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Last active March 1, 2018 20:41
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const {get} = require('axios')
const unzip = require('yauzl')
const eventStream = require('event-stream')
const keys = {
agency: ['agency_id'],
stops: ['stop_id'],
calendar: ['service_id'],
calendar_dates: ['date', 'service_id'],
routes: ['route_id'],
trips: ['trip_id']
const filteredProperties = {
agency: ['agency_id', 'agency_name'],
calendar: ['service_id', 'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday', 'sunday', 'start_date', 'end_date'],
calendar_dates: ['service_id', 'date', 'exception_type'],
routes: ['agency_id', 'route_id', 'route_long_name', 'route_short_name', 'text'],
stops: ['stop_id', 'stop_lat', 'stop_lon', 'stop_name', 'parent_station'],
stop_times: ['arrival_time', 'departure_time', 'stop_id', 'stop_sequence', 'trip_id'],
transfers: ['from_stop_id', 'to_stop_id', 'transfer_type', 'min_transfer_time'],
trips: ['route_id', 'service_id', 'trip_id', 'trip_headsign', 'trip_short_name', 'direction_id'],
fare_attributes: [],
fare_rules: [],
shapes: [],
frequencies: [],
feed_info: []
const indexInLatLong = (acc, value, {lat = value.stop_lat, long = value.stop_lon}) => {
const index = ('' + Math.trunc(lat * 100)).padStart(5) + ',' + ('' + Math.trunc(long * 100)).padStart(5)
const previousValue = acc[index]
return Object.assign(acc, previousValue ? {[index]: previousValue.concat(value)} : {[index]: [value]})
const nestData = (result, tableName, primaryKeyId, newValue) => {
let parentTable = result[tableName]
let table = result[tableName]
let savedKey = primaryKeyId
for (let key of primaryKeyId || []) {
savedKey = key
parentTable = table
const newEntry = {[newValue[key]]: []}
if (key !== primaryKeyId[primaryKeyId.length - 1]) parentTable.push(newEntry)
table = Object.values(newEntry)[0]
return parentTable.push(savedKey ? {[newValue[savedKey]]: newValue} : newValue)
const reduceArrays = entry => ({[entry[0]]: entry[1].reduce((acc, value) => {
const propertyName = Object.entries(value)[0][0]
const propertyValue = Object.entries(value)[0][1]
if (Array.isArray(propertyValue) && Object.keys(propertyValue[0]).length === 1) {
const smallerEntry = Object.entries(propertyValue[0])[0]
return Object.assign(acc, {[propertyName]: Object.assign(acc[propertyName] || {},
reduceArrays([smallerEntry[0], [smallerEntry[1]]]))})
if(typeof propertyValue === 'string') {
return Object.assign(acc, value)
return Object.assign(acc, {[propertyName]:
acc[propertyName] && acc[propertyName].length ? acc[propertyName].concat(propertyValue) :
acc[propertyName] ? [acc[propertyName], propertyValue] :
propertyValue})}, {})})
const asStream = data => global.window ? new Buffer(new Uint8Array(data)) : data
const urlToDataStructure = url => {
let result = {}
return get(url, {responseType: 'arraybuffer'})
.then(({data}) => new Promise(resolve => unzip.fromBuffer(asStream(data), {lazyEntries: true},
(err, zipfile) => {
if (err) throw err
zipfile.on('entry', entry =>
zipfile.openReadStream(entry, (err, oneEntry) => {
if (err) throw err
oneEntry.on('end', () => zipfile.readEntry())
.pipe(, callback) => {
const splitData = data.split(',').map(cell => cell.replace(/^['"](.*)['"]/, '$1'))
const tableName = entry.fileName.replace('.txt', '')
const primaryKeyId = keys[tableName]
const newValue = (result[entry.fileName] || []).map((label, i) => ({[label]: splitData[i]}))
.reduce((acc, value) => filteredProperties[tableName].includes(Object.keys(value)[0]) ?
Object.assign(acc, value) : acc, {})
if (!result[entry.fileName]) return Object.assign(result, {[entry.fileName]: splitData}, {[tableName]: []})
return nestData(result, tableName, primaryKeyId, newValue) && callback()
zipfile.on('end', () => resolve(result))
.then(data => Object.entries(data).reduce((acc, value) => Object.assign(acc, value[0].endsWith('.txt') ? {} :
!keys[value[0]] ? {[value[0]]:value[1]} :
reduceArrays(value)), {}))
.then(data => Object.assign(data,
{stop_times_by_stop_id: data.stop_times.reduce((acc, stopTime) =>
Object.assign(acc, {[stopTime.stop_id]:(acc[stopTime.stop_id]||[]).concat(stopTime)}), {}),
stop_times_by_trip_id: data.stop_times.reduce((acc, stopTime) =>
Object.assign(acc, {[stopTime.trip_id]:(acc[stopTime.trip_id]||[]).concat(stopTime)}), {})}))
.then(data => Object.assign(data,
{stops_by_lat_long: Object.values(data.stops).reduce((acc, value) =>
indexInLatLong(acc, value, {lat: parseFloat(value.stop_lat), long: parseFloat(value.stop_lon)})
, value, {lat: parseFloat(value.stop_lat) + 0.01, long: parseFloat(value.stop_lon)})
, value, {lat: parseFloat(value.stop_lat), long: parseFloat(value.stop_lon) + 0.01})
, value, {lat: parseFloat(value.stop_lat) - 0.01, long: parseFloat(value.stop_lon)})
, value, {lat: parseFloat(value.stop_lat), long: parseFloat(value.stop_lon) - 0.01}), {})}))
const mergeDatasets = datasets => datasets.reduce((result, dataset) =>
Object.keys(dataset).map(file => !result[file] ? {[file]: dataset[file]} :
Array.isArray(dataset[file]) ? {[file]: result[file].concat(dataset[file])} :
{[file]: Object.assign(result[file], dataset[file])}).reduce((acc, value) => Object.assign({}, acc, value)), {})
module.exports = zips => Promise.all(
const distance = ([long1, lat1], [long2, lat2]) => Math.sqrt(Math.pow(long2 - long1, 2) + Math.pow(lat2 - lat1, 2))
const computeDayOfWeek = (y, m, d) => {
const t = [0, 3, 2, 5, 0, 3, 5, 1, 4, 6, 2, 4]
const days = ['sunday', 'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday']
const y1 = m < 3 ? y - 1 : y
return days[(y1 + Math.trunc(y1/4) - Math.trunc(y1/100) + Math.trunc(y1/400) + t [m - 1] + d) % 7]
const nearestTo = ({lat, long}, gtfs) => {
const candidates = ((gtfs
.stops_by_lat_long||[])[('' + Math.trunc(lat * 100)).padStart(5) + ',' + ('' + Math.trunc(long * 100)).padStart(5)]||[])
.filter(station => station.parent_station)
const closestStation = candidates.reduce((a, b) =>
distance([long, lat], [a.stop_lon, a.stop_lat]) < distance([long, lat], [b.stop_lon, b.stop_lat]) ? a : b,
const firstCandidates = candidates.filter(station =>
station.stop_lon === closestStation.stop_lon && station.stop_lat === closestStation.stop_lat)
const parents = => station.parent_station ? gtfs.stops[station.parent_station] : null)
.filter(station => station)
return firstCandidates.concat(parents)
const timetable = ({gtfs, coordinates, stopPoints = nearestTo(coordinates, gtfs), date, time = '00:00:00',
dayOfWeek = computeDayOfWeek(parseInt(date.substring(0, 4)),
parseInt(date.substring(4, 6)),
parseInt(date.substring(6, 8)))}) => =>
.map(stopTime => Object.assign({stopTime}, {trip:gtfs.trips[stopTime.trip_id]}))
.map(stopTimeTrip => Object.assign(stopTimeTrip, {route:gtfs.routes[stopTimeTrip.trip.route_id]}))
.map(stopTimeTripRoute=> Object.assign(stopTimeTripRoute, {[stopTimeTripRoute.route.agency_id]}))
.map(stopTimeTripRouteAgency => Object.assign(stopTimeTripRouteAgency, {service:gtfs.calendar[stopTimeTripRouteAgency.trip.service_id]}))
.map(stopTimeTripRouteAgencyService => Object.assign(stopTimeTripRouteAgencyService,
.map(row => Object.assign(row, {stops:gtfs.stop_times_by_trip_id[row.stopTime.trip_id].map(stopTime =>
Object.assign({stopTime}, {stop: gtfs.stops[stopTime.stop_id]}))}))
.filter(row => (!row.service || (row.service.start_date.localeCompare(date) <= 0 &&
row.service.end_date.localeCompare(date) >= 0 && row.service[dayOfWeek] === '1')) &&
(! || !== '2') &&
row.stopTime.arrival_time.localeCompare(time) >= 0)
.sort((row1, row2) => row1.stopTime.arrival_time.localeCompare(row2.stopTime.arrival_time)))
.reduce((acc, value) => acc.concat(value), [])
const asDeparturesData = gtfsResult => => ({
savedNumber: gtfsDeparture.trip.trip_id,
stop_date_time: {
base_departure_date_time: gtfsDeparture.stopTime.departure_time,
dataToDisplay: {
name: gtfsDeparture.route.route_short_name,
number: gtfsDeparture.trip.trip_headsign,
direction: gtfsDeparture.stops.slice(-1)[0].stop.stop_name,
time: `${('' + (parseInt(gtfsDeparture.stopTime.departure_time.split(':')[0]) % 24)).padStart(2, '0')}:${gtfsDeparture.stopTime.departure_time.split(':')[1]}`,
stops: => capitalize(stopData.stop.stop_name))}}))
module.exports = {nearestTo, timetable, asDeparturesData}
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