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Created November 28, 2023 00:34
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Simulating worst case for linux kernel RSS memory optimisation update.
#!/usr/bin/env rust-script
//! ```cargo
//! [dependencies]
//! clap = { version = "4.4.9", features = ["std", "derive", "help"] }
//! memmap = "0.7.0"
//! procfs = { version = "0.16.0", default-features = false }
//! thousands = "0.2.0"
//! ```
/// This app can be executed with `rust-script` tool like this:
/// rust-script -t 512 -p 256 -i 63
use std::fs::read_to_string;
use std::sync::{Arc, Barrier};
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
use clap::Parser;
use memmap::MmapOptions;
use thousands::Separable;
const PAGE_SIZE: usize = 4096;
struct Conf {
#[arg(short = 't', default_value_t = 32, help = "")]
number_of_threads: usize,
default_value_t = 128,
help = "number of allocated pages per thread, and this number must be >= iter_limit"
pages_chunk_per_thread: usize,
#[arg(short, default_value_t = 1, help = "number of pages to touch")]
iter_limit: usize,
default_value_t = 0,
help = "sleep time before each thread continue execution"
sleep_time: u64,
chunk_size: usize,
fn read_statm_rss() -> i64 {
let me = procfs::process::Process::myself().unwrap();
let stat = me.stat().unwrap();
stat.rss as i64 * PAGE_SIZE as i64
fn read_smap_rollups() -> i64 {
let s = read_to_string("/proc/self/smaps_rollup").unwrap();
let mut i = s.lines();;
let rss_line =;
let rss = rss_line
* 1024;
fn worker(thread_id: usize, barrier: Arc<Barrier>, mem_chunk: &mut [u8], cfg: &Conf) {
thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(cfg.sleep_time) * thread_id as u32);
let f = || {
let rss_1 = read_statm_rss();
let rss_2 = read_smap_rollups();
let diff = rss_2 - rss_1;
"/proc/self/stat RSS: {}\n/proc/self/smaps_rollup RSS: {}\ndiff: {}",
let available_pages = mem_chunk.len() / PAGE_SIZE;
for i in 0..available_pages {
let pos = i * PAGE_SIZE;
if i >= cfg.iter_limit {
mem_chunk[pos] = 1;
if thread_id == 0 {
fn main() {
let mut cli_m = Conf::parse();
cli_m.chunk_size = cli_m.pages_chunk_per_thread * PAGE_SIZE;
let cli = cli_m;
assert!(cli.pages_chunk_per_thread >= cli.iter_limit);
let barrier: Arc<Barrier> = Arc::new(Barrier::new(cli.number_of_threads));
let mut map = MmapOptions::new()
.len(cli.chunk_size * cli.number_of_threads)
thread::scope(|s| {
let mut chunk = map.chunks_mut(cli.chunk_size);
for i in 0..cli.number_of_threads {
let b = Arc::clone(&barrier);
let y: &mut [u8] =;
let cfg = &cli;
s.spawn(move || worker(i, b, y, cfg));
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