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Licheng Yu lichengunc

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def tokenize(sent, token_to_ix=None):
words = re.sub(r"([.,'!?\"()*#:;])",
).replace('-', ' ').replace('/', ' ').split()
if token_to_ix:
return [wd if wd in token_to_ix.keys() else 'UNK' for wd in words]
return words
We will load:
1) collected data = [{id, dataset, dataset_image_id, file_path, sent, split, bbox(xywh/None)}]
2) VQA questions = [{question, question_id, image_id}]
3) VG (on coco) questions = [{question, question_id, image_id}]
to make a full token_to_ix table.
Besides, we use the above to tokenize collected sentences, and make the follows:
1) token_to_ix : token -> ix
2) split_to_iids : split -> img_ids
import cv2
import csv
import copy
import sys
import time
import pickle
import os
import os.path as osp
import itertools
import numpy as np
This code will take as abstract class and implement the two important
1) __len__ : len(dataset) returns the size of the dataset
2) __getitem__: dataset[i] can be used to get i-th sample
data_json has
0. refs: [{ref_id, ann_id, box, image_id, split, category_id, sent_ids, att_wds}]
1. images: [{image_id, ref_ids, file_name, width, height, h5_id}]
2. anns: [{ann_id, category_id, image_id, box, h5_id}]
def get_best_view_points(h3d, obj_id, args):
# obj info
obj = h3d.objects[obj_id]
obj_conn_map =[obj_id][0]
obj_point_cands = np.argwhere( (obj_conn_map > args.min_conn_dist) & (obj_conn_map <= args.max_conn_dist) )
# don't search too many for saving time
if obj_point_cands.shape[0] > args.num_samples:
perm = np.random.permutation(obj_point_cands.shape[0])[:args.num_samples]
obj_point_cands = obj_point_cands[perm]
lichengunc / gist:185391c5757858bfadda3b42283947f5
Created June 23, 2018 22:59
get best-view position for target object
def _get_best_yaw_obj_from_pos(self, obj_id, grid_pos, height=1.0, use_iou=True):
obj = self.objects[obj_id]
obj_fine_class = obj['fine_class']
cx, cy =[0], grid_pos[1]) = cx = height = cy
best_yaw, best_coverage, best_mask = None, 0, None
LanguageRankingCriterion: takes [logp0, logp1] as input computing the ranking loss.
class LanguageRankingCriterion(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, margin=1.):
super(LanguageRankingCriterion, self).__init__()
self.margin = margin
def forward(self, logprobs, target):
lichengunc /
Created February 16, 2018 22:42
For Jie's project
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.autograd import Variable
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
class RNNEncoder(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, vocab_size, word_embedding_size, word_vec_size, hidden_size, bidirectional=False,
input_dropout_p=0, dropout_p=0, n_layers=1, rnn_type='lstm', variable_lengths=True):
super(RNNEncoder, self).__init__()
lichengunc / Beam Search (PPL ranked)
Created March 6, 2017 21:31
Beam Search (PPL ranked)
Implement beam search
function layer:sample_beam(imgs, opt)
local beam_size = utils.getopt(opt, 'beam_size', 10)
local batch_size, feat_dim = imgs:size(1), imgs:size(2)
local function compare(a,b) return a.p > b.p end -- used downstream
local function compare_ppl(a, b) return a.ppl < b.ppl end -- used upstream
assert(beam_size <= self.vocab_size+1, 'lets assume this for now, otherwise this corner case causes a few headaches down the road. can be dealt with in future if needed')