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Last active July 29, 2023 18:16
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class DateTimemilli { ... } #<=== predeclare unfinished class
#| declare operator multi in outer scope since this is where you want to use it
multi sub infix:«>»(DateTimemilli:D $a, DateTimemilli:D $b --> Bool:D) #<=== use magic brackets
say $a;
say $b;
return False;
#| I think delegation is a better model here
#| Otherwise you have to catch millisec in 'new' constructor and redispatch to parent
class DateTimemilli {
has Int $.millisecond;
has DateTime $!dt handles *; #<== so yep this handles all the methods except your overrides
multi method TWEAK {
my $second = $!millisecond / 1000;
$!dt = =>'2023-12-24'), #<== maybe an Instant would be better than DateTime
hour => 0,
minute => 0,
:$second, #<== pass it your value
timezone => 1);
method gist()
my $start = millisecond => 2000 );
my $end = millisecond => 3000 );
say $start > $end;
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