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Created February 21, 2014 17:04
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Pass objects to an Excel worksheet
#requires -Version 3.0
Export an object's properties to a new Excel Worksheet.
Using COM will create a new visible instance of Excel and insert an object's NoteProperties
row by row. You can optionally exclude the property Names from the first row and also choose
on what row to start inserting cell values.
Author : Lido Paglia <>
Date : 02/21/2014 09:54:48
Tags : Excel, COM, Object,
Comments : An example of launching Excel and pasting in object values as suggested by Doug Finke
in response to my previous gist on pasting object data from PowerShell to Excel:
<>. I find this method, while automated, to be
rather slow. Perhaps there is a better approach. I also had difficulty with how to
provide an estimated completion time to write-progress while still supporting pipeline
input. Also need to address an issue with errors writing cell data for object properties
that appear to be empty collections. The ServicesDependedOn property of a ServiceController
object is an example of where this issue surfaces.
.PARAMETER InputObject
The InputObject to export to Excel.
.PARAMETER ExcludeHeaders
Optional parameter that will exclude writing the proeprty names of the object
.PARAMETER StartingRow
Optional integer value for the Excel row to start inserting object data. The starting row
must be a positive integer greater than 0.
Optional parameter to pass objects through the pipeline.
[System.Object] You can pipe objects to Export-ExcelWorksheet.
[System.Object] Export-ExcelWorksheet optionally returns the input object to the pipeline using
the PassThru parameter.
Export-ExcelWorksheet -InputObject (Get-Service)
dir | select Name,FullName | Export-ExcelWorksheet
Get-ADComputer -Filter * | Export-ExcelWorksheet
Export-ExcelWorksheet -inputobject $computers[0..1] -ExcludeHeaders -StartingRow 3 -PassThru
function Export-ExcelWorksheet
[ValidateScript({if($_ -gt 0){$true}else{
throw "StartingRow must be greater than 0."}})]
[int]$StartingRow = 1,
$Excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application -ErrorAction Stop
$Excel.visible = $true
throw $_.Exception.Message
Write-Progress -Activity "Exporting object to Excel" -Status "Pasting to Excel."
foreach($Object in $InputObject)
Write-Progress -Activity "Exporting object to Excel" -Status "Pasting property names."
$Properties = $Object | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty,Property
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Properties.count; $i++)
$Workbook.ActiveSheet.Cells.Item(1, $i+1).Value2 = $Properties[$i].Name
$ExcludeHeaders = $true
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Properties.count; $i++)
Write-Progress -Activity "Exporting object to Excel" -Status "Pasting object Record at Row: $StartingRow"
$CellValue = $Object.($Properties[$i].Name)
if(($CellValue).Count -gt 1)
$CellValue = $CellValue -join ', '
if($CellValue -ne $null)
$Workbook.ActiveSheet.Cells.Item($StartingRow, $i+1).Value2 = $CellValue
Write-Error "Could not export data to Excel (Cell: $StartingRow, $($i+1)) for Object Property: $($Properties[$i].Name)"
Write-Progress -Activity "Exporting object to Excel" -Completed -Status "Finished."
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