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Comparison of SCAP-Security-Guide XCCDF and OVAL XML to EasySCAP YAML version
<definition class="compliance" id="oval:ssg:def:671" version="1">
<title>Verify /etc/passwd Permissions</title>
<affected family="unix">
<platform>Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6</platform>
<description>This test makes sure that /etc/passwd is owned by 0, group owned by 0, and has mode 0644. If
the target file or directory has an extended ACL then it will fail the mode check.</description>
<reference source="swells" ref_id="20130831" ref_url="test_attestation"/>
<reference source="ssg" ref_id="file_permissions_etc_passwd"/></metadata>
<criterion test_ref="oval:ssg:tst:672"/>
<Rule id="file_permissions_etc_passwd" selected="false" severity="medium">
<title xml:lang="en-US">Verify Permissions on passwd File</title>
<description xmlns:xhtml="" xml:lang="en-US">
To properly set the permissions of <xhtml:code>/etc/passwd</xhtml:code>, run the command:
<xhtml:pre xml:space="preserve"># chmod 0644 /etc/passwd</xhtml:pre>
<reference href="">AC-6</reference>
<reference href="">225</reference>
<reference xmlns:dc="" href="test_attestation">
<rationale xmlns:xhtml="" xml:lang="en-US">If the <xhtml:code>/etc/passwd</xhtml:code> file is writable by a group-owner or the
world the risk of its compromise is increased. The file contains the list of
accounts on the system and associated information, and protection of this file
is critical for system security.</rationale>
<ident system="">CCE-26868-0</ident>
<check system="">
<check-content-ref name="oval:ssg:def:671" href="ssg-rhel6-oval.xml"/>
<check system="ocil-transitional">
<check-export export-name="it does not" value-id="conditional_clause"/>
<check-content xmlns:xhtml="">
To check the permissions of <xhtml:code>/etc/passwd</xhtml:code>, run the command:
<xhtml:pre>$ ls -l /etc/passwd</xhtml:pre>
If properly configured, the output should indicate the following permissions:
id: xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_rule_file_permissions_etc_passwd
severity: medium
title: Verify Permissions on passwd File
description: |
`/etc/passwd`, run the command:
~~~~ {xml:space="preserve"}
# chmod 0644/etc/passwd
rationale: |
`/etc/passwd` file is writable by a group-owner or the world the risk of
its compromise is increased. The file contains the list of accounts on
the system and associated information, and protection of this file is
critical for system security.
- href:
value: AC-6
- href:
value: '225'
- href: test_attestation
dc:contributor: DS
dc:date: '20121026'
- system:
value: CCE-26868-0
- type: '{}file_test'
check: all
check_existence: all_exist
'{}filepath': /etc/passwd
datatype: boolean
value: 'false'
datatype: boolean
value: 'false'
datatype: boolean
value: 'false'
datatype: boolean
value: 'false'
datatype: boolean
value: 'false'
datatype: boolean
value: 'false'
datatype: boolean
value: 'false'
datatype: boolean
value: 'false'
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