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Created December 26, 2017 21:12
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//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
protocol AnyValidator {
func validate(any: Any) -> Bool
protocol Validator: AnyValidator {
associatedtype Value
func validate(value: Value) -> Bool
extension Validator {
func validate(any: Any) -> Bool {
guard let v = any as? Value else { return false }
return validate(value: v)
final class EmailValidator: Validator {
func validate(value: String) -> Bool {
return value.contains("@")
final class MonthValidator: Validator {
func validate(value: Int) -> Bool {
return 0 < value && value <= 12
let emailValidator = EmailValidator()
let monthValidator = MonthValidator()
let validators: [AnyValidator] = [emailValidator, monthValidator]
validators[0].validate(any: "example")
validators[0].validate(any: "")
validators[0].validate(any: 42)
validators[1].validate(any: 45)
validators[1].validate(any: 6)
validators[1].validate(any: "two")
let emailValidators: [EmailValidator] = validators.flatMap { guard let v = $0 as? EmailValidator else {return nil}; return v }
let monthsValidators: [MonthValidator] = validators.flatMap { guard let v = $0 as? MonthValidator else {return nil}; return v }
monthsValidators[0].validate(value: 4)
//monthsValidators[0].validate(value: "4") // compile error
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