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Last active April 27, 2022 20:24
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# traefik.toml
debug = false
checkNewVersion = false
logLevel = "INFO"
defaultEntryPoints = ["http","https"]
InsecureSkipVerify = true
address = ":80"
entryPoint = "https"
address = ":443"
minVersion = "VersionTLS12"
cipherSuites = [
email = "$EMAIL"
storage = "traefik/acme/account"
#storageFile = "./acme.json"
entryPoint = "https"
onDemand = true
onHostRule = true
#caServer = ""
entryPoint = "http"
main = "${DOMAIN}"
address = ":8080"
endpoint = "https://consul.consul.svc.cluster.local:8443"
watch = true
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