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razwan / _baseline.scss
Created April 14, 2014 16:20
Aligning type to baseline the right way with SASS
$base-font-size: 16px;
$base-line-height: 1.5;
// this value may vary for each font
// unitless value relative to 1em
$cap-height: 0.68;
@mixin baseline($font-size, $scale: 2) {
balupton /
Last active September 29, 2018 18:31
Responsive layouts in stylus

Responsive layouts in stylus

Why this way?

  1. There is no span1..15 styles, instead your css defines your layout and your html remains semantic and not polluted with display information. As it should be.

  2. The markup is incredibly easy, you specify the wrappers width, and then each columns width in percentages. Every other grid framework I've found is incredibly complicated with this.

  3. It allows you to have the exact same markup, and completely different styles for different devices, resolutions, stylesheets, whatever. As it should be.