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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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coe 449 lab 3
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
char * mygetline( char **buffer, FILE * instream ); // JUST A PROTOTYPE. FUNCTION BODY IS BELOW MAIN
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
// ALWAYS check arg before using argv
if (argc < 2 )
fprintf( stderr, "usage: ./%s <input filename>\n", argv[0] );
FILE * infile = fopen( argv[1], "rt" );
if (!infile)
fprintf( stderr, "Cant open %s for read.\n", argv[1] );
char *buffer=NULL; // no buffer (char array) has been allocated yet. Mygetline will allocate space to this ptr
int lineNum=0;
// Mygetline will only return a non null pointer if it read something into the buffer for you to print.
// Otherwise it will return with a NULL in buffer to indicate there is no line to print.
while ( mygetline( &buffer, infile ) ) // while mygetline() equvalent to while mygetline != NULL
printf("%2d: %s", ++lineNum, buffer );
free ( buffer ); // Since mygetline malloc'd a string, so you must free it before reusing that buffer
fclose( infile );
return (EXIT_SUCCESS );
/* ------------------------------- F U N C T I O N D E F I N I T I O N S ------------------------------ */
Takes a char ** and allocates a small array of chars. Then reads from the stream into
the char array. If it does not get the entire line in the first read it repeats until it gets the whole
line, doubling the array size each try. Once the entire string is read in the newline is preserved and
null char terminator added after the newline.
After this is done it returns the pointer to the buffer containing the string.
Your input file MUST have a newline at the very end of the file or this function becomes a bit messy to write.
buffer is the addr of the buffer ptr. This buffer ptr needs to be modified
each time the buffer is doubled. This is why we don't just pass in a copy
of the buffer ptr but instead pass in the address of the buffer ptr (i.e. a char **).
infile is a ptr to a FILE object that is assumed to be a text stream that is opened and ready for reading using fgets()
FYI: if your input file is not terminated by a newline then your logic becomes more complicated.
In this case it is not enough to just teest the return value of fgets for NULL to know if you have
reached EOF and are done reading. If there is not a newline at the end of your file then you must
make a read attempt and let that read atempt fail before a call to feof() know that EOF has been
encountered. Just becasue you have already read in the last value and have actually reached EOF
does not mean feof() will return true. You must attempt a read and that read fail because there
is nothing more there. In the absence of a terminating \n char a failed failed read attempt is
required to sets the internal EOF flag to true. Then the next call to feof() will return true.
char * mygetline( char **buffer, FILE * infile )
/* use calloc it will fill array with NULL chars. Thus first time you call strlen on the buffer
it will return 0 instead of segfaulting.
int buffSiz = 10;
*buffer = calloc( buffSiz, 1 );
/* make a read with fgets and store the result of the call into a ptr var
i.e. char * result = fgets( ... you figure out what to put here .. );
char * result = fgets(*buffer + strlen(*buffer), buffSiz - strlen(*buffer), infile);
Look at result value. if it's NULL then
fgets did not find anything in the file to read into the buffer
you must free the memory used by the buffer (give it back to the heap)
now you should return NULL the caller so caller understands not to try to print the buffer
if (result == NULL)
return NULL;
Otherwise if it's not NULL then fgets put something into the buffer. You must determine
whether fgets got the entire line into the buffer or if fgets only got a part of the line into
the buffer. You can determine this by testing the buffer for presence of '\n' char
(Ask TA abour strchr)
//printf("%s\n", result);
char * pchr;
pchr = strchr(*buffer, '\n');
If you got the entire line then just return *buffer ( not buffer, not **buffer )
If you did not get the full line then
realloc the buffer to be twice as big
go back to the top of the loop and read again
if (pchr != NULL)
return *buffer;
//printf("realloc to size %d\n", buffSiz);
buffSiz = buffSiz * 2;
*buffer = realloc(*buffer, buffSiz);
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