+STATE_SIZE, path, res, ipath)
# if index == 18:
# import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
# print "".join(path)
# return "".join(path)
return res
def test_direction(state, index):
if index >= 1 and state[index-1] and (not index % STATE_SIZE == 0):
return True
if index < STATE_LEN-1 and state[index+1] and (not index % STATE_SIZE == 0):
return True
if index >= STATE_SIZE and state[index-STATE_SIZE]:
return True
if index < STATE_LEN-STATE_SIZE and state[index+STATE_SIZE]:
return True
def reverse_callback(state, path, ipath):
state = copy(state)
path = copy(path)
ipath = copy(ipath)
return traverse(state, ipath[-1], path[:-1], [], ipath[:-1])
def reverse_search(state, path, ipath):
return reverse_callback(state, list(reversed(path)), list(reversed(ipath)))
def traverse_o(state, index, path, res, ipath):
state = copy(state)
ipath = copy(ipath)
path = copy(path)
out = state[index]
str_path = "".join(path)
if index >= 1 and state[index-1] and (not index % STATE_SIZE == 0):
if tr_inv.exist(str_path+state[index-1]):
traverse_o(state, index-1, path, res, ipath)
if index < STATE_LEN-1 and state[index+1] and (not index+1 % STATE_SIZE == 0):
if tr_inv.exist(str_path+state[index+1]):
traverse_o(state, index+1, path, res, ipath)
if index >= STATE_SIZE and state[index-STATE_SIZE]:
if tr_inv.exist(str_path+state[index-STATE_SIZE]):
traverse_o(state, index-STATE_SIZE, path, res, ipath)
if index < STATE_LEN-STATE_SIZE and state[index+STATE_SIZE]:
if tr_inv.exist(str_path+state[index+STATE_SIZE]):
traverse_o(state, index+STATE_SIZE, path, res, ipath)
if str_path in tr_inv:
res.append(reverse_search(state, path, ipath))
state[index] = u""
return res
# for i, el in enumerate(STATE):
# if el:
# print STATE[i]
# print STATE[i-1]
# print STATE[i+1]
# break
# import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
# print traverse(copy(STATE), 10, [], [])
# import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
# print traverse(copy(STATE), 10, [], [])
qqq = []
ccc = 0
for i, el1 in enumerate(STATE):
if test_direction(STATE, i):
for char in alphabet:
if not STATE[i]:
STATE[i] = char
for j, el2 in enumerate(STATE):
qqq.append(traverse_o(STATE, j, [], [], []))
# import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
print j
print i
STATE[i] = u""
qqq = list(chain(*qqq))
qqq = filter(lambda x: not not x, qqq)
qqq = list(chain(*qqq))
qqq.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(len(x[0]), len(y[0])))
for i in qqq:
if i:
# print i
print "%s: %s" % (i[0], i[1])
# print len(qqq)
# print ccc
# raw_input()
# hl2 = open("res", "w")
# for i in qqq:
# if not i is None:
# for j in i:
# if j in tr:
# hl2.write(j.encode("utf-8")+"\n")
# hl2.close()
# for j, el1 in enumerate(STATE):
# if test_direction(STATE, j):
# for char in alphabet:
# if not STATE[j]:
# STATE[j] = char
# for k, el2 in enumerate(STATE):
# if STATE[k]:
# res = traverse(copy(STATE), k, [])
# print res
# if res in tr:
# print char+": " ,
# print res
# print STATE
# # print STATE
# STATE[j] = u""
# for j, el1 in enumerate(STATE):
# if el1:
# res = traverse(copy(STATE), j)
# print res
# if res in tr:
# print res
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
class Trie():
_end = "_end_"
def __init__(self, *words):
self.root = dict()
def append(self, *words):
for word in words:
current_dict = self.root
for letter in word:
current_dict = current_dict.setdefault(letter, {})
current_dict = current_dict.setdefault(self._end, self._end)
return self
def __contains__(self, item):
current_dict = self.root
item = unicode(item)
for letter in item:
if letter in current_dict:
current_dict = current_dict[letter]
return False
if self._end in current_dict:
return True
return False
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