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Last active August 26, 2017 11:55
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# Quicksort algorithm
# Takes in a list and a pivot index and returns a partitioned list
comparisons = 0
def read_file(filename):
with open(filename) as text_file:
numbers =
num_array = []
for number in numbers:
number = int(number)
return num_array
def quicksort(a, pivot_idx, median=False):
# Base case
if len(a) <= 1:
return a
# This rather ugly code block basically implements the median
# functionality
# Compares three elements: first, middle and last, and gets the median
# element of the three
if median is True:
if (len(a) % 2 == 0):
idx = len(a) / 2
idx = (len(a) // 2) + 1
idx = int(idx)
mid_ele = a[idx]
first_ele = a[0]
last_ele = a[-1]
temp_a = [first_ele, mid_ele, last_ele]
temp_b = [0, idx, -1]
temp_c = sorted(set(temp_a))
pivot_idx = temp_b[temp_a.index(temp_c[1])]
p = partition(a, pivot_idx);
# p[0] is the sorted array; we update its state
# p[1] is the pivot index; the element that was used as the pivot in
# the partition function
a = p[0]
pivot = p[1]
# Make recursive quicksort calls on two arrays, making sure not to
# include the pivot element
a[:pivot] = quicksort(a[:pivot], pivot_idx, median)
a[pivot+1:] = quicksort(a[pivot+1:], pivot_idx, median)
return a
def partition(a, pivot_idx):
# Move the pivot to the first element
temp = a[0]
a[0] = a[pivot_idx]
a[pivot_idx] = temp
pivot_element = a[0]
# Initialise the partition point at 1, to the right of the pivot
partition_point = 1
global comparisons
comparisons+=max(len(a)-1, 0)
#print(a, comparisons, max(len(a)-1,0))
# Iterate over the list, swapping if necessary
#print(a, pivot_idx)
for seen_array in range(1,len(a)):
if (a[seen_array] < pivot_element):
# Swap positions of seen_array and partition_point element
temp = a[partition_point]
a[partition_point] = a[seen_array]
a[seen_array] = temp
# Increment partition_point
# Swap the pivot element into the correct position
#print(a, partition_point)
temp = a[partition_point-1]
a[partition_point-1] = pivot_element
a[0] = temp
#print('sorted:', a, partition_point-1, pivot_element)
return (a, partition_point-1)
print(quicksort(read_file('QuickSort.txt')[:10], 0))
print('comparisons: {}, expected {}'.format(comparisons, 25))
print(quicksort(read_file('QuickSort.txt')[:10], -1))
print('comparisons: {}, expected {}'.format(comparisons, 29))
print(quicksort(read_file('QuickSort.txt')[:10], 1, True))
print('comparisons: {}, expected {}'.format(comparisons, 21))
quicksort(read_file('QuickSort.txt')[:100], 0)
print('comparisons: {}, expected {}'.format(comparisons, 615))
quicksort(read_file('QuickSort.txt')[:100], -1)
print('comparisons: {}, expected {}'.format(comparisons, 587))
quicksort(read_file('QuickSort.txt')[:100], 1, True)
print('comparisons: {}, expected {}'.format(comparisons, 518))
> python3
[504, 609, 2148, 3153, 5469, 6324, 7017, 7628, 7742, 9058]
comparisons: 25, expected 25
[504, 609, 2148, 3153, 5469, 6324, 7017, 7628, 7742, 9058]
comparisons: 31, expected 29
[504, 609, 2148, 3153, 5469, 6324, 7017, 7628, 7742, 9058]
comparisons: 24, expected 21
comparisons: 620, expected 615
comparisons: 573, expected 587
comparisons: 540, expected 518
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