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Created March 4, 2014 03:33
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Save lidopaglia/9339827 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Prompts the user to select a choice.
#requires -Version 4.0
function Read-PromptForChoice
Prompts the user to select a choice.
Given a title, message, and ordered hashtable of options Read-PromptForChoice will call the
PromptForChoice method of the PSHostUserInterface class. This provides a uniform and friendly
experience when you have a need to prompt the user to interactively make a decision in response
to actions carried out in script.
Author : Lido Paglia <>
Date : 01/25/2014 21:20:49
The text to display preceeding the choice. In the ISE this title is displayed in the window title.
Some text that describes the choice. This is secondary to the title. In the ISE this text appears
as the message box text.
A collection of options specified as an ordered hashtable. The object supplied to the Options parameter
must be an Ordered hash table. The 'Name' value is the text displayed on the menu button in the ISE or the
full option text in the Console Host. The 'Value' corresponds to the help message text for each supplied option.
This help text can be accessed in the shell by typing [?] for help or in the ISE by hovering over the button choice.
None. You cannot pipe objects to Read-PromptForChoice.
System.Int32. Read-PromptForChoice returns an integer value corresponding to the order of menu options provided.
Read-PromptForChoice -Title "Hi, I'm a Title" -Message "This is the message." -Options ([ordered]@{Yes='You know you want to.';No='Just say no.'})
$PromptParams = @{
Title = "WARNING: Uneven Names"
Message = "The list of names are uneven. Want to pick a name to use more than once?"
Options = ([ordered]@{
Yes = "Select someone to use more than once."
No = "Quit."
$result = Read-PromptForChoice @PromptParams
switch ($result)
0 {$Dupe = $Names | Out-GridView -Outputmode Single}
1 {return}
[scriptblock]$sb = {Get-Process}
$PromptParams = @{
Title = "List running Services or Processes"
Message = "Want to run Get-Service or Get-Process?"
Options = ([ordered]@{
Service = "execute Get-Service"
Process = "execute Get-Process"
Cancel = "Quit"
$result = Read-PromptForChoice @PromptParams
switch ($result)
0 {Get-Service}
1 {Invoke-Command $sb}
2 {return}
$varOptions = @()
$Options.GetEnumerator() | foreach {
$varParams = @{
Name = $_.Name
Value = (New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&$($_.Name)", "$($_.Value)")
$varOptions += @(New-Variable @varParams -PassThru -Force)
$Host.UI.PromptForChoice($title, $message, ($varOptions.GetEnumerator().Value), 0)
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