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Telegram WebAPP API typings
declare namespace Telegram {
interface EventHandlers {
[eventType: string]: Function[];
interface InitParams {
tgWebAppData?: string;
tgWebAppThemeParams?: string;
tgWebAppVersion?: string;
tgWebAppPlatform?: string;
tgWebAppDebug?: boolean;
tgWebAppShowSettings?: boolean;
tgWebAppBotInline?: boolean;
interface ThemeParams {
bg_color?: string; // Optional. Background color in the #RRGGBB format.
text_color?: string; // Optional. Main text color in the #RRGGBB format.
hint_color?: string; // Optional. Hint text color in the #RRGGBB format.
link_color?: string; // Optional. Link color in the #RRGGBB format.
button_color?: string; // Optional. Button color in the #RRGGBB format.
button_text_color?: string; // Optional. Button text color in the #RRGGBB format.
secondary_bg_color?: string; // Optional. Bot API 6.1+ Secondary background color in the #RRGGBB format.
header_bg_color?: string; // Optional. Bot API 7.0+ Header background color in the #RRGGBB format.
accent_text_color?: string; // Optional. Bot API 7.0+ Accent text color in the #RRGGBB format.
section_bg_color?: string; // Optional. Bot API 7.0+ Background color for the section in the #RRGGBB format. It is recommended to use this in conjunction with secondary_bg_color.
section_header_text_color?: string; // Optional. Bot API 7.0+ Header text color for the section in the #RRGGBB format.
section_separator_color?: string; // Optional. Bot API 7.6+ Section separator color in the #RRGGBB format.
subtitle_text_color?: string; // Optional. Bot API 7.0+ Subtitle text color in the #RRGGBB format.
destructive_text_color?: string; // Optional. Bot API 7.0+ Text color for destructive actions in the #RRGGBB format.
interface PopupButton {
id?: string;
type: 'default' | 'destructive' | 'ok' | 'close' | 'cancel';
text?: string;
interface PopupParams {
title?: string;
message: string;
buttons?: PopupButton[];
interface WebAppUser {
id: number; // A unique identifier for the user or bot.
is_bot?: boolean; // Optional. True, if this user is a bot. Returns in the receiver field only.
first_name: string; // First name of the user or bot.
last_name?: string; // Optional. Last name of the user or bot.
username?: string; // Optional. Username of the user or bot.
language_code?: string; // Optional. IETF language tag of the user's language. Returns in user field only.
is_premium?: boolean; // Optional. True, if this user is a Telegram Premium user.
added_to_attachment_menu?: boolean; // Optional. True, if this user added the bot to the attachment menu.
allows_write_to_pm?: boolean; // Optional. True, if this user allowed the bot to message them.
photo_url?: string; // Optional. URL of the user’s profile photo. The photo can be in .jpeg or .svg formats. Only returned for Mini Apps launched from the attachment menu.
interface WebAppChat {
id: number;
type: 'private' | 'group' | 'supergroup' | 'channel';
title?: string;
username?: string;
photo_url?: string;
interface WebAppInitDataUnsafe {
query_id?: string; // Optional. A unique identifier for the Mini App session.
user?: WebAppUser; // Optional. An object containing data about the current user.
receiver?: WebAppUser; // Optional. An object containing data about the chat partner of the current user in the chat where the bot was launched via the attachment menu.
chat?: WebAppChat; // Optional. An object containing data about the chat where the bot was launched via the attachment menu.
chat_type?: string; // Optional. Type of the chat from which the Mini App was opened.
chat_instance?: string; // Optional. Global identifier, uniquely corresponding to the chat from which the Mini App was opened.
start_param?: string; // Optional. The value of the startattach parameter, passed via link.
can_send_after?: number; // Optional. Time in seconds, after which a message can be sent via the answerWebAppQuery method.
auth_date: number; // Unix time when the form was opened.
hash: string; // A hash of all passed parameters, which the bot server can use to check their validity.
interface WebAppInvoice {
url: string;
callback?: (status: string) => void;
interface BiometricRequestAccessParams {
reason?: string; // Optional. The text to be displayed to a user in the popup describing why the bot needs access to biometrics, 0-128 characters.
interface BiometricAuthenticateParams {
reason?: string; // Optional. The text to be displayed to a user in the popup describing why you are asking them to authenticate and what action you will be taking based on that authentication, 0-128 characters.
interface BiometricManager {
isInited: boolean; // Bot API 7.2+ Shows whether biometrics object is initialized.
isBiometricAvailable: boolean; // Bot API 7.2+ Shows whether biometrics is available on the current device.
biometricType: 'finger' | 'face' | 'unknown'; // Bot API 7.2+ The type of biometrics currently available on the device.
isAccessRequested: boolean; // Bot API 7.2+ Shows whether permission to use biometrics has been requested.
isAccessGranted: boolean; // Bot API 7.2+ Shows whether permission to use biometrics has been granted.
isBiometricTokenSaved: boolean; // Bot API 7.2+ Shows whether the token is saved in secure storage on the device.
deviceId: string; // Bot API 7.2+ A unique device identifier that can be used to match the token to the device.
init(callback?: () => void): BiometricManager; // Bot API 7.2+ A method that initializes the BiometricManager object.
requestAccess(params: BiometricRequestAccessParams, callback?: (isAccessGranted: boolean) => void): BiometricManager; // Bot API 7.2+ A method that requests permission to use biometrics.
authenticate(params: BiometricAuthenticateParams, callback?: (isAuthenticated: boolean, biometricToken?: string) => void): BiometricManager; // Bot API 7.2+ A method that authenticates the user using biometrics.
updateBiometricToken(token: string, callback?: (isUpdated: boolean) => void): BiometricManager; // Bot API 7.2+ A method that updates the biometric token in secure storage on the device.
openSettings(): BiometricManager; // Bot API 7.2+ A method that opens the biometric access settings for bots.
interface CloudStorage {
setItem(key: string, value: string, callback?: (err: any, success: boolean) => void): CloudStorage; // Bot API 6.9+ A method that stores a value in the cloud storage using the specified key.
getItem(key: string, callback: (err: any, value: string | null) => void): CloudStorage; // Bot API 6.9+ A method that receives a value from the cloud storage using the specified key.
getItems(keys: string[], callback: (err: any, values: { [key: string]: string }) => void): CloudStorage; // Bot API 6.9+ A method that receives values from the cloud storage using the specified keys.
removeItem(key: string, callback?: (err: any, success: boolean) => void): CloudStorage; // Bot API 6.9+ A method that removes a value from the cloud storage using the specified key.
removeItems(keys: string[], callback?: (err: any, success: boolean) => void): CloudStorage; // Bot API 6.9+ A method that removes values from the cloud storage using the specified keys.
getKeys(callback: (err: any, keys: string[]) => void): CloudStorage; // Bot API 6.9+ A method that receives the list of all keys stored in the cloud storage.
interface BackButton {
isVisible: boolean; // Shows whether the button is visible. Set to false by default.
onClick(callback: () => void): BackButton; // Bot API 6.1+ A method that sets the button press event handler.
offClick(callback: () => void): BackButton; // Bot API 6.1+ A method that removes the button press event handler.
show(): BackButton; // Bot API 6.1+ A method to make the button active and visible.
hide(): BackButton; // Bot API 6.1+ A method to hide the button.
interface MainButton {
text: string; // Current button text. Set to CONTINUE by default.
color: string; // Current button color. Set to themeParams.button_color by default.
textColor: string; // Current button text color. Set to themeParams.button_text_color by default.
isVisible: boolean; // Shows whether the button is visible. Set to false by default.
isActive: boolean; // Shows whether the button is active. Set to true by default.
isProgressVisible: boolean; // Readonly. Shows whether the button is displaying a loading indicator.
setText(text: string): MainButton; // A method to set the button text.
onClick(callback: () => void): MainButton; // A method that sets the button press event handler.
offClick(callback: () => void): MainButton; // A method that removes the button press event handler.
show(): MainButton; // A method to make the button visible.
hide(): MainButton; // A method to hide the button.
enable(): MainButton; // A method to enable the button.
disable(): MainButton; // A method to disable the button.
showProgress(leaveActive?: boolean): MainButton; // A method to show a loading indicator on the button.
hideProgress(): MainButton; // A method to hide the loading indicator.
setParams(params: { text?: string; color?: string; text_color?: string; is_active?: boolean; is_visible?: boolean }): MainButton; // A method to set the button parameters.
interface SettingsButton {
isVisible: boolean; // Shows whether the context menu item is visible. Set to false by default.
onClick(callback: () => void): SettingsButton; // Bot API 7.0+ A method that sets the press event handler for the Settings item in the context menu.
offClick(callback: () => void): SettingsButton; // Bot API 7.0+ A method that removes the press event handler from the Settings item in the context menu.
show(): SettingsButton; // Bot API 7.0+ A method to make the Settings item in the context menu visible.
hide(): SettingsButton; // Bot API 7.0+ A method to hide the Settings item in the context menu.
interface HapticFeedback {
impactOccurred(style: 'light' | 'medium' | 'heavy' | 'rigid' | 'soft'): HapticFeedback; // Bot API 6.1+ A method that tells that an impact occurred.
notificationOccurred(type: 'error' | 'success' | 'warning'): HapticFeedback; // Bot API 6.1+ A method that tells that a task or action has succeeded, failed, or produced a warning.
selectionChanged(): HapticFeedback; // Bot API 6.1+ A method that tells that the user has changed a selection.
interface WebApp {
initData: string;
initDataUnsafe: WebAppInitDataUnsafe;
version: string;
platform: string;
colorScheme: string;
themeParams: ThemeParams;
isExpanded: boolean;
viewportHeight: number;
viewportStableHeight: number;
isClosingConfirmationEnabled: boolean;
headerColor: string;
backgroundColor: string;
BackButton: BackButton;
MainButton: MainButton;
SettingsButton: SettingsButton;
HapticFeedback: HapticFeedback;
CloudStorage: CloudStorage;
BiometricManager: BiometricManager;
setHeaderColor(color_key: string): void;
setBackgroundColor(color: string): void;
enableClosingConfirmation(): void;
disableClosingConfirmation(): void;
isVersionAtLeast(ver: string): boolean;
onEvent(eventType: string, callback: Function): void;
offEvent(eventType: string, callback: Function): void;
sendData(data: string): void;
switchInlineQuery(query: string, choose_chat_types?: string[]): void;
openLink(url: string, options?: { try_instant_view?: boolean, try_browser?: boolean }): void;
openTelegramLink(url: string): void;
openInvoice(url: string, callback?: (status: string) => void): void;
showPopup(params: PopupParams, callback?: (button_id: string | null) => void): void;
showAlert(message: string, callback?: () => void): void;
showConfirm(message: string, callback?: (result: boolean) => void): void;
showScanQrPopup(params: { text?: string }, callback?: (data: string | null) => boolean): void;
closeScanQrPopup(): void;
readTextFromClipboard(callback: (data: string | null) => void): void;
requestWriteAccess(callback: (status: boolean) => void): void;
requestContact(callback: (status: boolean, response?: any) => void): void;
invokeCustomMethod(method: string, params: any, callback?: (err: any, res: any) => void): void;
ready(): void;
expand(): void;
close(options?: { return_back?: boolean }): void;
interface Utils {
urlSafeDecode(urlencoded: string): string;
urlParseQueryString(queryString: string): { [key: string]: string | null };
urlParseHashParams(locationHash: string): { [key: string]: any };
urlAppendHashParams(url: string, addHash: string): string;
sessionStorageSet(key: string, value: any): boolean;
sessionStorageGet(key: string): any;
type WebAppEventHandler = () => void;
type WebAppEventHandlerWithState = (params: { isStateStable: boolean }) => void;
type WebAppEventHandlerWithUrlStatus = (params: { url: string; status: 'paid' | 'cancelled' | 'failed' | 'pending' }) => void;
type WebAppEventHandlerWithButtonId = (params: { button_id: string | null }) => void;
type WebAppEventHandlerWithData = (params: { data: string | null }) => void;
type WebAppEventHandlerWithStatus = (params: { status: 'allowed' | 'cancelled' | 'sent' }) => void;
type WebAppEventHandlerWithAuth = (params: { isAuthenticated: boolean; biometricToken?: string }) => void;
type WebAppEventHandlerWithUpdate = (params: { isUpdated: boolean }) => void;
const WebView: {
initParams: InitParams;
isIframe: boolean;
onEvent(eventType: 'themeChanged', eventHandler: WebAppEventHandler): void;
onEvent(eventType: 'viewportChanged', eventHandler: WebAppEventHandlerWithState): void;
onEvent(eventType: 'mainButtonClicked', eventHandler: WebAppEventHandler): void;
onEvent(eventType: 'backButtonClicked', eventHandler: WebAppEventHandler): void;
onEvent(eventType: 'settingsButtonClicked', eventHandler: WebAppEventHandler): void;
onEvent(eventType: 'invoiceClosed', eventHandler: WebAppEventHandlerWithUrlStatus): void;
onEvent(eventType: 'popupClosed', eventHandler: WebAppEventHandlerWithButtonId): void;
onEvent(eventType: 'qrTextReceived', eventHandler: WebAppEventHandlerWithData): void;
onEvent(eventType: 'clipboardTextReceived', eventHandler: WebAppEventHandlerWithData): void;
onEvent(eventType: 'writeAccessRequested', eventHandler: WebAppEventHandlerWithStatus): void;
onEvent(eventType: 'contactRequested', eventHandler: WebAppEventHandlerWithStatus): void;
onEvent(eventType: 'biometricManagerUpdated', eventHandler: WebAppEventHandler): void;
onEvent(eventType: 'biometricAuthRequested', eventHandler: WebAppEventHandlerWithAuth): void;
onEvent(eventType: 'biometricTokenUpdated', eventHandler: WebAppEventHandlerWithUpdate): void;
offEvent(eventType: string, callback: Function): void;
postEvent(eventType: string, callback: Function | false, eventData?: any): void;
receiveEvent(eventType: string, eventData: any): void;
callEventCallbacks(eventType: string, func: (callback: Function) => void): void;
const Utils: Utils;
const WebApp: WebApp;
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