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Forked from smhanov/OpenType.ts
Created January 26, 2021 19:24
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Here is my implementation of a TrueType font reader in Typescript. You can read a font directly from an ArrayBuffer, and then call drawText() to draw it. See my article
// By Steve Hanov
// Released to the public domain on April 18, 2020
//import { log } from "./log"
// Usage:
declare let arrayBuffer:ArrayBuffer;
let font = new TrueTypeFont(arrayBuffer);
// Draw 15 pixel high "hello world" at x, y on canvas context ctx
font.drawText(ctx, "hello world", x, y, 15);
// This is a stand-in for my own logging framework. Replace with yours.
let log = {
create(prefix: string) {
return (...args:any[]) => {
function assert(condition: boolean, message = "Assertion failed.") {
if (!condition) {
throw new Error(message);
class BinaryReader {
private pos = 0;
getUint8: () => number;
readonly length: number;
constructor(dataIn: string | ArrayBuffer) {
if (typeof dataIn === "string") {
this.length = dataIn.length;
this.getUint8 = () => {
assert(this.pos < dataIn.length);
return dataIn.charCodeAt(this.pos++) & 0xff;
} else {
let data = new Uint8Array(dataIn);
this.length = data.length;
this.getUint8 = () => {
assert(this.pos < data.length);
return data[this.pos++];
log = log.create("BinaryReader");
seek(pos: number) {
assert(pos >= 0 && pos <= this.length);
var oldPos = this.pos;
this.pos = pos;
return oldPos;
tell() {
return this.pos;
getUint16() {
return ((this.getUint8() << 8) | this.getUint8()) >>> 0;
getUint32() {
return this.getInt32() >>> 0;
getInt16() {
var result = this.getUint16();
if (result & 0x8000) {
result -= (1 << 16);
return result;
getInt32() {
return ((this.getUint8() << 24) |
(this.getUint8() << 16) |
(this.getUint8() << 8) |
getFword() {
return this.getInt16();
getUFword() {
return this.getUint16();
get2Dot14() {
return this.getInt16() / (1 << 14);
getFixed() {
return this.getInt32() / (1 << 16);
getString(length: number) {
var result = "";
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result += String.fromCharCode(this.getUint8());
return result;
getUnicodeString(length: number) {
var result = "";
for (var i = 0; i < length; i += 2) {
result += String.fromCharCode(this.getUint16());
return result;
getDate() {
var macTime = this.getUint32() * 0x100000000 + this.getUint32();
var utcTime = macTime * 1000 + Date.UTC(1904, 1, 1);
return new Date(utcTime);
interface CMap {
readonly format: number;
map(charCode: number): number;
Cmap format 0 is just a direct mapping from one byte to the glyph index.
class TrueTypeCmap0 implements CMap {
format = 0;
array: number[] = [];
constructor(file: BinaryReader, length: number) {
for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
var glyphIndex = file.getUint8();
this.log(" Glyph[%s] = %s", i, glyphIndex);
log = log.create("CMAP0");
map(charCode: number) {
if (charCode >= 0 && charCode <= 255) {
//this.log("charCode %s maps to %s", charCode, this.array[charCode]);
return this.array[charCode];
return 0;
interface Segment {
idRangeOffset: number;
startCode: number;
endCode: number;
idDelta: number;
Cmap format 4 is a list of segments which can possibly include gaps
class TrueTypeCmap4 implements CMap {
format = 4;
cache: { [key: number]: number } = {};
segments: Segment[];
constructor(private file: BinaryReader, length: number) {
var i, segments: Segment[] = [];
// 2x segcount
var segCount = file.getUint16() / 2;
// 2 * (2**floor(log2(segCount)))
var searchRange = file.getUint16();
// log2(searchRange)
var entrySelector = file.getUint16();
// (2*segCount) - searchRange
var rangeShift = file.getUint16();
// Ending character code for each segment, last is 0xffff
for (i = 0; i < segCount; i++) {
idRangeOffset: 0,
startCode: 0,
endCode: file.getUint16(),
idDelta: 0
// reservePAd
// starting character code for each segment
for (i = 0; i < segCount; i++) {
segments[i].startCode = file.getUint16();
// Delta for all character codes in segment
for (i = 0; i < segCount; i++) {
segments[i].idDelta = file.getUint16();
// offset in bytes to glyph indexArray, or 0
for (i = 0; i < segCount; i++) {
var ro = file.getUint16();
if (ro) {
segments[i].idRangeOffset = file.tell() - 2 + ro;
} else {
segments[i].idRangeOffset = 0;
for(i = 0; i < segCount; i++) {
var seg = segments[i];
this.log("segment[%s] = %s %s %s %s", i,
seg.startCode, seg.endCode, seg.idDelta, seg.idRangeOffset);
this.segments = segments;
log = log.create("CMAP4");
map(charCode: number) {
if (!(charCode in this.cache)) {
for (var j = 0; j < this.segments.length; j++) {
var segment = this.segments[j];
if (segment.startCode <= charCode && segment.endCode >=
charCode) {
var index, glyphIndexAddress;
if (segment.idRangeOffset) {
glyphIndexAddress = segment.idRangeOffset + 2 *
(charCode - segment.startCode);;
index = this.file.getUint16();
} else {
index = (segment.idDelta + charCode) & 0xffff;
this.log("Charcode %s is between %s and %s; maps to %s (%s) roffset=%s",
charCode, segment.startCode, segment.endCode,
glyphIndexAddress, index, segment.idRangeOffset);
this.cache[charCode] = index;
if (j === this.segments.length) {
this.cache[charCode] = 0;
return this.cache[charCode];
class Kern0Table {
swap: boolean;
offset: number;
nPairs: number;
map: { [key: number]: number } = {};
oldIndex = -1;
private file: BinaryReader,
vertical: boolean,
cross: boolean) {
this.swap = vertical && !cross || !vertical && cross;
this.file = file;
this.offset = file.tell();
this.nPairs = file.getUint16();
file.getUint16(); // searchRange
file.getUint16(); // entrySelector
file.getUint16(); // rangeShift
for (var i = 0; i < this.nPairs; i++) {
var left = file.getUint16();
var right = file.getUint16();
var value = file.getFword();[(left << 16) | right] = value;
//this.log("Kern %s/%s->%s", left, right, value);
log = log.create("KERN0");
reset() {
this.oldIndex = -1;
get(glyphIndex: number) {
var x = 0;
if (this.oldIndex >= 0) {
var ch = (this.oldIndex << 16) | glyphIndex;
if (ch in {
x =[ch];
//this.log("Lookup kern pair %s/%s -> %s (%s)",
// this.oldIndex, glyphIndex, x, ch);
this.oldIndex = glyphIndex;
if (this.swap) {
return {
x: 0,
y: x
} else {
return {
x: x,
y: 0
interface Table {
checksum: number;
offset: number;
length: number;
interface Point {
x: number;
y: number;
onCurve: boolean;
class GylphComponent {
points: Point[] = [];
interface Glyph {
contourEnds: number[];
numberOfContours: number;
points: Point[];
xMin: number;
xMax: number;
yMin: number;
yMax: number;
export class TrueTypeFont {
private file: BinaryReader;
private cmaps: CMap[] = [];
private kern: Kern0Table[] = [];
private tables: { [key: string]: Table };
private length: number;
private scalarType = 0;
private searchRange = 0;
private entrySelector = 0;
private rangeShift = 0;
private version = 0;
private fontRevision = 0;
private checksumAdjustment = 0;
private magicNumber = 0;
private flags = 0;
private unitsPerEm = 0;
private created = new Date();
private modified = new Date();
private xMin = 0;
private yMin = 0;
private xMax = 0;
private yMax = 0;
private macStyle = 0;
private lowestRecPPEM = 0;
private fontDirectionHint = 0;
private indexToLocFormat = 0;
private glyphDataFormat = 0;
public fullName = "";
public fontFamily = "";
private fontSubFamily = "";
public postscriptName = "";
public ascent = 0;
public descent = 0;
public lineGap = 0;
public advanceWidthMax = 0;
public minLeftSideBearing = 0;
public minRightSideBearing = 0;
public xMaxExtent = 0;
public caretSlopeRise = 0;
public caretSlopeRun = 0;
public caretOffset = 0;
public metricDataFormat = 0;
public numOfLongHorMetrics = 0;
constructor(data: ArrayBuffer | string) {
this.file = new BinaryReader(data);
this.tables = this.readOffsetTables(this.file);
this.length = this.glyphCount();
log = log.create("TrueType");
readOffsetTables(file: BinaryReader) {
Mandatory tables:
- cmap
- glyf
- head
- hhead
- hmtx
- loca
- maxp
- name
- post
var tables: { [key: string]: Table } = {};
this.scalarType = file.getUint32();
var numTables = file.getUint16();
this.searchRange = file.getUint16();
this.entrySelector = file.getUint16();
this.rangeShift = file.getUint16();
for (var i = 0; i < numTables; i++) {
var tag = file.getString(4);
tables[tag] = {
checksum: file.getUint32(),
offset: file.getUint32(),
length: file.getUint32()
if (tag !== 'head') {
this.log("Table %s has checksum 0x%s", tag,
//assert(this.calculateTableChecksum(file, tables[tag].offset,
// tables[tag].length) === tables[tag].checksum);
return tables;
calculateTableChecksum(file: BinaryReader, offset: number,
length: number) {
var old =;
var sum = 0;
var nlongs = ((length + 3) / 4) >>> 0;
this.log("nlongs=%s length=%s", nlongs, length);
while (nlongs--) {
sum = (sum + file.getUint32()) >>> 0;
this.log("Checksum calculated is 0x%s", sum.toString(16));
return sum;
readHeadTable(file: BinaryReader) {
assert("head" in this.tables);["head"].offset);
this.version = file.getFixed();
this.fontRevision = file.getFixed();
this.checksumAdjustment = file.getUint32();
this.magicNumber = file.getUint32();
assert(this.magicNumber === 0x5f0f3cf5);
this.flags = file.getUint16();
this.unitsPerEm = file.getUint16();
this.created = file.getDate();
this.modified = file.getDate();
this.xMin = file.getFword();
this.yMin = file.getFword();
this.xMax = file.getFword();
this.yMax = file.getFword();
this.macStyle = file.getUint16();
this.lowestRecPPEM = file.getUint16();
this.fontDirectionHint = file.getInt16();
this.indexToLocFormat = file.getInt16();
this.glyphDataFormat = file.getInt16();
readCmapTable(file: BinaryReader) {
assert("cmap" in this.tables);
var tableOffset = this.tables["cmap"].offset;;
var version = file.getUint16(); // must be 0
var numberSubtables = file.getUint16();
// tables must be sorted by platform id and then platform specific
// encoding.
for (var i = 0; i < numberSubtables; i++) {
// platforms are:
// 0 - Unicode -- use specific id 6 for full coverage. 0/4 common.
// 1 - MAcintosh (Discouraged)
// 2 - reserved
// 3 - Microsoft
var platformID = file.getUint16();
var platformSpecificID = file.getUint16();
var offset = file.getUint32();
this.log("CMap platformid=%s specificid=%s offset=%s", platformID,
platformSpecificID, offset);
if (platformID === 3 && (platformSpecificID <= 1)) {
this.readCmap(file, tableOffset + offset);
// use format 0 table preferably.
//this.cmaps.sort(function(a, b) {
// return a.format - b.format;
readCmap(file: BinaryReader, offset: number) {
var oldPos =;
var format = file.getUint16();
var length = file.getUint16();
var language = file.getUint16();
var cmap;
this.log(" Cmap format %s length %s", format, length);
if (format === 0) {
cmap = new TrueTypeCmap0(file, length);
} else if (format === 4) {
cmap = new TrueTypeCmap4(file, length);
if (cmap) {
readKernTable(file: BinaryReader) {
if (!("kern" in this.tables)) {
var tableOffset = this.tables["kern"].offset;;
var version = file.getUint16(); // version 0
var nTables = file.getUint16();
this.log("Kern Table version: %s", version);
this.log("Kern nTables: %s", nTables);
for (var i = 0; i < nTables; i++) {
version = file.getUint16(); // subtable version
var length = file.getUint16();
var coverage = file.getUint16();
var format = coverage >> 8;
var cross = coverage & 4;
var vertical = (coverage & 0x1) === 0;
this.log("Kerning subtable version %s format %s length %s coverage: %s",
version, format, length, coverage);
var kern = null;
if (format === 0) {
kern = new Kern0Table(file, vertical, cross != 0);
} else {
this.log("Unknown format -- skip"); + length);
if (kern) {
readNameTable(file: BinaryReader) {
assert("name" in this.tables);
var tableOffset = this.tables["name"].offset;;
var format = file.getUint16(); // must be 0
var count = file.getUint16();
var stringOffset = file.getUint16();
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
var platformID = file.getUint16();
var platformSpecificID = file.getUint16();
var languageID = file.getUint16();
var nameID = file.getUint16();
var length = file.getUint16();
var offset = file.getUint16();
var old = + stringOffset + offset);
var name;
if (platformID === 0 || platformID === 3) {
name = file.getUnicodeString(length);
} else {
name = file.getString(length);
this.log("Name %s/%s id %s language %s: %s",
platformID, platformSpecificID, nameID, languageID, name);;
switch (nameID) {
case 1:
this.fontFamily = name;
case 2:
this.fontSubFamily = name;
case 4:
this.fullName = name;
case 6:
this.postscriptName = name;
readHheaTable(file: BinaryReader) {
assert("hhea" in this.tables);
var tableOffset = this.tables["hhea"].offset;;
var version = file.getFixed(); // 0x00010000
this.ascent = file.getFword();
this.descent = file.getFword();
this.lineGap = file.getFword();
this.advanceWidthMax = file.getUFword();
this.minLeftSideBearing = file.getFword();
this.minRightSideBearing = file.getFword();
this.xMaxExtent = file.getFword();
this.caretSlopeRise = file.getInt16();
this.caretSlopeRun = file.getInt16();
this.caretOffset = file.getFword();
file.getInt16(); // reserved
file.getInt16(); // reserved
file.getInt16(); // reserved
file.getInt16(); // reserved
this.metricDataFormat = file.getInt16();
this.numOfLongHorMetrics = file.getUint16();
getHorizontalMetrics(glyphIndex: number) {
assert("hmtx" in this.tables);
var file = this.file;
var old =["hmtx"].offset + 4);
var offset = this.tables["hmtx"].offset;
let advanceWidth, leftSideBearing;
if (glyphIndex < this.numOfLongHorMetrics) {
offset += glyphIndex * 4;
old =;
advanceWidth = file.getUint16();
leftSideBearing = file.getInt16();
} else {
// read the last entry of the hMetrics array
old = + (this.numOfLongHorMetrics - 1) * 4);
advanceWidth = file.getUint16(); + this.numOfLongHorMetrics * 4 +
2 * (glyphIndex - this.numOfLongHorMetrics));
leftSideBearing = file.getFword();
return {
advanceWidth: advanceWidth,
leftSideBearing: leftSideBearing
glyphCount() {
assert("maxp" in this.tables);
var old =["maxp"].offset + 4);
var count = this.file.getUint16();;
return count;
getGlyphOffset(index: number) {
assert("loca" in this.tables);
var table = this.tables["loca"];
var file = this.file;
var offset, old, next;
if (this.indexToLocFormat === 1) {
old = + index * 4);
offset = file.getUint32();
next = file.getUint32();
} else {
old = + index * 2);
offset = file.getUint16() * 2;
next = file.getUint16() * 2;
if (offset === next) {
// indicates glyph has no outline( eg space)
return 0;
//this.log("Offset for glyph index %s is %s", index, offset);
return offset + this.tables["glyf"].offset;
readGlyph(index: number): Glyph | null {
var offset = this.getGlyphOffset(index);
var file = this.file;
if (offset === 0 ||
offset >= this.tables["glyf"].offset + this.tables["glyf"].length) {
return null;
assert(offset >= this.tables["glyf"].offset);
assert(offset < this.tables["glyf"].offset + this.tables["glyf"].length);;
var glyph = {
contourEnds: [],
numberOfContours: file.getInt16(),
points: [],
xMin: file.getFword(),
yMin: file.getFword(),
xMax: file.getFword(),
yMax: file.getFword()
assert(glyph.numberOfContours >= -1);
if (glyph.numberOfContours === -1) {
this.readCompoundGlyph(file, glyph);
} else {
this.readSimpleGlyph(file, glyph);
return glyph;
readSimpleGlyph(file: BinaryReader, glyph: Glyph) {
var ON_CURVE = 1,
X_IS_BYTE = 2,
Y_IS_BYTE = 4,
X_DELTA = 16,
Y_DELTA = 32;
glyph.contourEnds = [];
var points: Point[] = glyph.points = [];
for (var i = 0; i < glyph.numberOfContours; i++) {
// skip over intructions + file.tell());
if (glyph.numberOfContours === 0) {
var numPoints = Math.max.apply(null, glyph.contourEnds) + 1;
var flags: number[] = [];
for (i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
var flag = file.getUint8();
x: 0,
y: 0,
onCurve: (flag & ON_CURVE) > 0
if (flag & REPEAT) {
var repeatCount = file.getUint8();
assert(repeatCount > 0);
i += repeatCount;
while (repeatCount--) {
x: 0,
y: 0,
onCurve: (flag & ON_CURVE) > 0
function readCoords(name: "x" | "y", byteFlag: number,
deltaFlag: number, min: number, max: number) {
var value = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
var flag = flags[i];
if (flag & byteFlag) {
if (flag & deltaFlag) {
value += file.getUint8();
} else {
value -= file.getUint8();
} else if (~flag & deltaFlag) {
value += file.getInt16();
} else {
// value is unchanged.
points[i][name] = value;
readCoords("x", X_IS_BYTE, X_DELTA, glyph.xMin, glyph.xMax);
readCoords("y", Y_IS_BYTE, Y_DELTA, glyph.yMin, glyph.yMax);
readCompoundGlyph(file: BinaryReader, glyph: Glyph) {
var ARG_1_AND_2_ARE_WORDS = 1,
// RESERVED = 16
var flags = MORE_COMPONENTS;
var component;
glyph.contourEnds = [];
glyph.points = [];
while (flags & MORE_COMPONENTS) {
var arg1, arg2;
flags = file.getUint16();
component = {
glyphIndex: file.getUint16(),
matrix: {
a: 1, b: 0, c: 0, d: 1, e: 0, f: 0
destPointIndex: 0,
srcPointIndex: 0
if (flags & ARG_1_AND_2_ARE_WORDS) {
arg1 = file.getInt16();
arg2 = file.getInt16();
} else {
arg1 = file.getUint8();
arg2 = file.getUint8();
if (flags & ARGS_ARE_XY_VALUES) {
component.matrix.e = arg1;
component.matrix.f = arg2;
} else {
component.destPointIndex = arg1;
component.srcPointIndex = arg2;
if (flags & WE_HAVE_A_SCALE) {
component.matrix.a = file.get2Dot14();
component.matrix.d = component.matrix.a;
} else if (flags & WE_HAVE_AN_X_AND_Y_SCALE) {
component.matrix.a = file.get2Dot14();
component.matrix.d = file.get2Dot14();
} else if (flags & WE_HAVE_A_TWO_BY_TWO) {
component.matrix.a = file.get2Dot14();
component.matrix.b = file.get2Dot14();
component.matrix.c = file.get2Dot14();
component.matrix.d = file.get2Dot14();
this.log("Read component glyph index %s", component.glyphIndex);
this.log("Transform: [%s %s %s %s %s %s]", component.matrix.a, component.matrix.b,
component.matrix.c, component.matrix.d, component.matrix.e, component.matrix.f);
var old = file.tell();
var simpleGlyph = this.readGlyph(component.glyphIndex);
if (simpleGlyph) {
var pointOffset = glyph.points.length;
for (var i = 0; i < simpleGlyph.contourEnds.length; i++) {
glyph.contourEnds.push(simpleGlyph.contourEnds[i] +
for (i = 0; i < simpleGlyph.points.length; i++) {
var x = simpleGlyph.points[i].x;
var y = simpleGlyph.points[i].y;
x = component.matrix.a * x + component.matrix.b * y +
y = component.matrix.c * x + component.matrix.d * y +
x: x, y: y, onCurve:
glyph.numberOfContours = glyph.contourEnds.length;
if (flags & WE_HAVE_INSTRUCTIONS) { + file.tell());
drawGlyph(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, index: number, x: number, y: number) {
var glyph = this.readGlyph(index);
//this.log("Draw GLyph index %s", index);
if (glyph === null) {
return false;
var s = 0,
p = 0,
c = 0,
contourStart = 0,
for (; p < glyph.points.length; p++) {
var point = glyph.points[p];
if (s === 0) {
ctx.moveTo(point.x + x, point.y + y);
s = 1;
} else if (s === 1) {
if (point.onCurve) {
ctx.lineTo(point.x + x, point.y + y);
} else {
s = 2;
} else {
prev = glyph.points[p - 1];
if (point.onCurve) {
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(prev.x + x, prev.y + y,
point.x + x, point.y + y);
s = 1;
} else {
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(prev.x + x, prev.y + y,
(prev.x + point.x) / 2 + x,
(prev.y + point.y) / 2 + y);
if (p === glyph.contourEnds[c]) {
if (s === 2) { // final point was off-curve. connect to start
prev = point;
point = glyph.points[contourStart];
if (point.onCurve) {
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(prev.x + x, prev.y + y,
point.x + x, point.y + y);
} else {
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(prev.x + x, prev.y + y,
(prev.x + point.x) / 2 + x,
(prev.y + point.y) / 2 + y);
contourStart = p + 1;
c += 1;
s = 0;
return true;
transform(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, size: number) {
ctx.scale(size / this.unitsPerEm, -size / this.unitsPerEm);
drawText(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, text: string, x: number, y: number,
size: number) {;
ctx.translate(x, y);
this.transform(ctx, size);
x = 0;
y = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
var index = this.mapCode(text.charCodeAt(i));
var metrics = this.getHorizontalMetrics(index);
var kern = this.nextKern(index);
this.log("Metrics for %s code %s index %s: %s %s kern: %s,%s", text.charAt(i),
text.charCodeAt(i), index, metrics.advanceWidth, metrics.leftSideBearing,
kern.x, kern.y);
this.drawGlyph(ctx, index, x + kern.x,//- metrics.leftSideBearing,
y + kern.y);
x += metrics.advanceWidth;
drawSingleGlyph(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, glyphIndex: number,
x: number, y: number, size: number) {;
ctx.translate(x, y);
this.transform(ctx, size);
this.drawGlyph(ctx, glyphIndex, 0, 0);
mapCode(charCode: number) {
var index = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.cmaps.length; i++) {
var cmap = this.cmaps[i];
index =;
if (index) {
return index;
resetKern() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.kern.length; i++) {
nextKern(glyphIndex: number) {
var pt, x = 0, y = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.kern.length; i++) {
pt = this.kern[i].get(glyphIndex);
x += pt.x;
y += pt.y;
return { x: x, y: y };
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