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Licheng Yu lichengunc

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lichengunc / Beam Search (PPL ranked)
Created March 6, 2017 21:31
Beam Search (PPL ranked)
Implement beam search
function layer:sample_beam(imgs, opt)
local beam_size = utils.getopt(opt, 'beam_size', 10)
local batch_size, feat_dim = imgs:size(1), imgs:size(2)
local function compare(a,b) return a.p > b.p end -- used downstream
local function compare_ppl(a, b) return a.ppl < b.ppl end -- used upstream
assert(beam_size <= self.vocab_size+1, 'lets assume this for now, otherwise this corner case causes a few headaches down the road. can be dealt with in future if needed')
lichengunc /
Created February 16, 2018 22:42
For Jie's project
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.autograd import Variable
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
class RNNEncoder(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, vocab_size, word_embedding_size, word_vec_size, hidden_size, bidirectional=False,
input_dropout_p=0, dropout_p=0, n_layers=1, rnn_type='lstm', variable_lengths=True):
super(RNNEncoder, self).__init__()
LanguageRankingCriterion: takes [logp0, logp1] as input computing the ranking loss.
class LanguageRankingCriterion(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, margin=1.):
super(LanguageRankingCriterion, self).__init__()
self.margin = margin
def forward(self, logprobs, target):
lichengunc / gist:185391c5757858bfadda3b42283947f5
Created June 23, 2018 22:59
get best-view position for target object
def _get_best_yaw_obj_from_pos(self, obj_id, grid_pos, height=1.0, use_iou=True):
obj = self.objects[obj_id]
obj_fine_class = obj['fine_class']
cx, cy =[0], grid_pos[1]) = cx = height = cy
best_yaw, best_coverage, best_mask = None, 0, None
def get_best_view_points(h3d, obj_id, args):
# obj info
obj = h3d.objects[obj_id]
obj_conn_map =[obj_id][0]
obj_point_cands = np.argwhere( (obj_conn_map > args.min_conn_dist) & (obj_conn_map <= args.max_conn_dist) )
# don't search too many for saving time
if obj_point_cands.shape[0] > args.num_samples:
perm = np.random.permutation(obj_point_cands.shape[0])[:args.num_samples]
obj_point_cands = obj_point_cands[perm]
This code will take as abstract class and implement the two important
1) __len__ : len(dataset) returns the size of the dataset
2) __getitem__: dataset[i] can be used to get i-th sample
data_json has
0. refs: [{ref_id, ann_id, box, image_id, split, category_id, sent_ids, att_wds}]
1. images: [{image_id, ref_ids, file_name, width, height, h5_id}]
2. anns: [{ann_id, category_id, image_id, box, h5_id}]
import cv2
import csv
import copy
import sys
import time
import pickle
import os
import os.path as osp
import itertools
import numpy as np
We will load:
1) collected data = [{id, dataset, dataset_image_id, file_path, sent, split, bbox(xywh/None)}]
2) VQA questions = [{question, question_id, image_id}]
3) VG (on coco) questions = [{question, question_id, image_id}]
to make a full token_to_ix table.
Besides, we use the above to tokenize collected sentences, and make the follows:
1) token_to_ix : token -> ix
2) split_to_iids : split -> img_ids
def tokenize(sent, token_to_ix=None):
words = re.sub(r"([.,'!?\"()*#:;])",
).replace('-', ' ').replace('/', ' ').split()
if token_to_ix:
return [wd if wd in token_to_ix.keys() else 'UNK' for wd in words]
return words