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Last active January 4, 2016 18:39
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def stars(format, inp):
starct = 0
for c in format:
if c == '&':
starct += 1
numct = 0
for c in inp:
if not c == '.':
numct += 1
if starct < numct:
print("more digits than stars")
return '*' * (starct-numct) + inp
def commas(inp):
#for i in range(inp.find('.')-3,0, -3): #insert comma before each of these chars at these indices
for i in range(len(inp)-3,0, -3):
inp = inp[0:i] + ',' + inp[i:]
return inp
def dec(format, inp):
decplace = len(format[format.find('.')+1:])
decLoc = inp.find('.')
if not decLoc == -1:
currPlaces = len(inp[decLoc + 1:])
decLoc = len(inp)
inp = inp + '.'
currPlaces = 0
if(currPlaces <= decplace):
inp = inp + '0' * (decplace-currPlaces)
if((int(inp[decLoc + decplace + 1])) >= 5):
inp = inp[:decLoc + decplace] + (str(int(inp[decLoc + decplace]) + 1))
inp = inp[:decLoc + decplace+1]
return (inp)
def dollar(inp):
lastStarI = inp.rfind('*')
return '$' + inp[lastStarI + 1:]
def sDollar(inp):
lastStarI = inp.rfind('*')
return inp[:lastStarI + 1] + '$' + inp[lastStarI +1:]
def exp(format, inp):
oldlen = len(inp)
if not inp.find('.') == -1:
oldlen = len(inp[:inp.find('.')])
inp = inp[:inp.find('.')] + inp[inp.find('.') + 1:]
space = 0
for c in format:
if c == '&':
space += 1
if space < len(inp) and int(inp[space]) >= 5: #then round
inp = inp[:space - 1] + str(int(inp[space-1])+1)
elif space < len(inp) and int(inp[space]) < 5:
inp = inp[:space]
elif space > len(inp):
inp = inp + '0' * (space-len(inp))
inp = inp[:1] + '.' + inp[1:] + 'E' + str(oldlen - 1)
return inp
st = "&&&&E, 124353"
format, inp = st.rstrip().split(", ")[0], st.rstrip().split(", ")[1]
inp = exp(format, inp)
if not format.find('.') == -1:
inp = dec(format, inp)
inp = stars(format,inp)
if not format.find(',') == -1:
inp = commas(inp)
if format[0] == '$':
inp = dollar(inp)
if format[0] == '*':
inp = sDollar(inp)
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