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Last active June 6, 2021 20:52
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Low Profile Quoting for HTML as Raku Script
#slightly tweaked example of gfldex Low profile quoting post
#in Comma IDE set ⌘, - editor - color scheme - raku - bad syntax OFF
constant term:<§> = class :: does Associative {
sub qh($s) {
$s.trans([ '<' , '>' , '&' ] =>
[ '&lt;', '&gt;', '&amp;' ])
sub et($k) {
my @empty-tags = <area base br col hr img input link meta param command keygen source>;
' /' if $k ~~ @empty-tags.any
sub qa(%_) {{
if .value ~~ Bool && True { .key }
else {.key ~ '="' ~ .value ~ '"' }
}).join(' ')
role NON-QUOTE {}
method AT-KEY($key) {
when $key ~~ /^ '&' / {
$key does NON-QUOTE
when $key ~~ /\w+/ {
sub (*@a, *%_) {
'<' ~ $key ~ (+%_ ?? ' ' !! '')
~ qa(%_) ~ et($key) ~ '>'
~{ $^a ~~ NON-QUOTE ?? $^a !! $^a.&qh }).join('')
~ ( et($key) ?? '' !! '</' ~ $key ~ '>' )
) does NON-QUOTE
sub pretty-print-html(Str $html is rw --> Str) {
$html ~~ s:g/'<' <!before \/>/$?NL\</;
$html ~~ s:g/'><'/\>$?NL\</;
return '<!DOCTYPE html>' ~ $html;
my $css = q:to/END/;
#demoFont {
font-size: 16px;
color: #ff0000;
my $action = '';
my $cf-name = 'p6steve';
my $cf-email = '';
my $cf-subject = 'Raku does HTML';
my $cf-message = 'Describe your feelings about this...';
my $size = <40>;
my $pattern = <[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+>;
my $html =
§<style>(:type<text/css>, $css),
§<form>(:$action, :method<post>,
§<p>('Your Name (required)'),
§<input>(:type<text>, :required, :name<cf-name>, :value($cf-name), :$size, :$pattern,),
§<p>('Your Email (required)'),
§<input>(:type<email>, :required, :name<cf-email>, :value($cf-email), :$size,), #email type validates input
§<p>('Your Subject (required)'),
§<input>(:type<text>, :required, :name<cf-subject>, :value($cf-subject), :$size, :$pattern,),
§<p>(:id<demoFont>, 'Your Message (required)'),
§<p>(§<textarea>(:rows<10>, :cols<35>, :required, :name<cf-message>, $cf-message, ),),
§<input>(:type<submit>, :name<cf-submitted>, :value<Send>,),
put pretty-print-html($html);
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