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Last active May 5, 2016 16:45
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A toy implementation of fully monadic config
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
import Prelude hiding (mod)
import XMonad hiding (XConfig (..), get, modify,
put, xmonad)
import XMonad (XConfig (XConfig))
import qualified XMonad as X (XConfig (..), xmonad)
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Arrow (first, second)
import Data.Constraint
import XMonad.Layout.LayoutModifier (LayoutModifier, ModifiedLayout)
type IsLayout l a = (Read (l a), LayoutClass l a)
class CC m a where
dict :: forall l. IsLayout l a => m l a -> Dict (IsLayout (m l) a)
cc :: forall l. m l a -> IsLayout l a :- IsLayout (m l) a
cc x = Sub $ dict x
{-# MINIMAL dict #-}
wrapLT :: CC m a
=> (forall l. (LayoutClass l a) => l a -> m l a)
-> Layout a -> Layout a
wrapLT m (Layout la) = Layout (m la) \\ cc (m la)
newtype (f :. g) l a = O (f (g l) a)
infixl 9 :.
unO :: (f :. g) l a -> f (g l) a
unO (O fgla) = fgla
instance Read (m1 (m2 l) a) => Read ((m1 :. m2) l a) where
readsPrec i = map (first O) . readsPrec i
instance Show (m1 (m2 l) a) => Show ((m1 :. m2) l a) where
show = show . unO
instance LayoutClass (m1 (m2 l)) a => LayoutClass ((m1 :. m2) l) a where
runLayout ws@W.Workspace{W.layout = lay} =
(second (O <$>) <$>) . runLayout (ws{W.layout = unO lay})
handleMessage lay =
fmap (fmap O) . handleMessage (unO lay)
description = description . unO
instance (CC m1 a, CC m2 a) => CC (m1 :. m2) a where
dict x = Dict \\ trans (cc (unO x)) (cc undefined)
instance CC Mirror a where dict _ = Dict
instance IsLayout m a => CC (Choose m) a where dict _ = Dict
instance LayoutModifier m a => CC (ModifiedLayout m) a where dict _ = Dict
type Prime = Arr (XConfig Layout)
type Arr a = StateT a IO ()
xmonad :: Prime -> IO ()
xmonad prime = xmonad' =<< execStateT prime (def{X.layoutHook = Layout $ X.layoutHook def})
where xmonad' :: XConfig Layout -> IO ()
xmonad' cf@XConfig{ X.layoutHook = Layout l } = X.xmonad cf{ X.layoutHook = l }
modifyLayout :: (CC m Window)
=> (forall l. (LayoutClass l Window) => l Window -> m l Window)
-> Prime
modifyLayout f = modify $ \c -> c { X.layoutHook = wrapLT f $ X.layoutHook c }
-- imagine there is a function f out there somewhere:
f :: LayoutClass l a => l a -> Mirror (Choose Full l) a
f = Mirror . (Full |||)
main :: IO ()
main = xmonad $ do
-- this works OK
-- modifyLayout (Full ||| )
-- modifyLayout Mirror
-- -- this doesn't
-- modifyLayout $ Mirror . (Full |||)
-- -- this does, but is annoying
-- modifyLayout $ O . Mirror . (Full |||)
-- this is the real problem:
modifyLayout $ sq f
-- partial solution
class S l f t | f l -> t where
sq :: (l a -> f a) -> (l a -> t l a)
instance S l (m1 l) m1 where
sq = id
instance S l (m1 (m2 l)) (m1 :. m2) where
sq = sq . (O .)
instance S l (m1 (m2 (x l))) (m1 :. m2 :. x) where
sq = sq . (O .)
instance S l (m1 (m2 (m3 (x l)))) (m1 :. m2 :. m3 :. x) where
sq = sq . (O .)
instance S l (m1 (m2 (m3 (m4 (x l))))) (m1 :. m2 :. m3 :. m4 :. x) where
sq = sq . (O .)
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