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Last active April 24, 2019 09:33
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protocol Identifiable {
var id: String { get }
struct Settings: Codable, Identifiable {
var id: String = "44"
var name: String = "test"
extension Settings: UserDefaultsStoring {}
// aka Storable
protocol UserDefaultsStoring {
static func load(id: String) throws -> Self?
func save() throws
extension UserDefaultsStoring where Self: Codable, Self: Identifiable {
static func load(id: String) throws -> Self? {
let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
let key = "\(self).\(id)"
print("load key: \(key)")
if let data = key) {
let decoder = PropertyListDecoder()
return try decoder.decode(self, from: data)
} else {
return nil
func save() throws {
let encoder = PropertyListEncoder()
let data = try encoder.encode(self)
let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
let key = "\(type(of: self)).\(id)"
print("save key: \(key)")
defaults.set(data, forKey: key)
func sample() {
let s1 = Settings()
let s2 = try! Settings.load(id: "44")
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